This contains examples scripts for using tuyapower
This example script reads a JSON file (devices.json) to get name, device ID and device key for a set of smart devices to poll. It will use the tuyapower network scanning function to discover the IP address for these devices. It will then loop through each device and display state (on/off) and any power data that may be available (for devices that monitor power).
The devices.json file can be created from the output of the "tuya-cli wizard" command to gather ID and Keys for all devices registered on your network. Information on how to do this is in the tuyapower README. You can also watch this great 'Tech With Eddie YouTube tutorial that will walk you through getting your Tuya device keys:
Note: the output of the "tuya-cli wizard" command is improperly formatted JSON. I'm using the demjson module to read the dirty JSON so that you can simply copy and paste the output from the "tuya-cli wizard" command into the devices.json file.
Loading Tuya Keys...
4 device keys loaded
Scanning network for Tuya devices...
14 devices found
Polling devices...
[Smart Plug -] - Off - Power: 0.0W, 0.0mA, 118.6V
[Fan -] - On
[Fridge -] - On - Power: 53.4W, 475.0mA, 120.1V
[Powerstrip -] - 4 Switches: 1:On 2:Off 3:Off 4:Off