#Welcome to Glimpse for Node.js!
This is a prototype for a Glimpse implementation for the node.js development stack. Glimpse is a request-level debugging tool that is is intended to provide real-time diagnostics & insights. It was originally authored for .net, and we'd like to bring a similiar offering to the Node.js community.
Glimpse is quite popular amongst .net developers, and we're exploring what it means to bring analogous functionality to Node.js.
Very Rough Instructions:
- We're currently running Node version 5.3.0. If you encounter problems on other versions of Node, please open an issue.
- Clone the Glimpse Node.js prototype.
- Run npm install in the following directories:
- \src\glimpse.agent
- \src\glimpse.server
- \samples\express.test.app
- cd to Glimpse.Node.Prototype/express.test.app and run "node ./bin/www"
- Open the express app in your browser at http://localhost:3000/.
- Click around the page, and you'll generate some messages that will get stored in the .net server.
- Note the Glimpse Heads Up Display (HUD) that appears in the bottom of your browser window.
- Point your browser at http://localhost:3000/glimpse/client/index.html to see all requests.
- Click on each request to see its details.
- Click on http://localhost:3000/glimpse/message-history/?types=begin-request,end-request to see the raw message history in json format.