HTMLMlet is extends J2SE JPanel, setting CSS for JComponent is a magical function, when initialize this component, the server convert it to HTML5+JavaScript+CSS in real time for mobile, when user inputs, convert them to J2SE events and dispatch to listeners of JComponents.
Focusing UI and business with J2SE/Java/JRuby technology, all other work is left to container.
let's do following three steps to delivery a cross-platform cloud app with J2SE+CSS.
open "designer" on server, (if not setup server, see part "Appendix - Installation Development Environment").
the project "MyFirst" is opened as default.
click "Add Item" button on toolbar, it will display as following :
select "form", click "Next" :
select "HTMLMlet", click "OK".
change "Display Name" as "HTMLMlet", "Target Locator" as "MyHTMLMlet".
paste following codes to "JRuby Script". (Note : for demo, button image is downloaded from net, in your practices, putting images in jar is good choice. )
import javax.swing.JButton
import javax.swing.JTextArea
import javax.swing.JPanel
import java.awt.BorderLayout
import java.awt.GridLayout
import javax.swing.ImageIcon
import java.awt.Dimension
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import javax.swing.SwingConstants
import Java::hc.server.ui.ProjectContext
class MyHTMLMlet < Java::hc.server.ui.HTMLMlet
def initialize
super #invoke super construct method
@area =
@btn_light =
@btn_switch =
@icon_press_on ="")))
@icon_press_off ="")))
@context = getProjectContext()
@icon_light_on ="")))
@icon_light_off ="")))
@isLightOn = false
@btn_switch.setToolTipText("light,lumière,Licht,빛,свет,灯")#speak 'light' to open this form. (opening once is required, build-in lucene will record it for voice command )
setCSS(@btn_switch, "iconStyle", nil)#iconStyle is defined global (as following) and is automatically loaded for all HTMLMlet in current project
setCSS(@btn_light, "iconStyle", nil)
buttonStyle = ".btnStyle{width:100%;height:100%;border-radius: " + getButtonHeight().to_s() + "px;display: block;transition: all 0.15s ease;border: 0.1em solid #4fc08d;background-color: #fff;color: #42b983;}"
areaStyle = ".areaStyle{width:100%;height:100%;border: 1px solid #fff;font-size:" + getFontSizeForNormal().to_s() + "px;background-color:#fff;color:#42b983}"
loadCSS(buttonStyle + areaStyle)
setCSS(@area, "areaStyle", nil)#areaStyel is defined cssStyle string.
#it equals with setCSS(@area, nil, "width:100%;height:100%;font-size:" + getFontSizeForNormal().to_s() + "px;color:green")
lightPanel =
lightPanel.setLayout(, 2))
@area.append("click switch\n")
@isLightOn = !@isLightOn
if @isLightOn
@context.sendMovingMsg("light on")
@context.sendMovingMsg("light off")
buttonPanel =
buttonPanel.setLayout(, 2))
buttonPanel.setPreferredSize(, getButtonHeight()))
setCSS(buttonPanel, nil, "background-color:white;")
button ="Screen")
setCSSForDiv(button, "btnForDiv", nil)
setCSS(button, "btnStyle", nil)
go(Java::hc.server.ui.Mlet::URL_SCREEN)#open desktop of server for remote access
button ="Back")
setCSSForDiv(button, "btnForDiv", nil)
setCSS(button, "btnStyle", nil)
back()#exit and return back
add(lightPanel, BorderLayout::NORTH)
add(@area, BorderLayout::CENTER)
add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout::SOUTH)
#override empty method onStart
def onStart
@area.append("Sys call onStart\n")
#override empty method onPause
def onPause
@area.append("Sys call onPause\n")
#override empty method onResume
def onResume
@area.append("Sys call onResume\n")
#override empty method onExit
def onExit
@context.tipOnTray("Sys call onExit")
Note :
to download button image from net, the internet permission is required, click "My Project" node, click "Permission" tab, un-check "limit socket/connect".
click "Resources/CSS Styles" on the left tree, putting following CSS to"Styles Edit Area".
.iconStyle {
transition: all 0.15s ease;
border: 1px solid #fff;
background-color: #fff;
display: inline-block;
box-sizing: border-box;
.btnForDiv {
padding:0.2em;/*default box-sizing: border-box;*/
display: table-cell;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: center;
click "Activate" button on toolbar, server will query to save or not, click"Yes", then server will reload current project, displaying following means OK :
congratulation, HTMLMlet is ready, access it from mobile client now!
to delivery the project, input the download URL into "MyFirst/Upgrade URL", click "Save As" button to export project. (if you had created "Developer Certificates", project will be signed also when export)
upload two files (the extension is har and had), generate QR image to download had, tell your friends to scan it from client to add the project to their servers.
- liking JavaScript, ScriptPanel comes for you.
- through the voice assistant API, in response to the mobile voice commands, to achieve more magical and interesting application scenarios.
- build-in HSQLDB.
- click "Demo" to load demo project, it covers more than 80% JRuby grammar and more than 90% frequently functions.
- Java 8 API, Ruby 2.2.0 and CSS 2.2 documents are included in code editor.
- without any changes, it can run on Android, because there is a open source "J2SE for Android" library on the server for Android (it will transcode jar to dex when adding project).
- for the newer source codes of server, please click
- JRE 7 (Java Runtime Environment) or JDK 7 (Java SE Development Kit) or later is required, for install, open
- install HomeCenter, open, download package for your OS, for example, the package for Windows is "".
- install client for mobile, open
- unzip package, double click batch or script to start server, for example, Windows is "HomeCenter.bat"; Mac is "HomeCenter.command".
- it will download the newer kernel of server.
- agree license and continue.
- input Email for account. Note : you can verify Email later.
- when server successful line on, it display as following :
- server will download JRuby engine background for first installation. It is a jar library, about 20M, when it is OK, then shows :
- congratulation, all is ready for develop HAR (Home Archive) project! (if you are end user, and don't want to develop HAR, login with mobile client, scan QR code from friends or providers to install HAR project, plug is play)
- click "OK" to enter designer, it shows like this :
- the mechanism of server : the load unit is HAR (Home Archive), it is jar file and encapsulate scripts, icons, executable jar on which it depends. Don't worry about delivery project, just clicking "Save As" to export and sign project. The server is not only container, but also designer (Note : the server for Android is not a designer). HAR runs on JRuby engine. JRuby is a pure-Java implementation of the Ruby interpreter that combines the simplicity of the Ruby language with the powerful JVM execution mechanism, including full integration with the Java library.