WARNING: DEPRECATED SINCE https://developer.playbattlegrounds.com/ LAUNCH
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds API Wrapper with Redis caching.
The API is maintained and provided by https://pubgtracker.com and all credits go to them. Thank you :D
It caches all http requests for 5 minutes in Redis.
npm install -S pubg-api-redis
First, generate your development APIKEY from PUBG Tracker (https://pubgtracker.com/site-api)
const {PubgAPI, PubgAPIErrors, REGION, SEASON, MATCH} = require('pubg-api-redis');
// If no Redis configuration it wont be cached
const api = new PubgAPI({
apikey: 'XXXXX',
redisConfig: {
host: '',
port: 6379,
expiration: 300, // Optional - defaults to 300.
.then((profile) => {
const data = profile.content;
const stats = profile.getStats({
region: REGION.ALL, // defaults to profile.content.selectedRegion
season: SEASON.EA2017pre3, // defaults to profile.content.defaultSeason
match: MATCH.SOLO // defaults to SOLO
.then((account) => {
Example output with profile.getStats()
"region": "eu",
"defaultRegion": "eu",
"season": "2017-pre3",
"defaultSeason": "2017-pre3",
"match": "solo",
"lastUpdated": "2017-08-26T07:04:22.1761241Z",
"playerName": "fak3zito",
"performance": {
"killDeathRatio": 3.9,
"winRatio": 12.59,
"timeSurvived": 172745.7,
"roundsPlayed": 143,
"wins": 18,
"winTop10Ratio": 0.38,
"top10s": 48,
"top10Ratio": 33.57,
"losses": 125,
"winPoints": 1862
"skillRating": {
"rating": 2274,
"bestRating": 2289.04,
"bestRank": 35
"perGame": {
"damagePg": 412.52,
"headshotKillsPg": 1,
"healsPg": 2.63,
"killsPg": 3.41,
"moveDistancePg": 3869.1,
"revivesPg": "0",
"roadKillsPg": 0.02,
"teamKillsPg": 0.01,
"timeSurvivedPg": 1208.01,
"top10sPg": 0.34
"combat": {
"kills": 488,
"assists": 34,
"suicides": 1,
"teamKills": 1,
"headshotKills": 143,
"headshotKillRatio": 0.29,
"vehicleDestroys": 10,
"roadKills": 3,
"dailyKills": 20,
"weeklyKills": 85,
"roundMostKills": 14,
"maxKillStreaks": 2,
"weaponAcquired": "0"
"survival": {
"days": 21,
"longestTimeSurvived": 2183.97,
"mostSurvivalTime": 2183.97,
"avgSurvivalTime": 1208.01
"distance": {
"walkDistance": 295931.8,
"rideDistance": 257349.8,
"moveDistance": 553281.6,
"avgWalkDistance": 2069.45,
"avgRideDistance": 1799.65,
"longestKill": 483.63
"support": {
"heals": 376,
"revives": "0",
"boosts": 427,
"damageDealt": 58990.98,
"dBNOs": "0"
"rankData": {
"wins": 518,
"rating": 263,
"kills": 59,
"winPoints": 518
You can run tests with your development API KEY stored in environment variable
PUBG_APIKEY=<your-api-key> npm t