The goal of preprocS2 is to provide a common framework for the preprocessing of
Level-2A Sentinel-2 images.
Sentinel-2 L2A images can be produced or obtained from various data hubs or
atmospheric correction methods.
provides a unique function to read, crop, resample the original image
directory, and write it as a raster stack.
The full functionality of preprocS2
requires installation and parameterization
of various package.
An important package to install is sen2r
as it allows to download Sentinel-2 images.
Please refer to the sen2r
installation guide if you want to access to
atmospheric correction and Sentinel-2 download from the
[Google Cloud Sentinel-2 bucket](Google Cloud
the package bigRaster
should also be used for full functionality :
Once devtools
, bigRaster
and sen2r
installed, install the package preprocS2
with the following command line in R session:
A tutorial vignette is available here.
Sentinel-2 data can be accessed via various hubs including:
- Copernicus Open Access Hub, which provides complete, free and open access to Sentinel-2 data
- PEPS, la 'Plateforme d'Exploitation de Produits Sentinel'
mainly aims at processing Level 2A Sentinel-2 products delivered by an atmospheric correction algorithm, such as
However, it produce L2A images from L1C images with sen2cor through the R package
if this package is properly parameterized.
This research was supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, France) through the young researchers project BioCop (ANR-17-CE32-0001)