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File metadata and controls

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Getting Started with OpenConfig

This testbed demonstrates a basic BGP peering deployment using OpenConfig data models. It uses two ASBRs (asbr1 and asbr2) and a Linux host acting as a controller where the automation scripts are executed. The controller uses the following open source tools:

  • Configuration management: YANG development kit (YDK)
  • Streaming telemetry: Pipeline and Kafka

Configuration changes are implemented in Python with YDK using the Openconfig interface and BGP models. Operational validations are implemented in Python using a simple Kafka consumer that monitors interface and BGP session state using the respective OpenConfig models.

Accessing Testbed Devices

The two ASBRs (asbr1 and asbr2) and the controller share a common management network. They are reachable via ssh using the following addresses:

  • asbr1 -
  • asbr2 -
  • controller - All devices use the same username/password credentials (admin/admin).

Recommended Demo Execution

Deployment and withdrawal of peers is acomplished with two dedicated scripts that take as input a peer configuration file in JSON format. The structure of the peer configuration is arbitrary and is not based on a specific data model. Both the deployment and withdrawal scripts are idempotent.

These are the contents of the peer configuration file:

admin@controller:~$ cd demo
admin@controller:demo$ cat peers.json 
  "asbr": {
    "name": "asbr1",
    "address": "",
    "as": 65001
  "peers": [{
    "address": "",
    "as": 65002,
    "group": "EBGP",
    "interface": {
      "name": "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0",
      "description": "Peering with AS65002",
      "address": "",
      "netmask": 24

The configuration file defines one peer for asbr1. The peering details include the desired BGP and interface configuration. Note the peering device has been partially pre-configured with BGP global and peer group configuration, in addition to a basic route policy and appropriate telemetry sensors to stream BGP and interface state.

Here is a sample execution of the deployment script using the peer configuration file as input:

admin@controller:demo$ ./ peers.json 
02:50:29.978416: Loading peer config ................................. [ OK ]
02:50:29.979221: Initializing connections ............................ [ OK ]
02:50:31.431766: Configure peer interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 ..... [ OK ]
02:50:36.080111: Configure BGP peer ...................... [ OK ]

Each task is confirmed with an OK if it is completed successfully. For the BGP and interface configuration tasks in particular, successful completion is only reported if the proper operational state is validated using the BGP and interface state that asbr1 streams. If validation can't be completed after 60 seconds, the configuration task execution reports a FAIL completion.

Here is a sample execution of the withdrawal script using the peer configuration file as input:

admin@controller:demo$ ./ peers.json 
03:33:21.460814: Loading peer config ................................. [ OK ]
03:33:21.461946: Initializing connections ............................ [ OK ]
03:33:22.755176: Remove peer interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 ........ [ OK ]
03:33:24.362452: Remove BGP peer ......................... [ OK ]

The widthdrawal script does not make use of telemetry data for validation.

Exploring Individual Tasks

Individual tasks can be executed with the following scripts:

These scripts take their input from command line arguments. They do not make use of the peer configuration file (peers.json). You can experiment using different inputs and executing the scripts against any of the two ASBRs. The file includes the invocation of each script with arguments equivalent to the data in the configuration file (peers.json)

Tool Chain Configuration

Pipeline, Kafka (including Zookeeper) run on separate docker containers:

admin@controller:demo$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                        NAMES
111b9c10c0af        pipeline:1.0.0                  "/pipeline -log=/dat…"   7 weeks ago         Up 19 hours                                                      pipeline
7f28639cfa6b        confluent/kafka:    "/usr/local/bin/kafk…"   7 weeks ago         Up 19 hours>9092/tcp                       kafka
5ab7a5f9e685        confluent/zookeeper:3.4.6-cp1   "/usr/local/bin/zk-d…"   7 weeks ago         Up 19 hours         2888/tcp,>2181/tcp, 3888/tcp   zookeeper

YDK is installed directly on the controller host:

admin@controller:demo$ pip3 list | grep ydk
ydk                   0.7.1                 
ydk-models-ietf       0.1.5                 
ydk-models-openconfig 0.1.5                 

You can experiment re-configuring the collector. The configuration file (pipeline.conf) can be found at:

admin@controller:~$ ls demo/telemetry/pipeline/pipeline.conf 

Note that you need to restart the Pipeline container for the configuration changes to take effect.
