#Simple Geospatial Library Simple reusable geospatial functions. Geohash, point in polygon, nearest point, quad trees, etc.
This project contains core classes and structures needed for the other projects.
Anything data structure wise should go here. Tree based algorithms as an example.
This is where IO operations for WKB, WKT, SHP, DBF, etc should be contained.
Mercator projections, Transverse Mercator, etc
This is a demo app showcasing raster tile rendering and various usage of the other systems. There should be some WKT layers, WKB files, and SHP files that can be read into memory then partitioned into a quad tree. This quad tree is queried for each tile X/Y for bitmap rendering.
This is a docker based app and will require you to provide your own mapbox key as an variable. The following command should be ran at the .sln level. Navigate to http:://localhost:9000 to view the project.
docker image build -t geospatial.web -f .\Geospatial.Web\Dockerfile .
docker container run -d -p 9000:80 geospatial.web
Navigate to the directory for Geospatial.Web where the package.json file is located. You will need to run
npm install
npm run build
- Potentiall move projections into the Core project. Transverse mercator coordinates are needed for proper polygon area results using shoelace method.
- Unit test for all projects with > 70% code coverage.
- Research C# mapbox vector tile implementation / alternative to raster tiles.
- Update docker-compose.yml to to include elastisearch/kibana
- Update docker-compose.yml to include redis
- Update geospatial projects to use serilog
- Add logging sink support for console out and elastisearch
- Persist elastisearch logs using docker volumes
- Persist kibana configurations if possible
- Add serilog log statements in geospatial to view in kibana/elastisearch index