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465 lines (325 loc) · 8.65 KB

File metadata and controls

465 lines (325 loc) · 8.65 KB


Still a work in progress.


Tango is a javascript widget library that provides automatic two way binding and easy input validation.

It can easily integrate with off the shelf CSS packages like Bootstrap and Foundation.


Tango uses Backbone models to bind data to wigets.

var model = new Backbone.Model({
  firstName: 'George',
  lastName: 'Washington',
  dob: '2/22/1732'

model.set('firstName', 'John');
model.set('lastName', 'Adams');

model.changed; // => { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Adams' }
model.changedAttributes(); // => { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Adams' }

// Do all the things you normally do with Backbone models.

Text Input


Usage Example

var model = new Backbone.Model({
  firstName: "George",
  lastName: "Washington"

Tango.TextInput('firstName', {
  label: 'First Name',
  validate: {
    required: true,
    maxLength: 10
}, model);

Tango.TextInput('lastName', {
  label: 'Last Name',
  validate: {
    required: true
}, model);

Text Area

Usage Example

var model = new Backbone.Model({
  description: "Something really awesome..."

Tango.TextArea('description', {
  label: "Description",
  rows: 20,
  cols: 15,
  validates: {
    required: true,
    maxLength: 10
}, model);


Usage Example

var model = new Backbone.Model({
  enableCheats: true

Tango.Checkbox('enableCheats', {
  label: "Are you cheating?",
}, model);

Radio Buttons


Usage Example

var model = new Backbone.Model({
  favoriteColor: "blue",
  labelLocation: "left",      // where the label appears, defaults to 'right'.
  colorOptions: [
      ['red', 'Red'],         // 'red' is button value, 'Red' is label text.
      ['blue', 'Blue'],
      ['orange', 'Orange']

var favColor = Tango.RadioGroup('favoriteColor', {
  label: "Choose your favorite",
  options: "colorOptions"
}, model);

favColor.value(); // => blue

favColor.button('red').value(); // false
favColor.button('blue').value(); // true

favColor.button(0).checked(); // true. note the access by index.


Usage Example

var model = new Backbone.Model({
  fruits: "banana"

var fruit = Tango.Select('fruits', {
  options: [
    ['apple', 'Apple'],
    ['banana', 'Banana'],
    ['orange', 'Orange']
}, model);

fruit.setOptions('bc', [
      ['bc', 'Black Currant'],
      ['bf', 'Bread Fruit'],
      ['wm', 'Watermelon']


Usage Example

var model = new Backbone.Model({
  state: "Alabama",
  stateOptions: [
      ['al', 'Alabama'],
      ['ny', 'New York'],
      ['wa', 'Washington']

var state = Tango.Autocomplete('state', {
  label: "State of Residence",
  options: "stateOptions"
}, model);

state.value(); // => al

state.setOptions('ky', [
      ['ky', 'Kentucky'],
      ['nv', 'Nevada'],
      ['ws', 'Wisconsin']

Date Picker


Integrates with moment.js

Usage Example

<input type="text" data-bind="depart_date">

<input type="text" data-bind="depart_date" data-role="month">
<input type="text" data-bind="depart_date" data-role="day">>
<input type="text" data-bind="depart_date" data-role="year">>
var model = new Backbone.Model({
  departure_date: '01/01/2015'

Tango.DatePicker('departure_date', {
  label: 'Date of Departure:',
  format: 'MM-DD-YYYY',
  validate: {
    after: '12-21-1984',
    before: '12-21-2040',
}, model);



Usage Example

var button = Tango.Button({
  text: "Click me"

button.on('click', function(){
  alert("Button was clicked!");

Custom Styling

You can easily over-ride the classes applied to the widget source element with the config property config.cssClass. You can also override the classes applied to the container element and label element with config.containerClass and config.labelClass, respectively.

var age = new Tango.TextInput('age', {
  label: 'Age:',
  cssClass: 'form-control input-sm'
}, model);

var weight = new Tango.TextInput('weight', {
  label: 'Weight:',
  labelClass: 'sr-only',
  containerClass: 'col-xs-2'
}, model);

Custom Validators

Tango widgets have an extensible validator system. To add a custom validator to your widget, simply call widget.addValidator(callback), where callback receives a copy of the config.validate object and returns an array of error messages. It receives a context of the widget instance that can be accessed with this.

Usage Example

var commentBox = Tango.TextInput('comment', {
  validate: {
    awesome: true
}, model);

commentBox.addValidator( function(conf) {
  var val = this.el.val();
  var errors = [];

  if (conf.awesome) {
    if (!'awesome')) {
      errors.push("That isn't awesome.");

  return errors;


Usage Example

<form action="/action/foo" data-role="form">
  <input type="text" data-bind="firstName" />
  <input type="text" data-bind="lastName" />
  <button data-role="form_submit"/>

Works with manual or automatic widgets.

var form = Tango.Form({
  inline: true
}, model);

form.valid;  // => true
form.errors; // => []

  action: "/path/to/foo",
  method: "PUT",
  success: function(response) {
  error: function(error) {

form.toJson() // => { firstName: 'George', lastName: 'Washington' }


Under development...


Under development...

Example Code

var model = new Backbone.Model({
  fruits: "apple",
  firstName: "George",
  lastName: "Washington"

// Widgets
var widgets = Tango.makeWidgets(config, model);
var fruitSelector = widget.get('fruits');

// Universal attributes
fruitSelector.valid // => true
fruitSelector.errors // => ['Must be a number']
fruitSelector.value() // => banana


// Widget config items
var config = {
  parent:  '#content'   // The selector of the widget's ancestor. Defaults to 'body'.
  label: 'Foo',         // Desired label text.

  validate: {           // Validator configuration.
    required: true

    number: {
      minValue: 10,
      maxValue: 20

    minLength: 10,
    maxLength: 20,

    format: {
      regex: "^[hc]at$",
      errorMessage: "Must be a cat or a hat."

    matches: {              // Useful for passwords and email confirmation.
      target: 'password',
      errorMessage: "Confirmation must match password."

    awesome: true

  // Only enable the widget if the callback returns true
  enabledFn: function(model) {        
      return !!model.title

  // The widget will be visible only if the callback returns true.
  visibleFn: function(model) {
      return model.showDescription

  // The widget will be read-only if the callback returns true.
  readOnlyFn: function(model) {
      return model.allowEdit



Why Backbone?

It's well designed and has a clean api. There's no need to re-invent the wheel.

Why not just use Backbone Views?

Templating is a useful waty to bind data to the DOM in some use cases. However, in other apps that have a heavy use of forms or involve lots of interactivity, maintaining input states and re-rendering templates can be difficult to manage.

As a result, we sometimes we put logic in templates that seems like it's begging to live in javascript. This library aims to solve this problem.

Also, maintaining a consistent look and feel can become a burden. Tango helps by automating the creation of elements in a consistent manner and letting you configure styles in a single place.

Why not just use Knockout?

Knockout is a wonderful project and definately provided some of the inspiration.

However, much like with templating a lot of logic can end up in the template, when it would be easier to work with in javascript.

Why another thing?

I'm as sick of the framework overload as anyone else. I couldn't find too many solutions for two way binding and form widgets that didn't involve adopting a much larger framework along with it (I'm looking at you Angular, React, ExtJS, Kendo).

While there have been many great attempts at client side MVC frameworks, you don't find many of the conveniences that you can in server side MVC frameworks that solve froms, such as the form helper of rails, or the helper functions in django.forms.

The aim of tango is to provide a lightweight library for easy data binding and high quality widgets that is easy to integrate into your app.