Instructions are provided here for setting up Ubuntu on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to work with MODFLOW.
On a Windows machine it is relatively easy to get parallel MODFLOW compiled and running in a WSL Ubuntu virtual machine.
Install a latest version of Ubuntu.
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-22.04
You will be asked to provide a username and password. You'll need to remember this information for some future sudo
If you are on a networked computer behind a firewall, you may need to take additional steps at this point to configure WSL to handle SSL intercept requirements. If your computer is on the USGS internal network, or needs to be, then there are a specific set of instructions that must be run before continuing. These instructions are located in a file called usgs_wsl_security.txt
chmod +x
./ -b
eval "$(/home/langevin/miniconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
conda init
The exit
command will close the Ubuntu shell. At this point, you will need to restart the shell, which you can typically find through the Windows Start button, to allow the miniconda installation to complete.
The next step is to clone the GitHub repositories for MODFLOW 6 and the MODFLOW 6 parallel class.
git clone
git clone
Next, you will create a conda environment, called mf6pro
, that will be used for thie class. The mf6pro
environment will have all of the software needed to compile serial and parallel versions of MODFLOW 6, and the Python packages needed to pre- and post-process MODFLOW models.
The steps for creating the mf6pro
conda environment are as follows
conda env create -f ./parallel-modflow6-class/environment/flopy_environment.yml -f ./parallel-modflow6-class/environment/mf6_environment.yml
In order to run jupyter notebooks, it will also be necessary to install jupyter. Activate the mf6pro
conda environment and then install jupyter from the conda-forge channel, as shown with the following commands.
conda activate mf6pro
conda install -c conda-forge jupyter jupyterlab
Note that you may have to type Y to continue the conda install of jupyter packages.
cd modflow6
meson setup builddir -Ddebug=false -Dparallel=true --prefix=$(pwd) --libdir=bin
meson install -C builddir
meson test --verbose --no-rebuild -C builddir
If everything is working properly, then the last command should show that the tests completed ok and without errors.
To make this new MODFLOW 6 executable available for future simulations, add a symbolic link to the newly compiled version of mf6 (./bin/mf6) from the mf6pro bin folder (~/miniconda3/envs/mf6pro/bin).
ln ./bin/mf6 ~/miniconda3/envs/mf6pro/bin/mf6