Analysis API: ISE: "KtCallElement should always resolve to a KtCallInfo" is thrown on call resolution inside plusAssign targetKT-50252
Analysis API: Implement FirModuleResolveStates for librariesKT-50862
Analsysis API: do not create use site subsitution override symbols
Type bound is not fully resolvedKT-50728
Lazy resolve of extension function from 'kotlin' package breaks over unresolved typeKT-50271
Analysis API: get rid of using FirRefWithValidityCheck
K/N Debugger. Error is not displayed in variables view for catch block
Add ability to specify generic type parameters as not-nullKT-45165
Remove JVM target version 1.6KT-27435
Allow implementation by delegation to inlined value of inline classKT-47939
Support method references to functional interface constructorsKT-50775
Support IR partial linkage in Kotlin/Native (disabled by default)KT-51737
Kotlin/Native: Remove unnecessary safepoints on watchosArm32 and iosArm32 targetsKT-44249
NEW_INFERENCE_NO_INFORMATION_FOR_PARAMETER with type usage in higher order function
Switching to JVM IR backend increases compilation time by more than 15%KT-51699
Kotlin/Native: runtime has no LTO in debug binariesKT-34466
Use optimized switch over enum only when all entries are constant enum entry expressionsKT-50861
FIR: Combination of array set convention and plusAssign works exponentiallyKT-47171
For loop doesn't avoid boxing with value class iterators (JVM)KT-29199
'next' calls for iterators of merged primitive progressive values are not specializedKT-50585
JVM IR: Array constructor loop should use IINCKT-22429
Optimize 'for' loop code generation for reversed arraysKT-50074
Performance regression in String-based 'when' with single equality clauseKT-22334
Compiler backend could generate smaller code for loops using range such as integer..array.size -1KT-35272
Unnecessary null check on unsafe cast after not-null assertion operatorKT-27427
Optimize nullable check introduced with 'as' cast
Finalize support for jspecifyKT-51499
@file:OptIn doesn't cover override methodsKT-52037
FIR: add error in 1.7.0 branch if run with non-compatible pluginsKT-46756
Release the K2/JVM compiler in AlphaKT-49715
IR: "IllegalStateException: Function has no body: FUN name:toString" during IR lowering with shadowed extension inside interfaceKT-45508
False negative ABSTRACT_CLASS_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED on a fake override with an abstract super class memberKT-28078
Report error "Public property exposes its private type" for primary constructor properties instead of warningKT-49017
Forbid usages of super or super if in fact it accesses an abstract memberKT-38078
Prohibit calling methods from Any with "super" qualifier once they are overridden as abstract in superclassKT-52363
Evaluate impact of qualifiedthis
behavior change warningsKT-52561
JVM: Coroutine state machine loses value after a check-induced smart castKT-52311
java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stackKT-41124
Inconsistency of exceptions at init block for an enum entry with and without a qualifier nameKT-46860
Make safe calls always nullableKT-52503
New green code appeared at the callable reference resolutionKT-51925
Native: "IllegalStateException: Symbol for kotlinx.cinterop/CStructVar|null[0] is unbound" caused by inline functionKT-49317
"IllegalStateException: Parent of this declaration is not a class: FUN LOCAL_FUNCTION_FOR_LAMBDA" with parameter of suspend type with the default parameterKT-51844
New errors in overload resolution involving vararg extension methodsKT-52006
"java.lang.Throwable: Unbalanced tree Exception" on indexing kotlin projectKT-51223
Report warning about conflicting inherited members from deserialized dependenciesKT-51439
FE 1.0: implement type variance conflict deprecation on qualifier type argumentsKT-51433
FE 1.0: implement warnings about label resolve changesKT-51317
Regression in resolution of lambdas where expected type has an extension receiver parameterKT-45935
JVM IR: Add not-null assertion for explicit definitely not-null parametersKT-51818
"ClassCastException: class CoroutineSingletons cannot be cast to class" with suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn and coroutinesKT-51718
JVM / IR: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" caused by nullable variable inside suspend functionKT-51927
Native:The symbol of unexpected type encountered during IR deserialization
error when multiple libraries have non-conflicting declarations with the same nameKT-52394
JVM: Missing annotation on method with value class return type when a subclass is present in the same file in Kotlin 1.7.0-BetaKT-51640
FIR: remove warning about "far from being production ready"KT-45553
FIR: support hiding declaration from star import by as importKT-52404
Prolong deprecation cycle for errors at contravariant usages of star projected argument from JavaKT-50734
TYPE_MISMATCH: NonNull parameter with a type of Nullable type argument causes compiler warningKT-51235
JVM / IR: "AbstractMethodError: Receiver class does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method" when property with inline class type is overridden to return Nothing?KT-48935
NI: Multiple generic parameter type constraints are not applied as expected when the parameter is of function typeKT-49661
NI: No TYPE_INFERENCE_UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED when argument is inferred by return typeKT-50877
Inconsistent flexible typeKT-51988
"NPE: getContainingDeclaration…lDeclarationType.REGULAR) must not be null" when using @BuilderInference with multiple type argumentsKT-48890
Revert Opt-In restriction "Overriding methods can only have opt-in annotations that are present on their basic declarations."KT-52035
FIR: add error in 1.7.0 branch if run on JS / Native configurationKT-45461
NI: False negative TYPE_INFERENCE_UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED when passing an argument to a function with generic constraintsKT-52146
JVM IR: "AssertionError: Primitive array expected" on vararg of SAM types with self-type and star projectionKT-50730
Implement error for a super class constructor call on a function interface in supertypes listKT-52040
JVM: ClassFormatError Illegal method name "expectFailure$__proxy-0"KT-50845
Postpone rxjava errors reporting in the strict mode till 1.8 due to found broken casesKT-51979
"AssertionError: No modifier list, but modifier has been found by the analyzer" exception on incorrect Java interface overrideKT-51759
FIR DFA: false positive "Variable must be initialized"KT-50378
Unresolved reference for method in Jsoup library in a kts script fileKT-34919
"Visibility is unknown yet" when named parameter in a function type used in a typealias implemented by an abstract classKT-51893
Duplicated [OVERRIDE_DEPRECATION] on overridden propertiesKT-41034
K2: Change evaluation semantics for combination of safe calls and convention operatorsKT-51843
Functional interface constructor references are incorrectly allowed in 1.6.20 without any compiler flagsKT-51914
False positive RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH in intellij ultimateKT-51711
Compiler warning is displayed in case there is 'if' else branch used with elvisKT-33517
Kotlin ScriptEngine does not respect async code when using bindingsKT-51850
FIR cannot resolve ambiguity with different SinceKotlin/DeprecatedSinceKotlinKT-44705
Deprecate using non-exhaustive if's and when's in rhs of elvisKT-44510
FIR DFA: smartcast after elvis with escaping lambdaKT-44879
FIR DFA: Trackinc
operator calls in preliminary loop visitorKT-51758
FIR: explicit API mode errors should not be reported for effectively internal / private entitiesKT-51203
FIR: Inconsistent RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH and TYPE_MISMATCH reporting on functions and propertiesKT-51624
FIR: false-positive INAPPLICABLE_LATEINIT_MODIFIER for lateinit properties with unresolved typesKT-51204
FIR IC: Incremental compilation fails on nested crossinlineKT-51798
Fix ISE from IR backend when data class inherits equals/hashCode/toString with incompatible signatureKT-46187
FIR: OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY on SAM-converted callable reference to List::plusKT-51761
Incorrect NONE_APPLICABLE in expect classKT-51756
FIR: false positive NO_VALUE_FOR_PARAMETER in expect class delegated constructor callKT-49778
Support cast to DefinitelyNotNull type in NativeKT-51441
-Xpartial-linkage option specified in Gradle build script is not passed to Native linkerKT-34515
NI: "AssertionError: Base expression was not processed: POSTFIX_EXPRESSION" with double not-null assertion to bracketsKT-48546
PSI2IR: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi2ir.generators.ErrorExpressionException: null: KtCallExpression" with recursive property access in lazy blockKT-28109
"AssertionError: No setter call" for incrementing parenthesized result of indexed access convention operatorKT-46136
Unsubstituted return type inferred for a function returning anonymous object upcast to supertypeKT-51364
FIR: ambiguity due to String constructors clashKT-51621
FIR: visible VS invisible qualifier conflictKT-50468
FIR compilers fails with CCE when meets top-level destructionKT-51557
Inline stack frame is not shown for default inline lambdaKT-51358
OptIn: show default warning/error message in case of empty message argumentKT-44152
FIR2IR fails on declarations from java stdlib if java classes are loaded from PSI instead of binariesKT-50949
PSI2IR: NSEE fromArgumentsGenerationUtilsKt.createFunctionForSuspendConversion
with providing lambda as argument with suspend typeKT-39256
ArrayStoreException with list of anonymous objects with inferred types created in reified extension functionKT-39883
Deprecate computing constant values of complex boolean expressions in when condition branches and conditions of loopsKT-36952
Exception during codegen: cannot pop operand off an empty stack (reference equality, implicit boxing, type check)KT-51233
AssertionError in JavaLikeCounterLoopBuilder with ComposeKT-51254
Verify Error on passing null to type parameter extending inline classKT-50996
[FIR] Support Int -> Long conversion for property initializersKT-51000
[FIR] Support Int -> Long? conversionKT-51003
[FIR] Consider Int -> Long conversion if expected type is type variableKT-51018
[FIR] Wrong type inference if one of constraints is integer literalKT-51446
Metadata serialization crashes with IOOBE when deserializing underlying inline class value with type table enabledKT-50973
Redundant line number mapping for finally block with JVM IRKT-51272
Incompatible types: KClass and callable reference Collection::classKT-51274
"Expected some types" exception on when branch for when expression of erroneous typeKT-51229
FIR: private constructor of internal data class treated as internal and not privateKT-50750
[FIR] Report UNSUPPORTED on array literals not from annotation classesKT-51200
False EXPOSED_PARAMETER_TYPE for internal type parameter of internal typeKT-49804
Inconsistent SAM behavior in multiple cases causing AbstractMethodError (Kotlin 1.6.10)KT-50136
FIR: syntax error on (T & Any)KT-49465
FIR2IR: support definitely not-null typesKT-51357
FIR: error in inference while using integer literal in expected Long positionKT-49925
[FIR] Incorrect builder inference (different cases)KT-50542
"IllegalStateException: Type parameter descriptor is not initialized: T declared in sort" with definitely non-null type Any & T in generic constraintKT-51171
FIR: classError
resolution problemKT-51156
Multiplatform linkDebugFramework task throws NoSuchElementException when expect class constructors utilize nested enum constantKT-51017
[FIR] Ambiguity on callable reference between two functions on generic receiver with different boundsKT-51007
[FIR] False positive ILLEGAL_SUSPEND_FUNCTION_CALL if fun interface with suspend function declared in another moduleKT-50998
[FIR] Int.inv() cal does not considered as compile time callKT-51009
[FIR] Incorrect inference of lambda in position of returnKT-50997
[FIR] Incorrect type of typealias for suspend functional typeKT-49714
Compiler reports "'operator modifier is inapplicable" if expect class with increment operator is provided via type aliasKT-48623
Type nullability enhancement improvementsKT-44623
"IllegalStateException: IdSignature is allowed only for PublicApi symbols" when suspending receiver is annotated with somethingKT-46000
JVM / IR: AssertionError on isSubtypeOfClass check in copyValueParametersToStatic with ComposeKT-50211
Annotation Instantiation with default arguments in NativeKT-49412
Controversial "type argument is not within its bounds" reported by FIRKT-48044
[FIR] Investigate behavior ofUPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED
on complex casesKT-37975
Don't show deprecation of enum class itself for its own memberKT-50737
Inheritance from SuspendFunction leads to compiler crashKT-50723
Implement a fix of reporting of uninitialized parameter in default values of parametersKT-50749
Implement UNSUPPORTED reporting on array literals inside objects in annotation classesKT-50753
Implement reporting errors on cycles in annotation parameter typesKT-50758
Fix inconsistency of exceptions at init block for an enum entry with and without a qualifier nameKT-50182
CONST_VAL_NOT_TOP_LEVEL_OR_OBJECT: clarify error message forconst
in object expressionKT-50183
Fix missing apostrophe escapes in compiler error messagesKT-50788
FIR: false unsafe call on not-null genericKT-50785
FIR: inconsistent smart cast after comparison with trueKT-50858
[FIR LL] FIR in low level mode creates multiple symbols for same declarationKT-50822
Analysis API: make declaration transformers machinery to be a thread safeKT-50972
FIR doesn't report VAL_REASSIGNMENT on synthetic propertiesKT-50969
FIR: diamond inheritance with different parameter types depends on a supertype orderKT-50875
FIR: no smart cast after reassignment with elvisKT-50835
Inline functions with suspend lambdas break the tail-call optimizationKT-49485
JVM / IR: StackOverflowError with long when-expression conditionsKT-35684
NI: "IllegalStateException: Expected some types" from builder-inference about intersecting empty types on trivial codeKT-50776
FIR: ambiguity between Sequence.forEach and Iterable.forEachKT-48908
Error for annotation on parameter type could have distinct ID and message referring 1.6KT-48907
SUPERTYPE_IS_SUSPEND_FUNCTION_TYPE error could have message referring version 1.6KT-50774
FIR2IR: NSEE in case of lambda in enum entry constructor callKT-49016
Parameterless main causes duplicate JVM signature errorKT-50577
JVM_IR: No NPE when casting uninitialized value of non-null type to non-null typeKT-50476
JVM_IR: NSME when calling 'super.removeAt(Int)' implemented in Java interface as a default methodKT-50257
JVM_IR: Incorrect bridge delegate signature for renamed remove(I) causes SOE with Kotlin class inherited from fastutils IntArrayListKT-50470
FIR: inapplicable candidate in delegate inference due to nullabilityKT-32744
Inefficient compilation of null-safe call (extra null checks, unreachable code)
Document performance optimizations of the Kotlin/JVM compiler in 1.7.0KT-49424
Update KEEP for OptIn
Exception when opening a projectKTIJ-17414
UAST: Synthetic enum methods have null return valuesKTIJ-17444
UAST: Synthetic enum methods are missing nullness annotationsKTIJ-19043
UElement#comments is empty for a Kotlin property with a getterKTIJ-10031
IDE fails to suggest a project declaration import if the name clashes with internal declaration with implicit import from stdlib (ex. @Serializable)KTIJ-21515
Load JVM target 1.6 as 1.8 in Maven projectsKTIJ-21151
Exception about wrong read access from "Java overriding methods searcher" with Kotlin overridesKTIJ-20736
NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.roots.KotlinNonJvmOrderEnumerationHandler. Kotlin plugin 1.7 fails to startKT-50111
Resolving into KtUltraLightMethodKTIJ-21063
IDE highlighting: False positive error "Context receivers should be enabled explicitly"KTIJ-20810
NoClassDefFoundError: org/jetbrains/kotlin/idea/util/SafeAnalyzeKt errors in 1.7.0-master-212 kotlin plugin on project openKTIJ-19088
KotlinUFunctionCallExpression.resolve() returns null for calls to @JvmSynthetic functionsKTIJ-17869
KotlinUFunctionCallExpression.resolve() returns null for instantiations of local classes with default constructorsKTIJ-21061
UObjectLiteralExpression.getExpressionType() returns the base class type for Kotlin object literals instead of the anonymous class typeKTIJ-20200
UAST: @Deprecated(level=HIDDEN) constructors are not returning UMethod.isConstructor=trueKTIJ-19624
NoDescriptorForDeclarationException on iosTest.kt.vm
Introduce some code style for definitely non-null types
Multiplatform declaration actualised in an intermediate source set is shown twice in a completion popup called in the source set
MPP Debugger: Evaluation of expect function for the project with intermediate source set may fail with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not read file" exception on indexing invalid class fileKTIJ-20802
Definitely Not-Null types: "UpToDateStubIndexMismatch: PSI and index do not match" plugin error when trying to use library function with T&AnyKT-51248
Function and parameter names with special symbols have to backticked
FIR IDE: Work in Dumb modeKTIJ-21374
FIR IDE: Incorrect highlighting for operatorsKTIJ-21013
FIR IDE: Inconsistent smartcasts highlightingKTIJ-21343
FIR IDE: Navigation from explicit invoke call does not workKTIJ-20852
FIR IDE: Exception when checkingisInheritor
on two classes in different modulesKTIJ-21021
FIR IDE: Completion of extension function does not work on nullable receiverKTIJ-20637
FIR IDE: Strange exception while commenting-uncommenting FirReferenceResolveHelper.ktKTIJ-20971
FIR IDE: "Parameter Info" shows parameters of uncallable methods
Gradle to IDEA import: language and API version settings are not imported for Native facetKTIJ-21692
Kotlin Import Test maintenance: 1.7.0-BetaKTIJ-20567
Kotlin/JS: Gradle import into IDEA creates no proper sub-modules, source sets, facets
Support definitely non-null types in inlay hints
Quickfix for INTEGER_OPERATOR_RESOLVE_WILL_CHANGE to add explicit conversion callKTIJ-19950
Create quick-fix for effective visibility error on private-in-file interface exposing private classKTIJ-19939
Provide quickfix for deprecated confusing expressions in when branches
Register quickfix forNO_CONSTRUCTOR_WARNING
"Remove else branch" quick fix is not suggestedKTIJ-20981
Definitely non-null types: quick-fixes suggested incorrectly for LV=1.6 when Xenhance-type-parameter-types-to-def-not-null flag is setKTIJ-20953
Add quickfix for OVERRIDE_DEPRECATION warning to 1.7 - 1.9 migrationKTIJ-20734
Replace with [@JvmInline] value quick fix should be appliable on a whole projectKTIJ-21420
Add 'else' branch quick fix suggestion is displayed twice in case 'if' isn't completedKTIJ-21192
"Make protected" intention is redundant for interface propertiesKTIJ-18120
"Make public" intention does not add explicit "public" modifier when using ExplicitApi Strict modeKTIJ-20493
"Create expect" quick fix doesn't warn about platform-specific annotations
Notification for Kotlin EAP survey
Improve environment setup experience for KMM projectsKT-50952
MPP: Commonized cinterops doesn't attach/detach to source set on configuration changes
Improve UX of using Native libraries in KotlinKTIJ-21602
With Native Debugging Support plugin Gradle run configurations can't be executed from IDEA: LLDB_NATVIS_RENDERERS_ENABLED
Update ktor-html-builder dependency in kotlin wizardsKTIJ-20962
Wizard: Invalid Ktor imports
KJS / IR: Minimize member names in production mode
Kotlin/JS - IR generates plenty of uselessUnit_getInstance()
KJS IR: Upcast should be a no-opKT-16974
JS: Kotlin.charArrayOf is suboptimal due to Rhino bugs
JS IR BE: Add an ability to generate separate JS files for each moduleKT-52518
Kotlin/JS IR: project with 1.6.21 fails to consume library built with 1.7.0-RC: ISE "Unexpected IrType kind: KIND_NOT_SET" at IrDeclarationDeserializer.deserializeIrTypeData()KT-52010
K/JS IR: both flows execute when using elvis operatorKT-41096
KJS IR: @JsExport should use original js name for external declarationsKT-52144
KJS / IR: Missing property definitions for interfaced defined propertiesKT-52252
KJS / IR: overridden properties are undefined/nullKT-51973
KJS / IR overridden properties of inherited interface missingKT-51125
Provide a way to useimport
keyword injs
KJS / IR: Missing methods are no longer generated (polyfills)KT-50504
KJS / IR: Transpiled JS incorrectly uses the unscrambled names of internal fieldsKT-51853
JS compilation fails with "Uninitialized fast cache info" errorKT-51205
K/JS IR: external class is mapped to anyKT-50806
Typescript definitions contain invalid nested block comments with generic parent and type argument without@JsExport
KJS / IR: No flat hash for FUN FAKE_OVERRIDE with kotlin.incremental.js.ir=trueKT-51081
KJS / IR + IC: Passing an inline function with default params as a param to a higher-order function crashes the compilerKT-51084
KJS / IR + IC: Cache invalidation doesn't check generic inline functions reified qualifierKT-51211
K/JS IR: JsExport: Can't export nested enumKT-51438
KJS / IR: Duplicated import names for the same external namesKT-51238
Kotlin/JS: IR + IC: build fails after clean oncompileTestDevelopmentExecutableKotlinJs
task: "Failed to create MD5 hash for file '.../build/classes/kotlin/main' as it does not exist"KT-50674
KJS / IR: JS code cannot modify local variableKT-50953
KJS IR: Incorrect nested commenting in d.tsKT-15223
JS: function that overrides external function withvararg
parameter is translated incorrectlyKT-50657
KJS / IR 1.6.20-M1-39 - Date in Kotlin JS cannot be created from long.
Stabilize builder inferenceKT-30485
Underscore operator for type argumentsKT-49006
Support at least three previous versions of language/APIKT-16768
Context-sensitive resolution prototype (Resolve unqualified enum constants based on expected type)KT-14663
Support having a "public" and a "private" type for the same propertyKT-50477
Functional conversion does not work on suspending functionsKT-32162
Allow generics for inline classes
Support sealed (exhaustive) whensKT-27750
Reverse reservation of 'yield' as keywordKT-22956
Release OptIn annotationsKT-44866
Change behavior of private constructors of sealed classesKT-49110
Prohibit access to members of companion of enum class from initializers of entries of this enumKT-29405
Switch default JVM target version to 1.8
Extensions for java.util.Optional in stdlibKT-50146
Reintroduce min/max(By/With) operations on collections with non-nullable return typeKT-46132
Specialized default time source with non-allocating time marksKT-41890
Support named capture groups in Regex on NativeKT-48179
Introduce API to retrieve the number of CPUs the runtime has
Range and Progression should override last()
extension in the standard libraryKT-51470
Stabilize experimental API for 1.7KT-51775
JS: Support named capture groups in RegexKT-51776
Native: Support back references to groups with multi-digit indexKT-51082
Introduce Enum.declaringJavaClass propertyKT-51848
Promote deepRecursiveFunction to stable APIKT-48924
in base 36 produces different results in JS compare to JVMKT-50742
Regular expression is fine on jvm but throws PatternSyntaxException for native macosX64 targetKT-50059
Stop publishing kotlin-stdlib and kotlin-test artifacts under modular classifierKT-26678
Rename buildSequence/buildIterator to sequence/iterator
Kotlin/Native: generate standalone executable for androidNative targets by defaultKT-48595
Enable Native embeddable compiler jar in Gradle plugin by defaultKT-51377
Native: synthetic forward declarations are preferred over commonized definitionsKT-49145
Kotlin/Native static library compilation fails for androidNative*KT-49496
Gradle (or the KMM plugin) is caching the Xcode Command Line Tools locationKT-49247
gradle --offline should translate into airplaneMode for kotin-native compiler
kotlin-native releases from GitHub don't contain platform libs
Methods from Swift extensions are not resolved in Kotlin shared moduleKT-50648
Incorrect KMM cinterop conversion
RuntimeAssertFailedPanic in iOS when Kotlin framework is initialized before loadingKT-49937
Kotlin/Native 1.5.31: 'runtime assert: Unexpected selector clash' when 'override fun toString(): String' is used
Kotlin/Native: simplify toolchain dependency override for MinGW
Kotlin/Native fails to compile projects for 32-bit targets when new memory manager is enabled
Kotlin/Native: improve GC triggers in the new MM.KT-50713
Kotlin/Native: Enable Concurrent Sweep GC by default
enhancement: kotlin native -- add alloc<TVarOf>(T)
Kotlin/Native: Produce a list of available tests alongside the final artifactKT-50139
Create tests for Enter/Leave frame optimization
"KotlinReflectionInternalError" when usingcallBy
on constructor that has inline class parametersKT-31141
IllegalArgumentException when reflectively accessing nullable property of inline class type
Report error when use-k2 with MultiplatformKT-51717
IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected versionNeededToExtract (0) in 1.6.20-RC2 with useFir enabledKT-52217
Rename 'useFir' to 'useK2'KT-29974
Add a compiler option '-Xjdk-release' similar to javac's '--release' to control the target JDK versionKT-51673
Make language version description not in capital lettersKT-48833
-Xsuppress-version-warnings allows to suppress errors about unsupported versionsKT-51627
kotlinc fails withjava.lang.RuntimeException
file exists on the diskKT-51306
Support reading language settings from an environment variable and overriding the current settings by themKT-51093
"-Xopt-in=..." command line argument no longer works
Overwrite return type and parameter types of callable member to succeed commonizationKT-52050
[Commonizer] 'platform.posix.DIR' not implementing 'CPointed' when commonized for 'nativeMain' on linux or windows hostsKT-51224
MPP: For optimistically commonized numbers missed kotlinx.cinterop.UnsafeNumberKT-51215
MPP: Update Kdoc description for kotlinx.cinterop.UnsafeNumberKT-51686
Cinterop: Overload resolution ambiguity in 1.6.20-RC2KT-46636
HMPP: missed classes fromplatform.posix.*
Optimistic number commonization is disabled by default in KGP with enabled HMPP
jvm-abi-gen breaks inline functions in inline classes with private constructors in Kotlin 1.6.20
KT. Kotlin daemon compilation process is broken: java.lang.IllegalStateException Service is dying at entities generation by Kotlin.kts script
Support Gradle plugins variantsKT-50869
Provide API that allow AGP to set up Kotlin compilationKT-48008
Consider offering a KotlinBasePluginKT-52030
Provide experimental possibility to view internal information about Kotlin Compiler performance
Optimize Java class snapshotting for thekotlin.incremental.useClasspathSnapshot
Optimize classpath snapshot cache for thekotlin.incremental.useClasspathSnapshot
Kotlin-gradle-plugin performance issue with mass java SourceRoots
Compilation tasks are missing input/output/internal annotations on includes/excludes propertiesKT-52239
Type based task configuration-blocks for JVM stopped working in GradleKT-52313
No recompilation in Gradle after adding or removing function parameters, removing functions (and maybe more) in dependent modulesKT-51854
Add Ktor to gradle performance benchmarkKT-52086
Rename flag 'use-fir' to 'use-k2'KT-52509
Main variant published to Gradle plugin portal uses unshadowed artifactKT-52392
Gradle: 1.7.0 does not support custom gradle build configuration on Windows OSKT-32805
KotlinCompile inherits properties sourceCompatibility and targetCompatibility which breaks Gradle's incremental compilationKT-52189
Provide Gradle Kotlin/DSL friendly deprecated classpath property in KotlinCompiler taskKT-51415
Confusing build failure reason is displayed in case kapt is used and different JDKs are used for compileKotlin and compileJava tasksKT-52187
New IC can not be enabled in an Android project using kaptKT-51898
Upgrading Kotlin/Kotlin Gradle plugin to 1.5.3 and above breaks 'com.android.asset-pack' pluginKT-51913
Gradle plugin should not add attributes to the legacy configurationsKT-34862
Restoring from build cache breaks Kotlin incremental compilationKT-45777
New IC in GradleKT-51360
Show performance difference in percent between releasesKT-51380
Add open-source project using Kotlin/JS plugin to build regression benchmarksKT-51937
Toolchain usage with configuration cache prevents KotlinCompile task to be UP-TO-DATEKT-48276
Remove kotlin2js and kotlin-dce-pluginKT-52138
KSP could not access internal methods/properties in Kotlin Gradle PluginKT-51342
Set minimal supported Android Gradle plugin version to 3.6.4KT-50494
Remove kotlin.experimental.coroutines Gradle DSL optionKT-49733
Bump minimal supported Gradle version to 6.7.1KT-48831
Remove 'KotlinGradleSubplugin'KT-47924
Remove annoying cast in toolchain extension method for Kotlin DSLKT-46541
Fail Gradle builds when deprecated kotlinOptions.jdkHome is setKT-51830
Gradle: deprecatekotlin.compiler.execution.strategy
system propertyKT-47763
Gradle DSL: Remove deprecated useExperimentalAnnotation and experimentalAnnotationInUseKT-51374
NoSuchFileException in getOrCreateSessionFlagFile()KT-51837
kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.6.20 fails xray scan on shadowed Gson 2.8.6.KT-51454
KotlinJvmTest is not a cacheable taskKT-45745
Migrate only Kotlin Gradle Plugin tests to new JUnit5 DSL and run them separately on CIKT-47318
Remove deprecated 'kotlinPluginVersion' property in `KotlinBasePluginWrapper'KT-51378
Gradle 'buildSrc' compilation fails when newer version of Kotlin plugin is added to the build script classpathKT-46038
files are corrupted in the KotlinCompile output, and gets cachedKT-51064
Kotlin gradle build hangs on MetricsContainer.flushKT-48779
Gradle: Could not connect to kotlin daemon
Cocoapods Plugin: cocoapods-generate does not work correctly with ruby 3.0.0 and higherKT-51861
Custom binary name in CocoaPods plugin isn't respected by fatFramework task
Kotlin/JS: failed Node tests are not reported in a standard wayKT-51895
K/JS: Redundant technical messages during JS testsKT-51414
Allow set up environment variables for JS testsKT-51623
Kotlin/JS: Mocha could not failed when external module not foundKT-51503
Update NPM dependency versions
[KPM] IdeaKotlinProjectModelBuilder: Implement dependencies
Improve DSL for managing Kotlin/Native binary outputKT-51765
com.android.lint in multiplatform project without android target should not trigger warningKT-38456
MPP with Android source set: allTests task does not execute Android unit testsKT-44227
Common tests are not launched on local JVM for Android via allTests task in a multiplatform projectKT-51946
Temporarily mark HMPP tasks as notCompatibleWithConfigurationCache for Gradle 7.4KT-52140
Support extensibility Kotlin Artifacts DSL by external gradle pluginsKT-51947
Mark HMPP tasks as notCompatibleWithConfigurationCache for Gradle 7.4 using ReflectionKT-50925
Could not resolve all files for configuration ':metadataCompileClasspath'KT-51262
[KPM] IDEA import: Move model builder to KGPKT-51220
[KPM][Android] Implement generic data storage and import pipelineKT-48649
No run task generated for macosArm64 target in Gradle plugin
Allow customization of the Kotlin/Native compiler download urlKT-51884
Gradle Native: "A problem occurred starting process 'command 'xcodebuild''" when buildingassembleFooXCFramework
task on Linux
FIR incremental compilation fails with assertion "Trying to inline an anonymous object which is not part of the public ABI"KT-49780
IncrementalCompilerRunner bug: Outputs are deleted after successful rebuild following fallback from an exceptionKT-44741
Incremental compilation: inspectClassesForKotlinIC doesn't determine changes with imported constant
JPS: don't use java.io.File.createTempFile as it is not working sometimesKTIJ-20954
NPE at at org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.deserialization.JvmProtoBufUtil.readNameResolver on compiling by JPS with LV > 1.7
Make kapt work out of the box with latest JDKsKT-52284
FIR: add error in 1.7.0 branch if run with KaptKT-51463
KAPT: Incremental compilation not working when rerunning unit testsKT-51132
KAPT: Support reporting the number of generated files by each annotation processorKT-30172
Kapt: Shutdown kotlinc gracefully in case of error in annotation processor
Add support for nullable types in provided properties and other configuration-defined declarationsKT-52294
[Scripting] Update oudated org.eclipse.aether dependencies to new org.apache.maven.resolverKT-51213
Kotlin JSR223 crashes with "ScriptException: ERROR java.lang.NullPointerException:" if bindings contain one or more null valuesKT-48812
Script: "IllegalStateException: unknown classifier kind SCRIPT" when passing a function reference to a FlowKT-50902
Scripts loaded from the compilation cache ignore theloadDependencies
eval configuration propertyKT-52186
Scripts: Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering when using symbol from a dependency inside a functionKT-51731
Script: jsr223 memory leak in spring-boot Fat JarKT-49258
Scripts: method 'void ()' not found with multiple evals using kotlin script JSR223KT-51346
Scripts: "BackendException: Exception during IR lowering" with variable of imported script inside class