Over the course of three weeks I explored the possiblity of creating system that emulates the functionality of DPAPI (the Windows Data Protection API) in Linux. The most promising option I found was to build a system on top of the Kernel Key Retention Service called keyctl.
The following is a breif introduction to the history of the service, current usage, interacting with it from the command line, and constructing proof of concept key resolvers, and using that PoC programmatically. At the end I will briefly discuss some of the possible use cases for the concepts outlined in the rest of the document.
Introduced in 2004, Linux keyctl “allows cryptographic keys, authentication tokens, cross-domain user mappings, and similar to be cached in the kernel for the use of filesystems and other kernel services.” [fn:1] Put simply, keys are simply structured memory held in and secured by the kernel. They represent an arbitrary data store that can be restricted to a user, group, process, thread, and/or time (among other things).
Initially designed to address the secure retention of keys for encrypted file systems, it is also used to store other sensitive data such as kerberos keys. It’s also used, on occasion, to store less sensitive or non-sensitive data such as NFS id resolution.
The design of the resolution system is elegant in its simplicity. User calls to the kernel for key resolution result in calls out to userland resolver code. This allows a developer to write a proof of concept in any language that is optimal for rapid development, and a production version in any language that best fulfills the role based on design criteria.
The system is exposed via a Linux syscall which is wrapped by a C library. This makes it relatively easy to create modules for any language, allowing the same language flexibility provided by the resolver to exist for all interactions.
Though it is used by several critical components of the Linux software environment (Samba, NFS, etc), it’s also not well known. Keyctl is one of the Kernel’s more interesting secrets.
The syscall wrapper, stand-alone command line applications, and all user-space resolution code is provided by the keyutils package. The keyctl binary exposes exposes the functionality provided by the syscall to the shell. Interacting with the system is straight forward.
To view the current state of the keyring (that is, what keys we have access to right now), we can use the `show` option of the `keyctl` command:
keyctl show
If software is using the system, we may see keys here. In my configuration after a fresh boot we only see the session keyring and user keyring. Keyrings are simply a special type of key that holds other keys.
We can add keys with the `add` option to the `keyctl` command. The option takes several arguments:
keyctl add <type> <desc> <data> <keyring>
The `type` describes the type of key to be used. The `user` type can be used for arbitrary user defined keys. For our purposes all keys will be `user` keys. Kernel documentation describes key types in greater detail, further discussion of key types is beyond the scope of this document.
The `desc` argument is the description. It is an identifier that can be used to look up keys. Later, when discussing resolvers, we will talk about it’s other purpose. For now, treat this as an arbitrary string.
The key’s `data` is the content of the key. this is what we’re storing inside of it.
The `keyring` is the container in to which the key is going. Several keyrings exist, allowing keys to be placed in containers accessible only to the user, the session, the process, or the thread. More detail on these containers can be found in the kernel documentation and is out of scope for this document. For our purposes we will only use the session and user keyrings.
The following command adds a user key with the description “test key” and the content “this is some data” to the user’s keyring:
keyctl add user "$NAME" "$DATA" @u
The command returns a key identifier: a number we can use to look up the key in the future. Lets look at my keyring now:
Notice that the new key is now attached to my keyring.
With the new key added we can now look inside the key to find what data we stored in it. This is done with the `print` operation:
keyctl print $KEYNUM
We see that the content we put in is the content we print out, exactly as expected. Content may be human readable strings or arbitrary bytes. The `padd` command allows you to pass data to the key via a pipe instead of as an argument. Lets add some random bytes and see what happens:
dd if=/dev/random count=10 bs=1 | keyctl padd user "blob key" @u
When we print out our new “blob key,” we see that it’s helpfully hex encoded:
keyctl print $KEYNUM
Lets start by looking at our keyring again:
We see both our “test key” and our “blob key” are in our keyring. Lets clean it up a bit:
keyctl unlink $KEYNUM
Now our keyrings will be back to their original state:
So far we’ve talked about manually adding, looking at, and deleting keys. The key resolution system lets us write or use user-space code to add special keys to the kernel cache.
A “debug” resolver is included by default in the keyctl package and is defined in the resolver configuration. We can use this to demonstrate using a resolver from the command line:
keyctl request2 user "$DESC" "$CALLOUT"
Now that the key has been resolved, we can print it’s contents:
The “debug” resolver drops the content of the “callout info” (here, “some content”) in to the key:
keyctl instantiate $1 "Debug $3" $4 || exit 1
This brings us to a discussion of how the resolution system works.
+--------------+ +---------------+ +--------------------+
| user code | | kernel | | /sbin/request_key |
+-------+------+ +-------+-------+ +---------+----------+
| | |
| 1) request_key | |
|--------------------------->| |
| | |
| 2) key found | 2) key not found |
| | | 3) find resolver in
| | +---------------------------+
| | | /etc/request_key.conf |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |<--------------------------+
| | |
| | | 4) call resolver
| | +---------------------------+
| | | to get key data |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |<--------------------------+
| | 5) instantiate key |
| |<----------------------------+
| | with key data |
| 6) Return key | |
|<---------------------------+ |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Figure 1 illustrates the path taken by the “debug” resolver from the key resolution example. Here’s a more in depth explanation:
- The application calls request the request key function from
request_key("user", "debug:test", "some content", 0)
This is a wrapper for the syscall, signaling to the kernel to handle the request.
- The kernel handles the request a. If the key is found, the kernel returns it immediately. b. If the key is not found, the kernel calls the user space resolver.
- The user space resolver (/sbin/request-key) finds the correct
resolution path based on the key type, operation, description
argument, and callout info argument as defined in
#OP TYPE DESCRIPTION CALLOUT INFO PROGRAM ARG1 ARG2 ARG3 ... #====== ======= =============== =============== =============================== ... create user debug:* * /usr/share/keyutils/request-key-debug.sh %k %d %c %S
If the resolver cannot be found, request-key returns an error that is propagated back through the kernel to the user.
- If the resolver is found, request-key calls the resolver with the arguments defined in /etc/request-key.conf.
- The resolver instantiates the key via a syscall, signaling the kernel to return the key identifier to the user. If the resolver fails before instantiating the key, an error is propagated back to the user via the kernel. Verbose errors may be placed in kernel logs depending on the configuration in /etc/request-key.conf
- The key identifier is returned to the user. The user can now use this identifier to read the key.
In reality this explanation is a little bit over simplified. The actual process is a bit more complex, but the system can be treated as though this is accurate for the purposes of the rest of the document. If more information is needed the flow is described more accurately in the kernel’s Documentation/security/keys-request-key.txt.
As explained in the previous section, all resolution code is user-space. Resolvers can be added or modified without modifying the kernel. Through the remainder of this section we will explore example resolvers starting with a basic “hello world” and ending with a resolver that leverages Amazon’s Key Management Service to provide cloud based DPAPI-like functionality.
Before trying to write a resolver, it’s important to know how to debug one. Because verbose error messages do not propagate back to users, it can be difficult to identify resolver issues without a greater understanding of the system.
The man pages for request-key.conf notes one way to debug resolvers:
If the program name is prefixed with a pipe bar character '|', then the program will be forked and exec'd attached to three pipes. The callout information will be piped to it on it's stdin and the intended payload data will be retrieved from its stdout. Anything sent to stderr will be posted in syslog.
To demonstrate this functionality we can write a failing resolver, configure it in request-key.conf, and try it out. We’ll create our failing resolver in /usr/local/sbin:
echo "$@" >&2
echo "error message output" >&2
exit 1
After creating the script we would need to set execute permissions. We’re going to look at a couple of behaviors so do not make this script executable.
We will configure the resolver by adding the following line to /etc/request-key.conf:
create user fail:* * |/usr/local/sbin/failing_resolver %k %u %S %c
Watch the system log. On my system journalctl -f, and request a key:
In our logs we immediately see the first error:
Jan 06 18:27:28 wpad request-key[26180]: /etc/request-key.conf:44: Failed to execute '/usr/local/sbin/failing_resolver': Permission denied
As expected the resolver failed. Fix the permissions and try again.
sudo chmod +x "$TARGET"
Once complete we can perform the request again:
If you saw nothing in the logs, don’t be surprised. Key resolution failures are cached for a short period of time or, as described in kernel documentation, they are “negatively instantiated.” To get around this either unlink the offending key, change the description, or wait until the key expires.
Lets run the command again while watching the logs:
Now that the actual executable has run we see the verbose error message we were looking for:
Jan 06 18:52:56 wpad request-key[27567]: Child: 1045884694 1000 694337165 failing callout Jan 06 18:52:56 wpad request-key[27567]: Child: error message output
While the syslog method works for resolvers that take callout info from standard in, it doesn’t help us with resolvers that instantiate the key themselves. For this we can use a debug wrapper.
The following wrapper script that captures debug output and logs it so we can review it after a failure:
exec 2>&1 > $LOGFILE
echo "PWD=`pwd`"
echo "called: $PROG $@"
$PROG $@ >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
cat $LOGFILE >&2
After we create it, lets make sure it’s executable:
We can then prepend this wrapper in /etc/request-key.conf to any offending resolvers:
create user fail:* * /usr/local/sbin/debug_key_request.sh /usr/local/sbin/failing_resolver %k %u %S %c
Once added, we can run our failing resolver again:
We can now check the logs to find out debugging information:
PWD=/ called: /usr/local/sbin/failing_resolver 472000891 1000 694337165 failing callout 472000891 1000 694337165 failing callout error message output
The absolute most basic “hello world” resolver can be defined entirely in /etc/request-key.conf:
create user hello:* * |/usr/bin/echo -n "hello world"
Lets create a key using this resolver, Then read the contents of that key:
We can explore a more advanced example by instantiating the key in bash and performing some operation based on uesr input:
# hello world key init
# $0 <keyid> <descrip> <keyring>
TO=$(echo $2| cut -f2 -d':')
keyctl instantiate $1 "hello $TO" $3
After we make this executable…
… and add it to request-key.conf…
create user hello:* * /usr/local/bin/hello_resolver %k %d %S
… we can test this new, more complex, resolver:
If we want to write a more complex resolver, we’ll have to do it in a better language than bash. Fortunately it’s fairly simple to use Python cytpes to expose the functionality of libkeyutils. The following script implements the same “hello world” functionality as the bash script above in a more powerful language:
from sys import argv
import ctypes
from ctypes.util import find_library
key_serial_t = ctypes.c_int32
keyutils = ctypes.CDLL(find_library('keyutils'), use_errno=True)
keyutils.keyctl_instantiate.restype = ctypes.c_long
keyutils.keyctl_instantiate.argtypes = [key_serial_t,
def main():
key = int(argv[1])
descrip = argv[2].split(':')[1]
ringid = int(argv[3])
p = ("hello %s" % descrip).encode()
if len(p) > 256:
keyutils.keyctl_instantiate(key, p, len(p), ringid)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Now that we’ve established the ability to write a basic resolver, we can extend this to write something that’s actually useful. The following example creates keys on the fly, persists them to disk, and recovers them on request:
import fcntl
from sys import argv
from os import getuid, setuid, setgid, chown, chmod, fstat, path
from datetime import datetime
from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
import ctypes
from ctypes.util import find_library
key_serial_t = ctypes.c_int32
keyutils = ctypes.CDLL(find_library('keyutils'), use_errno=True)
keyutils.keyctl_instantiate.restype = ctypes.c_long
keyutils.keyctl_instantiate.argtypes = [key_serial_t,
KEYSTOREFILE = "/etc/keystore"
MAX_KEYSIZE = 1024*1024
class KeyStoreEntry:
def __init__(self, uid, key, timestamp):
self.uid = int(uid)
self.key = unhexlify(key)
self.time = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp))
def __repr__(self):
return "<KeyStoreEntry '%s'>" % self
def __str__(self):
return "%s %s %s" % (self.uid,
class KeyStore:
def __init__(self, keystore, key_size):
self.fd = None
self.entries = []
self.key_size = int(key_size)
assert self.key_size <= MAX_KEYSIZE, "Key size too big"
if not path.exists(keystore):
with open(keystore,'x') as touch:
chown(keystore, 0, 0)
chmod(keystore, 0o600)
self.fd = open(keystore, 'r+')
s = fstat(self.fd.fileno())
fcntl.lockf(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
assert (s.st_uid == 0 and
s.st_gid == 0 and
not ((s.st_mode & 0o7777) ^ 0o0600)),\
"Invalid permissions on %s" % keystore
for line in self.fd:
uid, key, timestamp = line.split(' ')
self.entries.append(KeyStoreEntry(uid, key, timestamp))
def add_key_for(self, uid):
with open('/dev/urandom','rb') as r:
key = r.read(self.key_size)
return key
def __getitem__(self, uid):
return next(e.key for e in self.entries if e.uid == uid
and len(e.key) == self.key_size)
except StopIteration:
key = self.add_key_for(uid)
return key
def write(self):
self.fd.write("\n".join("%s" % k for k in self.entries))
def __del__(self):
if self.fd:
fcntl.lockf(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
def usage():
print("This program should never be run on it's own and will only work if "
"run as root. It is intended to be run by the request-key process." )
print("it's correct usage is:")
print("%s <key> <uid> <gid>" % argv[0])
def find_or_make_key(uid, key_size):
keystore = KeyStore(KEYSTOREFILE, key_size)
payload = keystore[uid]
return payload
def main():
if (getuid() != 0) or (len(argv) < 4):
keyid = int(argv[1])
uid = int(argv[2])
gid = int(argv[3])
ringid = int(argv[4])
key_size = argv[5]
payload = find_or_make_key(uid, key_size)
keyutils.keyctl_instantiate(keyid, payload, len(payload), ringid)
if __name__ == "__main__":
This resolver stores keys in a location only readable by root. This means that such a resolver, or one like it, could be used to create and persist keys in a secure way across reboots. This proof of concept provides a first-draft solution to the long-standing problem of key storage on Linux systems.
Lets give it a shot. First we make it executable:
Then we add the resolver to /etc/request-key.conf:
create user stored:* * /usr/local/sbin/storedresolver %k %u %g %S %c
The final argument in the configuration, “%c”, passes the user’s provided callout info to the script. The user passes a number in this field to signal to the system the desired key size:
On the first run, the stored resolver creates a key on the fly and stores it to /etc/keystore. On each subsequent request the key is recovered from the keystore and returned to the user.
Since keys are not usually persisted, we can emulate a reboot by simply unlinking the key:
When we instantiate the key again with the same arguments, we will get the same key:
Amazon’s Key Management Service (KMS) allows users to encrypt and decrypt data using keys that cannot be directly accessed by hosts, access to which can be controlled external to the hosts. This provides an excellent platform for secure encryption and decryption.
Caching, however, is not built in to the system. This presents a challenge for short running applications, such as HTTP server CGI applications, that need to decrypt data, such as database credentials. One solution is to build a KMS resolver.
An additional benefit of a KMS resolver is that access to the metadata URL (http: can be blocked entirely for the user running the application via iptables rules, while still being accessible to the resolver itself (since the resolver runs as root, instead of apache/httpd/etc).
The following KMS resolver uses the `pykeyctl` wrapper library, which is a pythonic ctypes wrapper around libkeyutils:
from __future__ import print_function
from sys import argv
from os import setuid, setgid, getuid
def usage():
print("This program should never be run on it's own and will only work if "
"run as root. It is intended to be run by the request-key process." )
print("it's correct usage is:")
print("%s <key> <uid> <gid> <keyring> <base64_encoded_encrypted_key>" % argv[0])
def decrypt_key(b64_key):
from base64 import b64decode
import boto
key_data = b64decode(b64_key)
print("key data type %s, data: %s" % (type(key_data), key_data))
kms = boto.connect_kms()
decrypted_blob = kms.decrypt(key_data)
return bytes(decrypted_blob["Plaintext"])
def main():
if (getuid() != 0) or (len(argv) < 5):
uid = int(argv[2])
gid = int(argv[3])
keyid = int(argv[1])
keyring = int(argv[4])
from keyctl import Key #only import other deps after we've dropped privs
b64_key = argv[5]
payload = decrypt_key(b64_key)
k = Key(keyid)
k.instantiate(payload, keyring)
if __name__ == "__main__":
To use this we first set up two instances: an encryption instance (which can represent a build server), and a decryption instance (which can represent a production web server). Create a KMS key and provide both instances access to the key. A detailed walk-through on using AWS to do this is beyond the scope of this document.
For each instance install the base dependencies:
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install python-pip keyutils
sudo pip install boto
git clone https://github.com/jdukes/pykeyctl
cd pykeyctl #change this to pip install
sudo python setup.py install
With dependencies installed, use the following quick script to verify both instances have access to the key:
import boto
import base64
KEYID = "bdf4f9ea-0578-4ac5-a807-7a62bb60ec5e"
kms = boto.connect_kms()
dk = kms.generate_data_key_without_plaintext(KEYID, number_of_bytes=1024)
b64dk = base64.b64encode(dk['CiphertextBlob'])
# 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
Install the KMS resolver above to /usr/local/bin/kmsresolver, make it executable, and add it to request-key.conf:
create user kms:* * /usr/local/bin/kmsresolver %k %u %g %S %c
Encrypt secret data from the encryption system. Encrypting secrets from a separate system from the production system ensures secrets are never stored, even temporarily, in plain text on the production system. This eliminates the risk of an attacker recovering plain text secrets from build files someone forgot to delete, or temp flies a developer did not realize were created.
The following example script encrypts using a KMS key with the ID “bdf4f9ea-0578-4ac5-a807-7a62bb60ec5e”:
import boto
import base64
KEYID = "bdf4f9ea-0578-4ac5-a807-7a62bb60ec5e"
kms = boto.connect_kms()
key_data = kms.encrypt(KEYID, "my key for encrypting user secrets")
b64data = base64.b64encode(key_data['CiphertextBlob'])
# CiCJNTYy2Iiu3nUbzGxoQI4qntX9/6HqdMgNysn/PeAK6BKpAQEBAgB4iTU2MtiIrt51G8xsaECOKp7V/f+h6nTIDcrJ/z3gCugAAACAMH4GCSqGSIb3DQEHBqBxMG8CAQAwagYJKoZIhvcNAQcBMB4GCWCGSAFlAwQBLjARBAxgnhkdQEiHWOWt38YCARCAPfdv5IqdB3vElG4gISb5fVXeXpkb976Nvgh10Qnz1LDvB4W9d5+LEAIr7XNMHpwzm0ufl73VuUD//5cZeho=
The printed blob returned is the encrypted data. An in-depth explanation of KMS usage is beyond the scope of this document.
Once encrypted, the now-secure secret can be placed in code that can be installed on the production server:
from keyctl import Key
b64data = b"CiCJNTYy2Iiu3nUbzGxoQI4qntX9/6HqdMgNysn/PeAK6BKpAQEBAgB4iTU2MtiIrt51G8xsaECOKp7V/f+h6nTIDcrJ/z3gCugAAACAMH4GCSqGSIb3DQEHBqBxMG8CAQAwagYJKoZIhvcNAQcBMB4GCWCGSAFlAwQBLjARBAxgnhkdQEiHWOWt38YCARCAPfdv5IqdB3vElG4gISb5fVXeXpkb976Nvgh10Qnz1LDvB4W9d5+LEAIr7XNMHpwzm0ufl73VuUD//5cZeho="
k = Key.request(b"kms:mykey", callout_info=b64data)
# "my key for encrypting user secrets"
Using this model developers can develop more secure code on Linux systems within AWS.
The vast potential of keyctl is, at this point, mostly untapped. Immediately I imagine writing a resolver to cache from my password manager, providing them only to applications launched from my window manager. I imagine creating a yubi-key or other hardware key manager focused resolver. In amusement I occasionally think of implementing a fully functional DPAPI in Linux based on dpapick, just to prove it’s possible.
Using SELinux security contexts, supported by keyctl, it’s possible to do things that seem almost unimaginable such as secure keys in a way that make them inaccessible to an attacker even in limited cases of code execution. Were a kernel patch added to provide the PID and PPID as additional arguments to the resolver, it may be possible to do even more interesting things such as prompting a user with process information when keys are requested.
The opportunities are many, and sometimes amusing.