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390 lines (351 loc) · 9.56 KB

File metadata and controls

390 lines (351 loc) · 9.56 KB

Lingo - (Duolingo Clone)



🦞 Folder Structure

  |- actions/
    |-- challenge-progress.ts
    |-- user-progress.ts
    |-- user-subscription.ts
  |- app/
    |-- (auth)
      |-- sign-in
        |-- [[...sign-in]]
          |-- page.tsx
      |-- sign-up
        |-- [[...sign-up]]
          |-- page.tsx
      |-- layout.tsx
    |-- (main)
      |-- courses
        |-- page.tsx
      |-- leaderboard
        |-- page.tsx
      |-- learn
        |-- page.tsx
      |-- quests
        |-- page.tsx
      |-- shop
        |-- page.tsx
      |-- layout.tsx
    |-- (marketing)
      |-- layout.tsx
      |-- page.tsx
    |-- admin
      |-- app.tsx
      |-- page.tsx
    |-- api
      |-- challengeOptions
        |-- [challengeOptionId]
          |-- route.ts
        |-- route.ts
      |-- challenges
        |-- [challengeId]
          |-- route.ts
        |-- route.ts
      |-- courses
        |-- [courseId]
          |-- route.ts
        |-- route.ts
      |-- lessons
        |-- [lessonId]
          |-- route.ts
        |-- route.ts
      |-- units
        |-- [unitId]
          |-- route.ts
        |-- route.ts
      |-- webhooks
        |-- stripe
          |-- route.ts
      |-- buttons
        |-- page.tsx
      |-- layout.tsx
      |-- lesson
        |-- [lessonId]
          |-- page.tsx
        |-- layout.tsx
        |-- page.tsx
      |-- loading.tsx
  |- components/
    |-- Admin
      |-- Challenge
        |-- ChallengeCreate.tsx
        |-- ChallengeEdit.tsx
        |-- ChallengeList.tsx
        |-- index.ts
      |-- ChallengeOption
        |-- ChallengeOptionCreate.tsx
        |-- ChallengeOptionEdit.tsx
        |-- ChallengeOptionList.tsx
        |-- index.ts
      |-- Course
        |-- CourseCreate.tsx
        |-- CourseEdit.tsx
        |-- CourseList.tsx
        |-- index.ts
      |-- Lesson
        |-- index.ts
        |-- LessonCreate.tsx
        |-- LessonEdit.tsx
        |-- LessonList.tsx
      |-- Unit
        |-- index.ts
        |-- UnitCreate.tsx
        |-- UnitEdit.tsx
        |-- UnitList.tsx
    |-- Courses
      |-- Card
        |-- Card.tsx
        |-- index.ts
      |-- LessonButton
        |-- index.ts
        |-- LessonButton.tsx
      |-- List
        |-- index.ts
        |-- List.tsx
      |-- Unit
        |-- index.ts
        |-- Unit.tsx
        |-- UnitBanner.tsx
    |-- Header
      |-- Header.tsx
      |-- index.ts
    |-- Leaderboard
      |-- LeaderboardList
        |-- index.ts
        |-- LeaderboardList.tsx
    |-- Learn
      |-- Units
        |-- index.ts
        |-- Units.tsx
    |-- Lesson
      |-- Card
        |-- Card.tsx
        |-- index.ts
      |-- Challenge
        |-- Challenge.tsx
        |-- index.ts
      |-- Footer
        |-- Footer.tsx
        |-- index.ts
      |-- Header
        |-- Header.tsx
        |-- index.ts
      |-- QuestionBubble
        |-- index.ts
        |-- QuestionBubble.tsx
      |-- Quiz
        |-- index.ts
        |-- Quiz.tsx
      |-- ResultCard
        |-- index.ts
        |-- ResultCard.tsx
    |-- Loader
      |-- index.ts
      |-- Loader.tsx
    |-- Logo
      |-- index.ts
      |-- Logo.tsx
    |-- Marketing
      |-- Footer
        |-- constants.ts
        |-- Footer.tsx
        |-- index.ts
      |-- Header
        |-- Header.tsx
        |-- index.ts
    |-- MobileHeader
      |-- index.ts
      |-- MobileHeader.tsx
    |-- MobileSidebar
      |-- index.ts
      |-- MobileSidebar.tsx
    |-- Modals
      |-- ExitModal.tsx
      |-- HeartsModal.tsx
      |-- PracticeModal.tsx
    |-- Promo
      |-- index.ts
      |-- Promo.tsx
    |-- Quests
      |-- QuestList
        |-- index.ts
        |-- QuestList.tsx
    |-- Shop
      |-- Items
        |-- index.ts
        |-- Items.tsx
    |-- Sidebar
      |-- constants.ts
      |-- index.ts
      |-- Sidebar.tsx
      |-- SidebarItem.tsx
    |-- Skeletons
      |-- index.ts
      |-- Skeletons.tsx
    |-- ui
      |-- Avatar.tsx
      |-- Badge.tsx
      |-- Button.tsx
      |-- Dialog.tsx
      |-- Progress.tsx
      |-- Separator.tsx
      |-- Sheet.tsx
      |-- Skeleton.tsx
      |-- Sonner.tsx
    |-- UserProgress
      |-- index.ts
      |-- UserProgress.tsx
    |-- Wrappers
      |-- FeedWrapper.tsx
      |-- StickyWrapper.tsx
  |- constants.ts
  |- db/
    |-- drizzle.ts
    |-- queries.ts
    |-- schema.ts
  |- lib/
    |-- admin.ts
    |-- stripe.ts
    |-- utils.ts
  |- public/
    |-- boy.svg
    |-- es.svg
    |-- finish.svg
    |-- fr.svg
    |-- girl.svg
    |-- heart.svg
    |-- hero.svg
    |-- hr.svg
    |-- it.svg
    |-- jp.svg
    |-- leaderboard.svg
    |-- learn.svg
    |-- man.svg
    |-- mascot_bad.svg
    |-- mascot_sad.svg
    |-- mascot.svg
    |-- points.svg
    |-- quests.svg
    |-- robot.svg
    |-- shop.svg
    |-- unlimited.svg
    |-- woman.svg
    |-- zombie.svg
  |- scripts/
    |-- production.ts
    |-- reset.ts
    |-- seed.ts
  |- store/
    |-- use-exit-modal.ts
    |-- use-hearts-modal.ts
    |-- use-practice-modal.ts
  |- styles/
    |-- globals.css
  |- .eslintrc.json
  |- .gitignore
  |- .husky/
    |-- commit-msg
    |-- pre-commit
  |- .lintstagedrc
  |- .prettierignore
  |- .prettierrc
  |- commitlint.config.ts
  |- components.json
  |- drizzle.config.ts
  |- middleware.ts
  |- next.config.mjs
  |- package.json
  |- postcss.config.mjs
  |- tailwind.config.ts
  |- tsconfig.json

🌟 Getting Started

  1. Make sure Git and NodeJS is installed.
  2. Clone this repository to your local computer.
  3. Create .env file in root directory.
  4. Contents of .env:
# .env

# disabled next.js telemetry

# clerk auth keys

# neon db uri

# stripe api key and webhook

# public app url

# clerk admin user id(s) separated by comma and space (, )
# or CLERK_ADMIN_IDS="user_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, user_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" for multiple admins.
  1. Obtain Clerk Authentication Keys

    1. Source: Clerk Dashboard or Settings Page
    2. Procedure:
      • Log in to your Clerk account.
      • Navigate to the dashboard or settings page.
      • Look for the section related to authentication keys.
      • Copy the NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY and CLERK_SECRET_KEY provided in that section.
  2. Retrieve Neon Database URL

    1. Source: Database Provider (e.g., Neon, PostgreSQL)
    2. Procedure:
      • Access your database provider's platform or configuration.
      • Locate the database connection details.
      • Replace <user>, <password>, <host>, and <port> placeholders in the URI with your actual database credentials.
      • Ensure to include ?sslmode=require at the end of the URL for SSL mode requirement.
  3. Fetch Stripe API Key and Webhook Secret

    1. Source: Stripe Dashboard
    2. Procedure:
      • Log in to your Stripe account.
      • Navigate to the dashboard or API settings.
      • Find the section related to API keys and webhook secrets.
  4. Specify Public App URL

    1. Procedure:
      • Replace http://localhost:3000 with the URL of your deployed application.
  5. Identify Clerk Admin User IDs

    1. Source: Clerk Dashboard or Settings Page

    2. Procedure:

      • Log in to your Clerk account.
      • Navigate to the dashboard or settings page.
      • Find the section related to admin user IDs.
      • Copy the user IDs provided, ensuring they are separated by commas and spaces.
  6. Save and Secure:

    • Save the changes to the .env file.
  7. Install Project Dependencies using npm install --legacy-peer-deps or yarn install --legacy-peer-deps.

  8. Run the Seed Script:

    In the same terminal, run the following command to execute the seed script:

    npm run db:push && npm run db:prod

    This command uses npm to execute the Typescript file (scripts/prod.ts) and writes challenges data in database.

  9. Verify Data in Database:

    Once the script completes, check your database to ensure that the challenges data has been successfully seeded.

  10. Now app is fully configured 👍 and you can start using this app using either one of npm run dev or yarn dev.

[!IMPORTANT] Please make sure to keep your API keys and configuration values secure and do not expose them publicly.

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React JS Next JS Typescript Tailwind CSS Vercel Postgresql