Releases: jecrell/Star-Wars---The-Force
Star Wars - The Force A17 - 6-13-2017 - Jedi hoods added
-Added Jedi hoods a few iterations ago.
-Fixed an issue with the hoods due to a capitalization issue in the files.
Star Wars - The Force A17 - 6-6-2017 Force XP Bugfix
Force XP now properly scales across multiple force users when multiple force users are at work.
Star Wars - The Force A17 - 6-6-2017 Bugfixes
Lots of fixes for duplicate abilities and issues with cooldowns.
Changed the way force lightning and force choke work.
Star Wars - The Force A17 - 5-31-2017 Bugfixes
Updated assemblies to refer to the JecsTools abilityUser.
Star Wars - The Force A17 - JecsTools Update
Now The Force is dependent on the mod JecsTools.
Releases available here:
Star Wars - The Force A17 Minor Update 3
This update fixes an error that occured due to an A17 update with regards to WorkTags.
The issue is fixed. Enjoy!
Star Wars - The Force A17 Minor Update 2
-Billiard tables and other joy objects no longer give huge force XP.
-Force pool skill's effect is now easily visible when selecting force
-Added Spanish Translation by Bub (
Star Wars - The Force A17 Minor Update 1
+Fixed the ability to learn force XP through crafting and art.
+Fixed Force Choke asphyxiation rate.
Star Wars - The Force A17 Initial Release
Short testing.
Mod appears to be fully functional.
Report all bugs / problems to our Discord.