- Powershell Core 7.1+
- C Compiler (gcc/clang)
- Make
- Nodejs
- Python
- Git
- RipGrep
- Nodejs
- Python
- Git
- RipGrep
- How extending treesitter queries works
- Integrate with chezmoi tool
- how to search for a range of line numbers and return the searched number of words
- luasnip
- configure tmp-tabnine to use different OS
- On treesitter on spellchecker
- refactor personal config using:
- vscode config
- create minimal config
- Default No-Name file when creating a tab
- Annotation Generator
- EditorConfig
- Silicon
- Breadcrumbs
- create simple plugin using this
- copilot
- window picker
- hardtime
- gitignore.nvim
- lightbulb.nvim
- window picker
- blame.nvim
- diffview.nvim
- other.nvim
- range-highlight.nvim
- colortils.nvim
- cutlass.nvim
- codeium.nvim
- replacer.nvim
- ultimate-autopair.nvim
- Default Nerd-font
- Jetbrain Mono
- Victor Mono (cursive italic)
- new
- https://github.com/luukvbaal/statuscol.nvim
- configure status column to separate diagnostics/todo signs from git signs
- https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/107ms1s/the_new_signcolumn_merge_allows_us_to_set_a/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/10j0vyf/finally_figured_out_a_statuscolumn_i_am_happy/
- edgy
- Default Nerd-font
- lsp ergonomic
- dashboard
- add shortcuts for:
- vimwiki?
- add shortcuts for:
- bqf
- always on the below window
- nvim-surround
- markdown
- MD syntax
- vimwiki
- silenty call the commands
- markdown preview
- paint
- femaco
- spectre
- ufo (folding)
- neorg
- todo colored icons
- green for done, red for pending
- todo colored icons
- todo-comments
- powershell filetype
- smarts-splits.nvim
- task runner
- research which is better asyncrun.vim vs overseer.nvim
- refactoring
- nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-context
- vim-visual-multi
- dropbar
- markmap
- block
- flash.nvim
- NotebookNavigator.nvim
- image.nvim
- hypersonic.nvim
- rainbow (change from nvim-ts-rainbow2)
- nvim-devdocs
- align.nvim
- mini
- ai
- align
- pairs
- comment
- animate
- hipatterns
- indentscope
- splitjoin
- surround
- bufremove
- files
- python
- ruff-lsp & ruff linter
- Rust
- Markdown
- Intelephense - lsp
- phpactor - lsp
- psalm - linter
- phpstan - linter
- cucumber
- configure
- yaml
- lemminx
- maven auto complete
- java
- global nlsp-settings
- js/ts
- go
- assembly
- emmet
- python
- format-on-save
- conform.nvim
- lua debugger
- java
- google format
- Vale
- typescript
- rome
- formatter
- linter
- rome/tools#3544 (comment)
- code actions
- rome
- lua
- formatter
- python
- black
- java
- lua
- pcall
- java
- general
- package
- interface
- debug (sysout)
- infor specifics
- Element
- general
- lua
- try this telescope picker config
- bqf
- not going back to previous cursor position when the preview is on the previous cursor
- lsp
- cucumber
- make it work, does not attach to cucumber file
- typescript/deno
- make it work perfectly
- cucumber
- treesitter
- nvim-jdtls
- "Client 1 quit with exit code 13 and signal 0"
- jdtls lsp is not working in a java project
and Delete workspace project in %USERPROFILE%/workspace/{project}
- jdtls lsp is not working in a java project
- "Client 1 quit with exit code 13 and signal 0"