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Q97766: Using IBM LAN Server 1.3 with Windows for Workgroups

Q97766: Using IBM LAN Server 1.3 with Windows for Workgroups

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Article: Q97766
Product(s): Microsoft Windows 3.x Retail Product
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.1,3.11
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 08-OCT-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1, 3.11 

This article contains information about using Windows for Workgroups
with third-party products or configurations that have not been tested
and are not supported by Microsoft.

If the steps or procedures described in this article do not function
properly, use a supported configuration or contact the manufacturer of
the third-party product for more information.


The IBM LAN Server 1.3 network operating system is a Server Message Block (SMB)
compliant network and can be accessed from Windows for Workgroups workstations
with Microsoft LAN Manager connectivity using the procedure outlined in this

Microsoft can ensure connectivity between Windows for Workgroups and Microsoft
LAN Manager or Novell NetWare only. Although the information stated in this
article may allow Windows for Workgroups and LAN Server to coexist, Microsoft
does not ensure the stability of Windows for Workgroups running with this


Use the following procedure to access a LAN Server network:

1. At least one Windows for Workgroups machine on the network MUST use the LAN
  Server Domain name as its Workgroup name.

2. To install Microsoft LAN Manager as a secondary network, open Control Panel
  and choose the Network icon.

  Similar to Microsoft LAN Manager, IBM LAN Server is an SMB-compliant network
  that can interact with Windows for Workgroups as long as the same transport
  protocol (NetBEUI, for example) is used. The LAN Manager driver must be
  selected because Windows for Workgroups does not contain a specific LAN
  Server driver that would allow access and logon to a LAN Server Domain.

3. Under Options, select Networks.

4. Select Microsoft LAN Manager and choose the Add button so that it appears in
  the Other Networks In Use section.

5. Select Microsoft LAN Manager, choose the Settings button, and then select the
  appropriate Domain and/or Password settings.

6. The above procedure should permit LAN Server LOGON, but the HOME directory
  may still be inaccessible.

For more information on connecting to a LAN Server HOME directory, query on the
following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  directory and home and ibm and lan and server and share

Windows for Workgroups will automatically reestablish the connection to the HOME
directory (although it may be inaccessible) and any other directory that the
user has rights to each time Windows for Workgroups is started. A user can also
access two separate servers using the same user identification without the
passwords being identical with Windows for Workgroups. With a LAN Server-only
connection, this function would require that the passwords be identical.

For additional information, contact IBM Technical Support.

LAN Server is manufactured by IBM, a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no
warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or

Additional query words: 3.10 3.11 Lanserver

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbWFWSearch kbWFW310 kbWFW311
Version           : WINDOWS:3.1,3.11


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