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Q170267: WD97: WordBasic MacroCopy Command Fails

Q170267: WD97: WordBasic MacroCopy Command Fails

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Article: Q170267
Product(s): Word 97 for Windows
Version(s): Service Release 1 (SR-1)
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbmacro kbusage kbwordvba winword word97
Last Modified: 26-OCT-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Word 97 for Windows, version Service Release 1 (SR-1) 


When you attempt to use a WordBasic.MacroCopy command to copy a macro from any
location other than a local template to any location other than a global
template, the copy may fail.

The table that follows details how the WordBasic.MacroCopy, WordBasic.Organizer,
and Application.OrganizerCopy commands perform in Microsoft Word 97 SR-1.

NOTE: "Global Temp" indicates any template loaded globally (that is, it is loaded
by clicking Templates And Add-Ins on the Tools menu).

An error will be generated when you try to perform any of the illegal copies. The
error message will change depending on the command used and the target.

Using WordBasic.MacroCopy

  Source       Target        Valid  Err  Error Message
  Document     Document      Yes
  Document     Template      Yes
  Document     Normal        Yes
  Document     Global Temp   No*    24   Bad Parameter
  Template     Document      Yes
  Template     Template      Yes
  Template     Normal        Yes
  Template     Global Temp   No*    24   Bad Parameter
  Normal       Document      No     24   Bad Parameter
  Normal       Template      No     24   Bad Parameter
  Normal       Normal        No     24   Bad Parameter
  Normal       Global Temp   No     24   Bad Parameter
  Global Temp  Document      No     24   Bad Parameter
  Global Temp  Template      No     24   Bad Parameter
  Global Temp  Normal        No     24   Bad Parameter
  Global Temp  Global Temp   No     24   Bad Parameter

Using WordBasic.Organizer

  Source       Target        Valid  Err  Error Message
  Document     Document      Yes
  Document     Template      Yes
  Document     Normal        Yes
  Document     Global Temp   No*    1844 The project item cannot be copied
  Template     Document      Yes
  Template     Template      Yes
  Template     Normal        Yes
  Template     Global Temp   No*    1844 The project item cannot be copied
  Normal       Document      No     102  Command failed
  Normal       Template      No     102  Command failed
  Normal       Normal        No     102  Command failed
  Normal       Global Temp   No     102  Command failed
  Global Temp  Document      No     102  Command failed
  Global Temp  Template      No     102  Command failed
  Global Temp  Normal        No     102  Command failed
  Global Temp  Global Temp   No     1844 The project item cannot be copied

Using Application.OrganizerCopy

  Source       Target        Valid  Err  Error Message
  Document     Document      Yes
  Document     Template      Yes
  Document     Normal        Yes
  Document     Global Temp   No*    5940 The project item cannot be copied
  Template     Document      Yes
  Template     Template      Yes
  Template     Normal        Yes
  Template     Global Temp   No*    5940 The project item cannot be copied
  Normal       Document      No     4198 Command failed
  Normal       Template      No     4198 Command failed
  Normal       Normal        No     4198 Command failed
  Normal       Global Temp   No     4198 Command failed
  Global Temp  Document      No     4198 Command failed
  Global Temp  Template      No     4198 Command failed
  Global Temp  Normal        No     4198 Command failed
  Global Temp  Global Temp   No     5940 The project item cannot be copied

* Copying from a document or template to a global template will work if the
global tempalte is open in Word for editing.


This functionality is by design in Microsoft Word 97 SR-1, in an effort to
reduce the spread of macro viruses. This behavior is different from Microsoft
Word 97. In Microsoft Word 97, the command will be executed as expected.


Instead of using the WordBasic object to copy macros from one location to
another, use the Microsoft Word 97 object model.

For more information about equivalent commands in the Microsoft Word 97 object
model, click the Office Assistant, type "What is WordBasic.MacroCopy?," click
Search, and then click to view "Visual Basic Equivalents for WordBasic

NOTE: You must be in the Visual Basic Editor before you click the Office
Assistant for help.

NOTE: If the Assistant is hidden, click the Office Assistant button on the
Standard toolbar. If Word Help is not installed on your computer, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q120802 Office: How to Add/Remove a Single Office Program or Component


For more information about macro viruses, please see the following articles in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q134727 WD: What to Do If You Have a Macro Virus

  Q163932 WD: Frequently Asked Questions About Word Macro Viruses

For more information about macro viruses, click the Office Assistant, type "macro
virus," click Search, and then click "Check documents for macros that might
contain viruses."

Additional query words: sr1 release1 8.0

Keywords          : kbmacro kbusage kbwordvba winword word97 
Technology        : kbWordSearch kbWord97 kbWord97Search kbZNotKeyword2 kbWord97SR1
Version           : :Service Release 1 (SR-1)
Issue type        : kbprb


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