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Fernando Fernández edited this page Apr 10, 2023 · 8 revisions

Besides the settings that can be configured through the client itself (by clicking the user profile image at the top left), which are described in the interface itself, there are internal settings mostly meant for admins and advanced users to further configure the behaviour of the client.

What you can configure

  • Default servers: Jellyfin servers that will be always available through the server selection menu. Before setting this value, test if the server URL is accesible and valid for Jellyfin Vue by adding the server manually.
  • Router mode: Whether to use the hash or history mode. Hash adds a shebang (#) to the URL routes, while history does not. History requires additional configuration in the web server. More information at Vue Router docs

Non Docker-based setups

If you're not running Jellyfin Vue in our official Docker container (regardless if server is running through Docker or not), you must edit the config.json file that it's located at the root of the directory where you deployed Jellyfin Vue.

Property Type Default value Example
defaultServerURLs Array [] ['', '']
routerMode String: hash | router hash "hash"

Docker-based setups

Configuration is performed by using environment variables. Under the hood, those environment variables are going to be written into config.json in a way the frontend can understand, as explained in the section above

Environment variable Description Example
DEFAULT_SERVERS Comma separated string with server urls,
HISTORY_ROUTER_MODE Either 0 (hash) or 1 (history) 1
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