.. index:: single: Service Container single: DependencyInjection; Container
A modern PHP application is full of objects. One object may facilitate the delivery of email messages while another may allow you to persist information into a database. In your application, you may create an object that manages your product inventory, or another object that processes data from a third-party API. The point is that a modern application does many things and is organized into many objects that handle each task.
This chapter is about a special PHP object in Symfony that helps you instantiate, organize and retrieve the many objects of your application. This object, called a service container, will allow you to standardize and centralize the way objects are constructed in your application. The container makes your life easier, is super fast, and emphasizes an architecture that promotes reusable and decoupled code. Since all core Symfony classes use the container, you'll learn how to extend, configure and use any object in Symfony. In large part, the service container is the biggest contributor to the speed and extensibility of Symfony.
Finally, configuring and using the service container is easy. By the end of this chapter, you'll be comfortable creating your own objects via the container and customizing objects from any third-party bundle. You'll begin writing code that is more reusable, testable and decoupled, simply because the service container makes writing good code so easy.
If you want to know a lot more after reading this chapter, check out the :doc:`DependencyInjection component documentation </components/dependency_injection>`.
.. index:: single: Service Container; What is a service?
Put simply, a service is any PHP object that performs some sort of "global" task. It's a purposefully-generic name used in computer science to describe an object that's created for a specific purpose (e.g. delivering emails). Each service is used throughout your application whenever you need the specific functionality it provides. You don't have to do anything special to make a service: simply write a PHP class with some code that accomplishes a specific task. Congratulations, you've just created a service!
As a rule, a PHP object is a service if it is used globally in your
application. A single Mailer
service is used globally to send
email messages whereas the many Message
objects that it delivers
are not services. Similarly, a Product
object is not a service,
but an object that persists Product
objects to a database is a service.
So what's the big deal then? The advantage of thinking about "services" is that you begin to think about separating each piece of functionality in your application into a series of services. Since each service does just one job, you can easily access each service and use its functionality wherever you need it. Each service can also be more easily tested and configured since it's separated from the other functionality in your application. This idea is called service-oriented architecture and is not unique to Symfony or even PHP. Structuring your application around a set of independent service classes is a well-known and trusted object-oriented best-practice. These skills are key to being a good developer in almost any language.
.. index:: single: Service Container; What is a service container?
A service container (or dependency injection container) is simply a PHP object that manages the instantiation of services (i.e. objects).
For example, suppose you have a simple PHP class that delivers email messages. Without a service container, you must manually create the object whenever you need it:
use AppBundle\Mailer; $mailer = new Mailer('sendmail'); $mailer->send('ryan@example.com', ...);
This is easy enough. The imaginary Mailer
class allows you to configure
the method used to deliver the email messages (e.g. sendmail
, smtp
, etc).
But what if you wanted to use the mailer service somewhere else? You certainly
don't want to repeat the mailer configuration every time you need to use
the Mailer
object. What if you needed to change the transport
to smtp
everywhere in the application? You'd need to hunt
down every place you create a Mailer
service and change it.
.. index:: single: Service Container; Configuring services
A better answer is to let the service container create the Mailer
for you. In order for this to work, you must teach the container how to
create the Mailer
service. This is done via configuration, which can
be specified in YAML, XML or PHP:
When Symfony initializes, it builds the service container using the
application configuration (app/config/config.yml
by default). The
exact file that's loaded is dictated by the AppKernel::registerContainerConfiguration()
method, which loads an environment-specific configuration file (e.g.
for the dev
environment or config_prod.yml
for prod
An instance of the AppBundle\Mailer
class is now available via the service
container. The container is available in any traditional Symfony controller
where you can access the services of the container via the get()
class HelloController extends Controller { // ... public function sendEmailAction() { // ... $mailer = $this->get('app.mailer'); $mailer->send('ryan@foobar.net', ...); } }
When you ask for the app.mailer
service from the container, the container
constructs the object and returns it. This is another major advantage of
using the service container. Namely, a service is never constructed until
it's needed. If you define a service and never use it on a request, the service
is never created. This saves memory and increases the speed of your application.
This also means that there's very little or no performance hit for defining
lots of services. Services that are never used are never constructed.
As a bonus, the Mailer
service is only created once and the same
instance is returned each time you ask for the service. This is almost always
the behavior you'll need (it's more flexible and powerful), but you'll learn
later how you can configure a service that has multiple instances in the
:doc:`/service_container/shared` article.
In this example, the controller extends Symfony's base Controller, which
gives you access to the service container itself. You can then use the
method to locate and retrieve the app.mailer
service from
the service container.
The creation of new services (i.e. objects) via the container is pretty straightforward. Parameters make defining services more organized and flexible:
.. configuration-block:: .. code-block:: yaml # app/config/services.yml parameters: app.mailer.transport: sendmail services: app.mailer: class: AppBundle\Mailer arguments: ['%app.mailer.transport%'] .. code-block:: xml <!-- app/config/services.xml --> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <container xmlns="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services/services-1.0.xsd"> <parameters> <parameter key="app.mailer.transport">sendmail</parameter> </parameters> <services> <service id="app.mailer" class="AppBundle\Mailer"> <argument>%app.mailer.transport%</argument> </service> </services> </container> .. code-block:: php // app/config/services.php use AppBundle\Mailer; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition; $container->setParameter('app.mailer.transport', 'sendmail'); $container->setDefinition('app.mailer', new Definition( Mailer::class, array('%app.mailer.transport%') ));
The end result is exactly the same as before - the difference is only in
how you defined the service. By enclosing the app.mailer.transport
string with percent (%
) signs, the container knows to look for a parameter
with that name. When the container is built, it looks up the value of each
parameter and uses it in the service definition.
If you want to use a string that starts with an @
sign as a parameter
value (e.g. a very safe mailer password) in a YAML file, you need to escape
it by adding another @
sign (this only applies to the YAML format):
# app/config/parameters.yml
# This will be parsed as string '@securepass'
mailer_password: '@@securepass'
The percent sign inside a parameter or argument, as part of the string, must be escaped with another percent sign:
<argument type="string">http://symfony.com/?foo=%%s&bar=%%d</argument>
The purpose of parameters is to feed information into services. Of course there was nothing wrong with defining the service without using any parameters. Parameters, however, have several advantages:
- separation and organization of all service "options" under a single
key; - parameter values can be used in multiple service definitions;
- when creating a service in a bundle (this follows shortly), using parameters allows the service to be easily customized in your application.
The choice of using or not using parameters is up to you. High-quality third-party bundles will always use parameters as they make the service stored in the container more configurable. For the services in your application, however, you may not need the flexibility of parameters.
Parameters can also contain array values. See :ref:`component-di-parameters-array`.
.. index:: single: Service Container; Referencing services
So far, the original app.mailer
service is simple: it takes just one argument
in its constructor, which is easily configurable. As you'll see, the real
power of the container is realized when you need to create a service that
depends on one or more other services in the container.
As an example, suppose you have a new service, NewsletterManager
that helps to manage the preparation and delivery of an email message to
a collection of addresses. Of course the app.mailer
service is already
really good at delivering email messages, so you'll use it inside NewsletterManager
to handle the actual delivery of the messages. This pretend class might look
something like this:
// src/AppBundle/Newsletter/NewsletterManager.php namespace AppBundle\Newsletter; use AppBundle\Mailer; class NewsletterManager { protected $mailer; public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) { $this->mailer = $mailer; } // ... }
Without using the service container, you can create a new NewsletterManager
fairly easily from inside a controller:
use AppBundle\Newsletter\NewsletterManager; // ... public function sendNewsletterAction() { $mailer = $this->get('app.mailer'); $newsletter = new NewsletterManager($mailer); // ... }
This approach is fine, but what if you decide later that the NewsletterManager
class needs a second or third constructor argument? What if you decide to
refactor your code and rename the class? In both cases, you'd need to find every
place where the NewsletterManager
is instantiated and modify it. Of course,
the service container gives you a much more appealing option:
.. configuration-block:: .. code-block:: yaml # app/config/services.yml services: app.mailer: # ... app.newsletter_manager: class: AppBundle\Newsletter\NewsletterManager arguments: ['@app.mailer'] .. code-block:: xml <!-- app/config/services.xml --> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <container xmlns="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services/services-1.0.xsd"> <services> <service id="app.mailer"> <!-- ... --> </service> <service id="app.newsletter_manager" class="AppBundle\Newsletter\NewsletterManager"> <argument type="service" id="app.mailer"/> </service> </services> </container> .. code-block:: php // app/config/services.php use AppBundle\Newsletter\NewsletterManager; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference; $container->setDefinition('app.mailer', ...); $container->setDefinition('app.newsletter_manager', new Definition( NewsletterManager::class, array(new Reference('app.mailer')) ));
In YAML, the special @app.mailer
syntax tells the container to look for
a service named app.mailer
and to pass that object into the constructor
of NewsletterManager
. In this case, however, the specified service app.mailer
must exist. If it does not, an exception will be thrown. You can mark your
dependencies as optional - this will be discussed in the next section.
Using references is a very powerful tool that allows you to create independent service
classes with well-defined dependencies. In this example, the app.newsletter_manager
service needs the app.mailer
service in order to function. When you define
this dependency in the service container, the container takes care of all
the work of instantiating the classes.
Injecting dependencies into the constructor in this manner is an excellent way of ensuring that the dependency is available to use. If you have optional dependencies for a class, then "setter injection" may be a better option. This means injecting the dependency using a method call rather than through the constructor. The class would look like this:
namespace AppBundle\Newsletter; use AppBundle\Mailer; class NewsletterManager { protected $mailer; public function setMailer(Mailer $mailer) { $this->mailer = $mailer; } // ... }
Injecting the dependency by the setter method just needs a change of syntax:
.. configuration-block:: .. code-block:: yaml # app/config/services.yml services: app.mailer: # ... app.newsletter_manager: class: AppBundle\Newsletter\NewsletterManager calls: - [setMailer, ['@app.mailer']] .. code-block:: xml <!-- app/config/services.xml --> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <container xmlns="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services/services-1.0.xsd"> <services> <service id="app.mailer"> <!-- ... --> </service> <service id="app.newsletter_manager" class="AppBundle\Newsletter\NewsletterManager"> <call method="setMailer"> <argument type="service" id="app.mailer" /> </call> </service> </services> </container> .. code-block:: php // app/config/services.php use AppBundle\Newsletter\NewsletterManager; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference; $container->setDefinition('app.mailer', ...); $definition = new Definition(NewsletterManager::class) $definition->addMethodCall('setMailer', array( new Reference('app.mailer'), )); $container->setDefinition('app.newsletter_manager', $definition);
The approaches presented in this section are called "constructor injection" and "setter injection". The Symfony service container also supports "property injection".
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :glob: /service_container/*