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Formatted Spreadsheet Generator

Jesse Cambon 23 November, 2019

We will use the classic gapminder dataset to create a formatted spreadsheet report using the openxlsx package. This code allows us to create the spreadsheet report directly from code instead of using manual copy and pasting and formatting. This is especially conveniant for recurring reports.

To view the resulting spreadsheet report, click here.


output_file <- 'gapminder_summary_report.xlsx'


gap_continent_summ <- gapminder %>% 
  filter(year==2007) %>% select(-year) %>%
  group_by(continent) %>%
            pop=sum(as.numeric(pop))) %>%
  ungroup() %>%

# Grab the top 5 most populuous countries from each continent
gap_top_countries <- gapminder %>%
  filter(year==2007) %>% select(-year) %>%
  group_by(continent) %>%
  arrange(desc(pop)) %>% slice(1:5) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 

gap_combi <- bind_rows(gap_continent_summ,gap_top_countries) %>%
  arrange(continent,desc(pop)) %>%
  # combine country and continent fields for stacking
         pop=pop/10^6) %>%   # Convert to counting millions for easy display
  select(category,lifeExp,gdpPercap,pop,everything()) %>%
  select(-country,-continent) %>%
  rename(`Life Expectancy` = lifeExp, `GDP Per Capita`=gdpPercap, `Population (Millions)`=pop)
kable(gap_combi %>% select(-header_level,-indent_level) %>% rename(`Continent/Country`=category),format='markdown',
      format.args=list(big.mark=','),digits=c(0,1,0,0)) %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped",'border'))
## Warning in kable_styling(., bootstrap_options = c("striped", "border")): Please
## specify format in kable. kableExtra can customize either HTML or LaTeX outputs.
## See for details.
Continent/Country Life Expectancy GDP Per Capita Population (Millions)
Africa 54.6 2,561 930
Nigeria 46.9 2,014 135
Egypt 71.3 5,581 80
Ethiopia 52.9 691 77
Congo, Dem. Rep. 46.5 278 65
South Africa 49.3 9,270 44
Americas 75.4 21,603 899
United States 78.2 42,952 301
Brazil 72.4 9,066 190
Mexico 76.2 11,978 109
Colombia 72.9 7,007 44
Argentina 75.3 12,779 40
Asia 69.4 5,432 3,812
China 73.0 4,959 1,319
India 64.7 2,452 1,110
Indonesia 70.7 3,541 224
Pakistan 65.5 2,606 169
Bangladesh 64.1 1,391 150
Europe 77.9 25,244 586
Germany 79.4 32,170 82
Turkey 71.8 8,458 71
France 80.7 30,470 61
United Kingdom 79.4 33,203 61
Italy 80.5 28,570 58
Oceania 81.1 32,885 25
Australia 81.2 34,435 20
New Zealand 80.2 25,185 4

Create Spreadsheet

Now we will create the formatted spreadsheet

Comma, rounded, and percent columns can be entered either as column position or as a column name. Alternatively, you can pass a list of specific format strings to ‘format_cols’.

You can pass ‘indent_level’ and ‘header_level’ columns to the create_worksheet function for formatting purposes. These columns will not be shown in the resulting spreadsheet.

## Define the function for creating a worksheet
create_worksheet <- function(wb,sheet_name,data,
         title1_text="", # Sheet title
         comma_cols=NULL, # Column #s or names to be in comma format
         percent_cols=NULL, # Column #s or names to be in percent format
         round_cols=NULL, # Column #s or names to be rounded
         format_cols=NULL, # Pass a list of formats for each column to this parameter
         caption=NULL, # A description to be put below the main table in the spreadsheet
         col_widths=NULL # Pass a list of column widths (1 per column)
         ) {
  # Extract the indent values if they are provided 
  # and then remove from dataframe
  if (("indent_level") %in% colnames(data)) {

    indent_1_rows <- which(1 == data$indent_level)
    indent_2_rows <- which(2 == data$indent_level)
    data <- data %>% select(-indent_level)
  # Extract the header level values if they are provided 
  # and then remove from dataframe
  if (("header_level") %in% colnames(data)) {

    header_1_rows <- which(1 == data$header_level)
    header_2_rows <- which(2 == data$header_level)
    data <- data %>% select(-header_level)
  # If percent and column columns were provided in character
  # (variable name) format then extract the column numbers
  if (class(percent_cols)=='character') {
    percent_cols = which(colnames(data) %in% percent_cols)
  if (class(comma_cols)=='character') {
    comma_cols = which(colnames(data) %in% comma_cols)
  if (class(round_cols)=='character') {
    round_cols = which(colnames(data) %in% round_cols)

  # delete column header
  colnames(data) <- str_replace_all(colnames(data),
            c('category' = ''))

  # a thick vertical border will be drawn to the right of these columns
  sep_borders <- c()
  ## row on which column headers are (data table begins on this row)
  table_header_row = 3
  sheet_header_row = table_header_row - 1 # Overall sheet title
  # grouping_header_row = table_header_row - 1 # titles that group columns
  table_width = ncol(data) # number of columns
  table_last_row = table_header_row + nrow(data) # last row of data in the table

  # Create worksheet
  addWorksheet(wb, sheet_name)
  # Style for sheet title
  table_header_style <- createStyle(halign='center',valign='center',textDecoration="Bold")
  # Style for column headers
  column_header_style <- createStyle(halign='center',valign='center',textDecoration="Bold",
  ### Titles 
  # Merge cells for titles
  mergeCells(wb, sheet_name, cols = 2:(table_width+1), rows = sheet_header_row) # Overall Header
  # Write titles to Worksheet

  ## Style titles
  addStyle(wb,sheet_name,style=table_header_style,cols=1:table_width+1,rows=sheet_header_row,gridExpand = T,stack=T)

  # Write main data table to worksheet
  writeData(wb,sheet_name,data,startRow = table_header_row,startCol=2)
  if (!is.null(caption)) {
  ## Write caption text below table if it is included
  ### Table styling
  # Draw borders for all cells in table
  addStyle(wb,sheet_name, style=createStyle(border='TopBottomLeftRight'), cols=1:table_width+1,
           rows=table_header_row:table_last_row,gridExpand = T)
  ## Format specified columns as percent, comma, or rounded (decimal) format
  if (!is.null(comma_cols)) {
  ## Apply Comma format
  addStyle(wb,sheet_name, style=createStyle(numFmt='COMMA'), cols=comma_cols+1,
           rows=table_header_row+1:table_last_row-table_header_row,gridExpand = T,stack=T)
  if (!is.null(percent_cols)) {
  ## Apply Percent format
  addStyle(wb,sheet_name, style=createStyle(numFmt='PERCENTAGE'), cols=percent_cols+1,
           rows=table_header_row+1:table_last_row-table_header_row,gridExpand = T,stack=T)
  if (!is.null(round_cols)) {
  ## Apply Rounded format
  addStyle(wb,sheet_name, style=createStyle(numFmt="0."), cols=round_cols+1,
           rows=table_header_row+1:table_last_row-table_header_row,gridExpand = T,stack=T)
  if (!is.null(format_cols)) {
  ## Apply formats in list to the columns in the table
  format_col_num <- 2
  for(format in format_cols) {
    addStyle(wb,sheet_name, style=createStyle(numFmt=format), cols=format_col_num,
           rows=table_header_row+1:table_last_row-table_header_row,gridExpand = T,stack=T)
    format_col_num <- format_col_num + 1

  ## Apply header formats to specifed rows
  if (exists("header_1_rows")) {
    # Bold and Center
  addStyle(wb,sheet_name,style=createStyle(textDecoration = "Bold"),
  # Highlight
           cols=1:table_width+1,rows=table_header_row+header_1_rows,stack=T,gridExpand = T)
  if (exists("header_2_rows")) {
  ## Indent specifed rows (just the first column) 
  if (exists("indent_1_rows")) {
  addStyle(wb,sheet_name, style=createStyle(indent=1), cols=c(2),
           rows=table_header_row+indent_1_rows,gridExpand = T,stack=T)
  if (exists("indent_2_rows")) {
  addStyle(wb,sheet_name, style=createStyle(indent=2), cols=c(2),
           rows=table_header_row+indent_2_rows,gridExpand = T,stack=T)

  # Column headers formatting
    cols=1:table_width+1, rows=table_header_row,
         gridExpand = T,stack=T)
  ## Draw thick borders surrounding table and also around
  # select columns within the table
           cols=2:(table_width+1),rows=c(table_header_row,table_last_row+1),stack=T,gridExpand = T )
           cols=c(2,table_width+2,sep_borders+1),rows=table_header_row:table_last_row,stack=T,gridExpand = T )
  # Set column widths
  if (!is.null(col_widths)) {
  setColWidths(wb,sheet= sheet_name,
     widths = col_widths)
  } else {
    setColWidths(wb,sheet= sheet_name,

## Create the spreadsheet

wb <- createWorkbook()
create_worksheet(wb,"Summary",gap_combi,title1_text="Gapminder Data by Continent",
                 caption='The 5 most populous countries for each continent are shown.',
              #   comma_cols=c('Population'),
              #   round_cols=c('Life Expectancy','GDP Per Capita')
create_worksheet(wb,"All Countries",gapminder %>% filter(year==2007) %>% select(-year),title1_text="All Gapminder Countries",comma_cols=c('pop'),
                # round_cols=c('gdpPercap','lifeExp'))
saveWorkbook(wb, file = output_file, overwrite = T)
## Note: zip::zip() is deprecated, please use zip::zipr() instead