A categorized list of data science resources.
- RStudio Cheatsheets
- Bookdown Books - A great collection of free R books.
- R For Data Science - Classic text by Hadley Wickham, chief overlord of all things Tidyverse.
- R-Cookbook - Categorized useful R code.
- R for Public Policy - List of resources.
- R-Bloggers - Great resource for the latest developments in the R community. Subscribe to their emails.
- Tidyverse - A well documented ecosystem of packages for elegant data manipulation and visualization.
- Data Science with Python - Book by Jake VanderPlas
- Pandas Cookbook - Code for data manipulation in python
- An Increxibly Comprehensive List of APIs for R
- Google Dataset Search
- KDNuggets
- Microsoft's List of R Data Sources
- Kaggle - Datasets used for Kaggle competitions.
- UCI Machine Learning Repository
- R Datasets - Documentation on the inbuilt datasets in R.
- Data.gov - A good place to start for government data.
- R Packages for Importing Data
- Data-To-Viz - A comprehensive data viz reference with lots of great code.
- BBC R Cookbook - R code to create plots in the style BBC
- Top 50 Ggplot Visualizations
- My R Cookbook - My hodge-podge collection of visualizations with R code.
- D3 Blocks
- D3.JS Gallery
- R-Shiny Gallery
- Seaborn Gallery
- Matplotlib Gallery
- Dataviz Project - Categorized data visualizations.
- Visual Capitalist
- Flowing Data - Good newsletter and site on data viz techniques.
- Stephen Few - A data visualization expert.
- Edward Tufte - Another data viz expert.
- ggplot
- cowplot - Tweaks to ggplot for publication charts.
- plotly - Good tool for interactive graphs.
- dygraphs
- rbokeh
- C3
- rCharts
- tmap - Geospatial mapping.
- ggalluvial - Flow diagrams
- Cross Validated - StackExchange for Statistics
- Intro to Statistical Learning Textbook - Freely available statistics textbook that is tailored to application with lots of code examples in R. This a reworked version of the classic 'Elements of Statistical Learning' text which is heavier on statistical theory.
- Elements of Statistical Learning - Freely available classic Statistics textbook.
- Biostat Handbook - A great concise and and accessible reference for statistical methods which have relevance in a wide variety of fields (not just Biostatistics).
- Frank Harrell - Head of the Biostats department @ Vanderbilt and author of several R packages (Hmsic and rms). Good resource on regression modeling.
- Survival analysis tutorial
- A very comprehensive article on regression
- Tidyverse style survey package
- Course on Generalized Linear Models - Princeton course on GLMs including logistic and poisson regression.
- Code for NLP Models - Code implementations for 14 NLP text classification papers
- Papers With Code (Github)
- Papers With Code (Site)
- R Markdown
- R Markdown - The Definitive Guide - Free book on RMarkdown.
- Tables in R Markdown
- RMarkdown Cheatsheet
- officer - Creating Microsoft Office deliverables in R.
- R-Cookbook Color Tutorial - Includes a good color blind palette
- Datawrapper - Colorguide
- Color Brewer
- Viz Palette
- Viridis
- IPUMS - Documented Census Microdata
- ipumsr – for loading and manipulating IPUMs data in R
- Tidycensus - Great package for Census data analysis, particularly for geospatial analysis.
- Tidycensus Tutorial
- CensusReporter - Tools for exploring Census data.