Cucumber specific extensions to unobtainium.
Instead of requiring unobtainium in your cucumber project, just require this gem. It'll automatically some cucumber specific features to your project:
- Reset the driver after each scenario.
- Take screenshots on failures.
Of course, each of these can be configured.
The project's own cucumber-based test suite demonstrates most of the details.
In brief, all the setup happens in the features/support/env.rb
require "unobtainium-cucumber"
And that's it.
All configuration for this gem happens in the config.yml
read in by
unobtainium. All configuration keys respected in this gem live under the
top-level cucumber
key, i.e.:
# config.yaml
# this gem's keys go here
By default, the driver's #reset
function is called after each scenario for
drivers that respond to such a function.
You can switch this off with the cucumber.driver_reset
# config.yaml
driver_reset: false
- If the flag is
, driver reset is switched off. - If the flag is undefined (i.e.
) or any other value, driver reset is switched on. The recommended value to switch it on explicitly is, of course,true
One of the convenient features of this gem is that it allows you to cleanly define callbacks for a particular scenario status.
It's an extension of the After hook
that allows you to specify whether your callback is invoked after a Scenario
or Scenario Outline
(or both), and only it has #passed?
or is #failed?
(or both). Status actions thus are actions triggered by a scenario status.
Status actions can be any function or block that takes two arguments, the cucumber World object, and the scenario itself (for further querying).
You can register them by including the StatusActions
module in World
, and
then calling #register_action
# ...
Given(/I foo/) do
# Registers #some_func for passed scenarios and outlines
register_action(:passed?, method(:some_func))
# Limits registration to outlines
register_action(:failed?, method(:some_func), type: :outline)
# Registers a block
register_action(:failed?) do |world, scenario|
# ...
There are a number of other methods in the StatusActions
module that you
can use, but this is by far the most important.
Of course, the above is for programmatically adding actions. But unobtainium
is configuration driven, so it makes sense to configure status actions in this
# config.yaml
- global_action
- dummy_action
- method_from_own_extension
Note how you can either provide an Array
of method names to a status key,
or further divide the status key into individual lists for outlines and
There are not many status actions built into this gem, although that number may rise. Currently, there is:
writes a browser screenshot to thescreenshots
writes a dump of the page content to thecontent
File names are timestamped, and include the scenario name. That should make debugging a failed scenario easier.
If you do not configure any actions, the default is to take screenshots after any failure.
As demonstrated earlier, custom actions are easy to define. If they are resolvable before a scenario starts (i.e. files are appropriately required), then you can configure them as string names in the configuration.
You can specify any method of the World
object, so any from your own
exentsions to World
. Alternatively, any function that is resolvable works.
You might have to use fully qualified names.
Custom actions have limited support facilities in the Action::Support
Check it out if you write your own.
Cucumber provides an event bus which lets you register handlers for cucumber's own events. While that is going to be very helpful for hooking into the flow of execution, this gem adds octiron for further event processing, by publishing all cucumber events on octiron's event bus.
Require unobtainium-cucumber
as before, but also require the event processing
# env.rb
require 'unobtainium-cucumber'
require 'unobtainium-cucumber/octiron_events'
You can now register transmogrifiers for any of the cucumber event classes, and use the power of octiron's event processing pipeline.