Develop a deep learning neural network to replicate (clone) driving behavior. To accomplish this a convolutional neural network (CNN) is developed to correctly steer a car along the road. Specifically the CNN will be trained using data from a specific track. Many aspects of Keras, OpenCV, python, numpy, and matplotlib are used to develop the CNN. The model can be found here
The following files are included :
Keras implementation of behavioral cloning
Helper functions for the behavioral cloning modelmodel.h5
Autonomous driving capture of the behavioral modelrun1.mp4
Video capture of autonomous driving of the behavioral modelwriteup_report
Detailed writeup of model creation and evaluationsample_data_set
A sample of images from the data setmodel_mse_loss.csv
Keras CSVLogger training
Very simple keras models for evaluating data set
The following steps are used to run the model:
Install miniconda environment and related packages
Clone the SDC-BehavioralCloning git repository
$ git clone
enable cardnd-term1 virtualenv
$ source activate carnd-term1
Train the model (Note data set is needed to train a model)
$ python
Run the model in autonomous mode in the simulator.
$ python model.h5 $ Launch simulator select track and click Autonomous Mode
A detailed writeup of the behavioral cloning project and challenges are located here [writeup_report] (