Java SDK 1.7 or higher.
If installed with NetBeans 8.0, should contain all the necessary java files installed into the system. This assignment was completed on NetBeans 8.0.1 with GlassFish 4.1, along with Java EE 7.
Refer to the instructions below to compile and run the server.
Steps listed below are for running on Mac OS X.
There may be port conflicts with regards to the tnameserv
service, make modifications to the code if necessary.
Compile all java classes in the modulesearchrmi directory.
javac modulesearchrmi/*.java
Generate stub and skeleton:
rmic modulesearchrmi.ModuleSearchServerImpl
Open a new window in terminal
Navigate to the directory above that of modulesearchrmi (/..)
Start the server application
java modulesearchrmi.ModuleSearchServerApp
Open another terminal session
Navigate to the same directory as in step 4
Start the client application
java modulesearchrmi.Main localhost
Compile all java classes in the modulesearchiiop directory.
javac modulesearchiiop/*.java
Generate stub and skeleton:
rmic -iiop modulesearchiiop.ModuleSearchServerImpl
Start the TransientNameServer:
sudo tnamserv
Open a new terminal session and navigate to the directory above that of modulesearchiiop (/..)
Start the server application
java modulesearchiiop.ModuleSearchServerApp
Open another terminal session
Navigate to the same directory as in step 4
Start the client application
java modulesearchiiop.Main localhost
Due to Parkinson's Law, this project was a result of code converted from coffee, lots of help from all my fellow friends and seniors who have either survived this or are in this with me, all the matter of a span of 4 days.
In hindsight, should have started on the project a lot earlier considering there was an entire month to work on it.
UI developments were mostly forsaken to meet deadlines, thank goodness for Boostrap.
Before anything (don't panic):
- Ensure there are no errors in the code
- Check if RemoteInterfaces are included in projects
- Check if the @ notations are correctly defined for your file naming conventions
- Check if the correct libraries are included
Once you're sure there's nothing wrong with the code:
- Restart GlassFish
- Disconnect JavaDB service
- Clean and build projects
- Deploy projects
- Pray for success.
Sidenote: Really wish somebody gets rid of the Red Herring error message stack that's impossible to humanly trace to find out the problems that are not inherent within the code written.
To resolve a particular InitialNamingContext error stack trace because the JDK is unable to bind to localhost for some reason, please modify your /etc/hosts file locally.
`sudo vim /etc/hosts`
1 ##
2 # Host Database
3 #
4 # localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
5 # when the system is booting. Do not change this entry.
6 ##
7 localhost
8 *<your computer name>*
9 broadcasthost
10 ::1 localhost
Add in line 8, save and quit. Restart GlassFish and repeat the fix in Common Fixes.
Would like to express my deepest frustrations at the difficulties that Glassfish and Netbeans has caused for me (and the rest of us).
Appreciate the help obtained from the tutors, lecturer, and friends who have painstakingly peer-reviewed our work.