Pretty much for my personal use anyway.
In case of new machine / fresh install:
curl --no-check-certificate -O - | sh
Or just clone this repo and run the script. Should take a while to get everything installed and loaded up.
- Script assumes no git is installed, machine starts from Terminal on bash.
- Entire script depends on Homebrew.
- Personally, I use zsh, so please look into before running the script.
- Comments are included in the script.
- Look up any application by yourself if you don't know what it is.
- Script should work
- If shit happens anyway just make sure you have a time machine ready.
Took inspiration from ejamesc's computer setup note (as well as his bash settings) to build this 'backup'.
Some other very inspiring setup scripts for a fresh Mac include:
(I forked the osx dotfile from mathiasbynens just so OS X is slightly more friendly)