See list of issues for details.
Summary | Credits | CVE | Upstream Acknowledgement | Tests |
Biased DSA, leaks signing key | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-0695 | Oracle Critical Patch Update April 2016 | DsaTest: testDsaBias, testBiasSha1WithDSA |
GCM's timing attack, leaks auth key | Quan Nguyen | CVE-2016-3426 | Oracle Critical Patch Update April 2016 | N/A |
GCM updateAAD | Quan nguyen | N/A | Oracle Critical Patch Update April 2016 | AesGcmTest: testLateUpdateAAD |
GCM wrapped around counter, leaks auth key | Quan Nguyen | N/A | Oracle Critical Patch Update April 2016 | AesGcmTest: testWrappedAroundCounter |
DSA ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-5546 | Oracle Critical Patch Update Jan 2017 | DsaTest: testInvalidSignatures |
RSA OutOfMemoryError | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-5547 | Oracle Critical Patch Update Jan 2017 | RsaSignatureTest: testVectors |
DSA accepts modified signatures | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-5546 | Oracle Critical Patch Update Jan 2017 | DsaTest: testModifiedSignatures |
DSA Timing Attack | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-5548 | Oracle Critical Patch Update Jan 2017 | DsaTest: testTiming |
ECDSA accepts modified signatures | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-5546 | Oracle Critical Patch Update Jan 2017 | EcdsaTest: testModifiedSignatures |
ECDSA Timing Attack | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-5549 | Oracle Critical Patch Update Jan 2017 | EcdsaTest: testTiming |
Biased ECDSA | Daniel Bleichenbacher | Ecdsa: testBias |
Summary | Credits | CVE | Upstream Acknowledgement | Tests |
ECDH Invalid Curve Attack | Daniel Bleichenbacher | N/A | EcdhTest: multiple tests | |
GCM IV reuse | Daniel Bleichenbacher | N/A | AesGcmTest: testIvReuse | |
GCM weak default tag length | Quan Nguyen | N/A | AesGcmTest: testDefaultTagSizeIvParameterSpec |
Summary | Credits | CVE | Upstream Acknowledgement | Tests |
v1.55 ECDH upstream fix was incomplete | Daniel Bleichenbacher | N/A | Ecdh: multiple tests | |
ECDHC Invalid curve attack | Daniel Bleichenbacher | N/A | EcdhTest: testModifiedPublic,testModifiedPublicSpec, testWrongOrder | |
v1.55 PKCS #1 RSA is more vulnerable to CCA attack | Daniel Bleichenbacher | N/A | RsaTest: testExceptions | |
Dhies uses unsafe ECB mode | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-1000344 | DhiesTest | |
ECIES use unsafe ECB mode by default for "ECIESWithAES" or "ECIESwithDESede" | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-1000352 | EciesTest: testNotEcb, testDefaultEcies | |
1.52 ECIESWithAES-CBC is vulnerable to padding oracle attack | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-1000345 | EciesTest: testExceptions | |
GCM reuses IV after doFinal() | Daniel Bleichenbacher | N/A | ||
ECDSA accepts invalid signatures | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-1000342 | EcdsaTest: testModifiedSignatures | |
DSA accepts invalid signatures | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-1000338 | DsaTest: testModifiedsignatures | |
DSA generates weak key | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-1000343 | DsaTest: testKeyGeneration | |
Allows invalid DH public key | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-1000346 | DhTest: incomplete | |
DSA timing attacks | Daniel Bleichenbacher | CVE-2016-1000341 | DsaTest: testTiming | |
GCM Wrapped Around Counter | Quan Nguyen | CVE-2015-6644 | Nexus Security Bullentin Jan 2016 | AesGcmTest: testWrappedAroundCounter |
Package Go JOSE (
Summary | Credits | CVE | Upstream Acknowledgement | Tests |
ECDH Invalid Curve Attack | Quan Nguyen | CVE-2016-9121 | $5500 total by Square Inc. for all bugs | To be released |
Multiple signatures, auth bypass | Quan Nguyen | CVE-2016-9122 | To be released | |
Integer overflow, HMAC bypass | Quan Nguyen | CVE-2016-9123 | To be released | |
Accepts embedded HMAC key | Quan Nguyen | N/A | To be released |
Summary | Credits | CVE | Upstream Acknowledgement | Tests |
GCM wrapped around counter | Quan Nguyen | N/A | |
Package Nimbus JOSE+JWT (
Summary | Credits | CVE | Upstream Acknowledgement | Tests |
CBC-HMAC is vulnerable to padding oracle attack | Quan Nguyen | N/A | | To be released |
CBC-HMAC integer overflow, HMAC bypass | Quan Nguyen | N/A | | To be released |
Summary | Credits | CVE | Upstream Acknowledgement | Tests |
X25519 incorrect carry handling | Alex Gaynor and Paul Kehrer | N/A | openssl/openssl#6687 |
Summary | Credits | CVE | Upstream Acknowledgement | Tests |
Overly lax RSA PKCS1v1.5 parsing | Alex Gaynor and Paul Kehrer | N/A | |