- uri: /tile/nearby/reports?lat={}&lng={}
- method: get
- response sample:
"latitude": 37.348836,
"longitude": -121.966855,
"type": "robbery",
"description": "more details",
"date": "2015-08-24T00:31:52.354Z",
"likes": 0,
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- uri: /tile/nearby/users?lat={}&lng={}
- method: get
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- uri: /tile/nearby/crimereports?lat={}&lng={}&ids={}
(if ids is null or empty, then will be default to "104,100,98,103,99,101,8,97,148,9,149,150")
* 104:Homicide
* 100:Breaking & Entering
* 98:Robbery
* 103:Theft
* 99:Theft of Vehicle
* 101:Theft from Vehicle
* 170:Vehicle Recovery
* 8:Sexual Offense
* 97:Other Sexual Offense
* 148:Sexual Assault
* 9:Assault
* 149:Assault
* 150:Assault with Deadly Weapon
- method: get
- response sample:
"crimes": [
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"ccn": "P152180848",
"incident_date_time": "2015-08-06T21:49:48Z",
"time_spread": 0,
"org_id": 23,
"org_name": "San Jose Police Department",
"tipsoft_id": 504,
"incident_type_id": 98,
"incident_type_name": "ROBBERY (211)",
"incident_type_pinnable": true,
"lng": -121.99833,
"lat": 37.335895,
"public_narrative": "Time: 21:49:48<br>Final Disposition: R<br>Call Type: ROBBERY<br/><br/>For disposition information <a href=\"http://www.sjpd.org/CrimeStats/CrimeReportsFAQ.html\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a>",
"processing_level": 3,
"address": "700 Block LAWRENCE EXPY",
"description": null,
"agency_page_link": "SJPD"
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"x": -121.9909929
"address": "3414 HOMESTEAD RD",
"city": "SANTA CLARA",
"state": "CA",
"zip": "95051",
"photoUrl": "http://photo.familywatchdog.us/OffenderPhoto/OffenderPhoto.aspx?id=CA1869408322324",
"lng": -121.9909929,
"lat": 37.3378185,
"race": "WHITE",
"sex": "M",
"height": "5'10\"",
"weight": "230",
"eyeColor": "BROWN",
"hairColor": "BROWN",
"age": 0,
"url": "http://www.meganslaw.ca.gov/disclaimer.aspx"
- uri: /tile/nearby/places?lat={}&lng={}&types={}&radius={}
@param radius (if null or empty, then default to 500)
@param types (if null or empty, then default to 'store')
supported types: [https://developers.google.com/places/supported_types]
when filter multiple types: type1|type2|...
- method: get
- response sample:
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"vicinity": "2760 Homestead Road, Santa Clara"
- uri: /user
- method: post
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- uri: /user/{id}
- method: post
- request_body:
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- uri: /tile/report
- method: post
- request_body:
"latitude": 38.308856,
"longitude": -123.9939046,
"type": "theft",
"description": "more details"
- uri: /tile/{tile_id}/report/{report_id}
- method: post