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433 lines (308 loc) · 10.2 KB

% Clamp - Seamless integration of Python and Java % Jim Baker, Rackspace %

Clamp background

  • Part of the jythontools project (
  • Improve Python <=> Java integration (which is already very good)
  • Enable precise layout of the generated Java bytecode for Python classes
  • So they can be used as modern Java classes - annotation metadata, type signatures
  • Jar packaging into site-packages
  • Or entire Jython installation wrapped into a single jar


  • JVM frameworks can readily work with clamped code, oblivious of its source
  • Especially need single jar support
  • Developers can stay as much in Python as possible
  • Working on SQLAlchemy-like DSL


  • Heavily uses support for metaprogramming in Python and Java
  • If there's a metaprogramming facility, we seem to be either using it now or exploring it
  • Useful outcome already: merge type, java.lang.Class so equivalent types for metaclass usage

Example: Storm

  • "Real-time" complex event processing system
  • Runs topology of storms, bolts to process events ("tuples")
  • Can support at-least-once, exactly-once semantics

What is needed for Storm

  • No-arg constructors
  • Specify serialVersionUid
  • Single jar support
  • Needs to be able to resolve class names to classes (Class.forName)

Python class, extending Java interfaces

from import Serializable
from java.util.concurrent import Callable

class BarClamp(Callable, Serializable):

  def call(self):
    return 42

How to use from Java?

  • Can use as a Java callback
  • Can use JSR-223 or embed Jython runtime into Java
  • But cannot directly use as-is from Java
  • Specifically no way to construct a new instance of the class
  • Definitive Guide to Jython goes into detail: object factories, etc
  • Good if you are already using JSR-223 etc, want to support scripting, etc
  • Bad if you just want to use Python code in your framework as one component, instead of having to write the component in Java
  • Note that solutions like Scala, Clojure, face similar issues: they need to describe how they should be exposed with a Java API
  • Solution: Clamp!

Python class, clamped

Simpy add the Clamp base, a metaclass:

from import Serializable
from java.util.concurrent import Callable
from clamp import clamp_base

BarBase = clamp_base("bar")  # Java package prefix

class BarClamp(BarBase, Callable, Serializable):

  def call(self):
    return 42

Clamping your class

Key insight: ahead-of-time builds through setuptools:

import ez_setup

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

  name = "clamped",
  version = "0.1",
  packages = find_packages(),
  install_requires = ["clamp>=0.3"],
  clamp = ["clamped"],

Using from Java

Simply import clamped Python classes into Java code!

import bar.clamped.BarClamp;

public class UseClamped {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    BarClamp barclamp = new BarClamp();
    try {
      System.out.println("BarClamp: " +;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      System.err.println("Exception: " + ex);

Java/Python rendezvous

Initializing BarClamp

\begin{sequencediagram} \newthread{J}{Java} \newinst[1]{R}{Jython runtime} \newinst[1]{P}{Python} \begin{call}{J}{x = new BarClamp()}{R}{return} \begin{call}{R}{Py.initProxy()}{P}{return} \begin{callself}{P}{import site}{} \end{callself} \begin{callself}{P}{import clamped}{} \end{callself} \end{call} \end{call} \end{sequencediagram}

Loading Jython runtime

  • When does the Jython runtime get loaded? (bootstrap problem!)
  • Py.initProxy calls Py.getThreadState, which in turn loads the runtime as necessary!
  • ThreadState extends java.lang.ThreadLocal

Making a call

\begin{sequencediagram} \newthread{J}{Java} \newinst[1]{R}{Jython runtime} \newinst[1]{P}{Python} \begin{call}{J}{}{R}{return} \begin{call}{R}{ProxyMaker.findPython(this, "call")}{P}{return} \begin{callself}{P}{}{} \end{callself} \end{call} \end{call} \end{sequencediagram}

Maintaining state

  • ThreadState also maintains state through the call stack, from Java to Python and back, as necessary

  • Other critical call: findPython, so that proxies can get the corresponding Python code!


  • What do we mean by metaprogramming?
  • Solution to every problem in CS is indirection...
  • Except for indirection!

Better DSLs through metaclasses

  • Declarative DSL
  • Construct a mapper metaclass (similar to and inspired by SQLAlchemy)

API design aside

  • Original clamp work was writing this in Java
  • Getting too complex
  • Let's use Python instead!
  • Even if in places we are generating some Java bytecode!

Metaclass factory

Integrations can associate more info with metaclass base:

def clamp_base(package, proxy_maker=ClampProxyMaker):
  def _clamp_closure(package, proxy_maker):
    class ClampProxyMakerMeta(type):
      def __new__(cls, name, bases, d):
        d = dict(d)
        d['__proxymaker__'] = proxy_maker(
        return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, d)
    return ClampProxyMakerMeta
  class ClampBase(object):
    __metaclass__ = _clamp_closure(
      package=package, proxy_maker=proxy_maker)
  return ClampBase

Proxy maker

  • Heart of Clamp!
  • Need to precisely generate in Java bytecode a Java class that implements interfaces and/or extends a class
  • With a given name, because Java can be finicky about that (Class.forName, any static linkage)
  • Constructors (no-arg at least)
  • Static fields such as serialVersionUUID to support Serializable
  • Use the same bytecode!

__proxymaker__ protocol

  • Specific to Jython
  • New __proxymaker__ protocol allows for a CustomMaker to intercept the construction of a Java proxy
  • Code generation
  • Saving bytes
  • Turning into a class via a ClassLoader

Code generation example: <clinit>

Every class has a specially-named hidden method, <clinit>, to support initialization for the class itself:

  public static final long serialVersionUID;
  static {
    serialVersionUID = 42L;
  • <clinit> automatically emitted by the Java compiler
  • Clamp needs to do the same

Code generation, in Python

Assuming self.constants is initialized like so:

{ "serialVersionUID": 
  (java.lang.Long(42), java.lang.Long.TYPE), ... }

serialVersionUID and dynamic typing

  • Q: What is the correct value of serialVersionUID?
  • A: 1L - this constant is to support dynamic evolution, but dynamic typing does that for us anyway!

Code generation

Standard visitor approach:

  def doConstants(self):
    code = self.classfile.addMethod("<clinit>",
      ProxyCodeHelpers.makeSig("V"), Modifier.STATIC)
    for constant, (value, constant_type) in sorted(
        Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC |

Current DSL

Locating jars

  • Works because of this importer in sys.path: '__classpath__'
  • Other sys.path magic allows for dynamic addition to the sys.path
  • How can we do this?
  • Jython uses custom ClassLoader objects - Java is very flexible with respect to how to find, load classes

pth support

  • Makes sys.path even more flexible
  • site-package packages can be added to sys.path
  • Implemented using jar.pth

Custom setuptools hooks can be extended easily:

  entry_points = {
    "distutils.commands": [
       "build_jar =",
       "singlejar =",
    ], ...

Note: these commands are now available for any package that depends on clamp!

Anatomy of a command

Enabling support for jython build_jar, or any other custom command, requires the following attributes:

class build_jar(setuptools.Command):
  description = "create jar for clamped classes",
  user_options = [("output=",   "o", "write jar"),]

  def initialize_options(self): ...

  def finalize_options(self): ...

  def run(self): ...

Adding new scripts in Python's bin uses the same entry_points to point to custom scripts:

  entry_points = {
    "distutils.commands": [
       "build_jar =",
       "singlejar =",
    "console_scripts": [
       "singlejar =",

Console script example: singlejar

Script is just a standard main function, using arg parser of choice:

def singlejar_command():
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(...)
  parser.add_argument("--classpath", ...)
  parser.add_argument("--runpy", ...)
  args = parser.parse_args()
  if args.classpath:
    args.classpath = args.classpath.split(":")
    args.classpath = []
    args.output, args.classpath, args.runpy)

Metaprogramming to be done

  • Import hooks - intercept the import of Java annotations so they can be used as class and function decorators.
  • Rewriting Java bytecode - with ASM to support annotations/type signatures as class decorators.
  • More, much more!

Clamp resources