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1 Before the start of efficient trading.

1.1 Xylophis

local system Missions served well till i get hyperdive 1.

Local activities with Xylophis. As soon as i started new game, I sold radar. Is it is not needed in trading. So, i start game with 644credits instead pf 100c:wink:

  1. Package for 105c.
  2. Cargo local 4t for 200c and package for 105c.
  3. Cargo local for 100c.

I get hyperdrive Equipment was autopilot and hyperdrive. 4t cargo for trading only 1available cabinet for taxi.

  1. Package for 590c. (I crashed twice on a ship that stands out of fuel at the root of docking. The 3nd time i manually bypassed it before order autopilot to land. I wonder if it will be there on take off.)

  2. Package for 835c. (Abandoned ship was there, i manually bypassed it)

  3. No missions. I get a local package for only 40c.

  4. Package for 1080c.

  5. Taxi for 1000c.

  6. Taxi for 350c

  7. No missions, 4t for 561c.

  8. Taxi for 950c.

  9. Package for 1265c.

  10. Package for 950c.

  11. Package for 1125c.

  12. Package for 280c. (I bought trade computer usuful because it weights 0t:smile:)

  13. Taxi for 550c and 3t for 543.21c (Almost to crash with some take off ship.)

  14. Taxi for 1550c.

  15. Post service for 990c and 4t for 221,00c.

  16. Taxi for 400c and 3t precious metals that are Major exports here for 727.27c.

  17. No missions. Medicines Major exports here. Going back to precious metals with 4t of medicines for 1180.48c.

  18. Package for 615c and 4t precious metals for 1197.85c.

  19. Post service for 1320c plus 4t for 551.68c

  20. No missions. Going back to precious with 228,72c.

  21. 4t Major to minor precious metals for 1311.93c

  22. Taxi for 1000c and 3t for 591.36c

  23. No missions. Back to precious through 4t Major to minor medicines for 548.08c.

  24. 4t for 139.19c.

  25. 4t Major to minor precious metals for 1311.93c

  26. 2t for 467.4c.

  27. Taxi for 450c and 3t for 384.79c.

Delivery packages served well. Taxi missions were out of question. I used them only once. They were either risky either i had no space. Eventually i found Major export to minor import precious metals and minor exports to Major imports robots trading back and forth 3t. Without radar i could trade 4t of each getting total average 972.06 credits persu. Sold out module gave 3-4 nice surprises till i get to 15676credits.

Average profit of 937.25 credits/su. Duration 27su. Opportunity came to buy available Kanara ship.

1.2 Kanara (civilian)

Only hyperdrive and autopilot. Left with 5978,42c cash. Kanara has only 2t for trading but can get multiple cabinets for taxi missions.

Activities with Kanara.

  1. Risky package for 1270c. Enemy intercepted but was unable to engage in combat:smile:.
  2. Taxi for 1050c. Enemy intercepted but was unable to engage in combat except a little during destination’s approach where my ship slowed down. Hull repair costed 422.56c. So, i earned 627,44c.
  3. No mission. 2t for 203.84c.
  4. No mission. Decided to run back toward Sol, since only missions i can make with that ship. Zero profit.
  5. Post service 1195c
  6. 2t for 100.1c
  7. 2t for 277.04c
  8. 2t for 327.18c
  9. 2t sold out for 1105.48c.
  10. I am back to Barnard’s star. 1t for 46,75c.
  11. Taxi for 700c and 1t for 171.12c.
  12. 2t for 218.88c.
  13. Risky package for 1835c. Enemy intercepted but was unable to engage in combat.
  14. Sold out for 1224.30c.
  15. Package for 730t and 2t for 197.82c.
  16. Sold out (remove hyperdrive) 7t for 1345.6c.
  17. 2t for 457.44c
  18. Package for 1585.00c
  19. Risky package for 2435.00c Enemy intercepted but was unable to engage in combat.
  20. 2t Major export of medicines for 358.36c.
  21. Taxi for 850c.
  22. Taxi for 1065c.
  23. Recognition for 1800c
  24. 2t Major export of precious metals for 713.00c.
  25. 2t for 231.88c.
  26. 2t for 399.28c.
  27. 2t for 144.50c.
  28. Sold out for 1397.48c.
  29. Risky package 1575.00c.

Average profit 847,82credits/su. Duration 29su. Xylophis was better but traveling with kanara was easier. Xylophis, due to time accelerations, had much more crashes because his engine was unable to correct acceleration’s in- accuracies and gravity of large stars. It comes the opportunity to try Amphiesma.

1.3 Amphiesma

has 13t for trading. Only hyperdrive with 1t of fuel and autopilot. Left only with 696.43c cash. Can taxi up to 2 cabins.

Activities with Amphiesma

  1. 2t for 88.15c.
  2. Package for 1230.00c
  3. Taxi for 450c.
  4. Zero profit.
  5. Zero profit. Backwards to Barnard’s star because of lack of missions and cash.
  6. Zero profit.
  7. Package 1135c.
  8. 4t for 637.01c.
  9. 13t for 868.66c.
  10. Package for 1500c.
  11. Cargo system for 1500c.
  12. 11t for 1121.12c.
  13. Zero profit approaching Major export of precious metal system.
  14. Found 8t of precious metals, i can buy only 5t for 1283.4c.
  15. Back to precious with 8t for 1308.71c.
  16. Found 12t of precious metals, i can buy only 7t for 1796.78c.
  17. Back to precious with 13t for 2126.66c.
  18. Found 12t of precious metals, i can buy only 10t for 2566.80c.
  19. Back to precious with 13t for 2126.66c.

Found 11t of precious metals, i can buy all. At last! Level of efficient trading reached.

Average profit 1038.89 credits/su. Duration 19su. Better than previous ships, but i should wait to have some cash after the purchase. I could have at least doubled the profit from Amphiesma if i stayed with older ship a little longer.

2 Efficient trading has started.

Now that i can trade efficiently the most expensive commodity, my mod will start to affect game decisions. New section in present review is needed.

2.1 Amphiesma

has 13t for trading. Only hyperdrive with 1t of fuel and autopilot. I have 21155.31c cash. Can taxi up to 2 cabins.

Activities with Amphiesma

  1. 13t of precious metals Major to minor for 3294.06c. Back to preciouw with Major to minor mining machinery.
  2. 13t of mining machinery for 3038.09c. (Back and forth now.)
  3. 12t of precious metals for 3593.52c.
  4. 13t of mining machinery for 3038.09c.
  5. 8t of precious metals for 2395.68c.
  6. 13t of mining machinery for 3038.09c. Only 6t of precious metals in stock. Seems 6 months of increased offer have passed. I check station.log. I visited system at 3226/9/21. Now it is 3227/04/09. Indeed! I have to find another precious metal Major export.
  7. 6t for 1049.40c. (Wrong no Majpr export of precious metals here.)
  8. 12t medicines Major to minor for 2023.68c.
  9. 11t Major to minor precious metals for 2823.48c.
  10. 13t medicines Major to minor for 2603.38c.
  11. 6t Major to minor precious metals for 1540.08c.
  12. 13t medicines Major to minor for 2603.38c.
  13. 7t Major to minor precious metals for 1796.76c. It seems Major exportt offer dropped. I must look for another station to go. Found one.
  14. 13t medicines Major to minor for 2603.38c.
  15. 8t Major to minor precious metals for 2395.69c.
  16. 13t medicines Major to minor for 2603.38c.
  17. 7t Major to minor precious metals for 1796.76c. Looking at station.log, comes out that i had visited system 3 years ago. That is why i have reduced Major exports.
  18. 13t medicines Major to minor for 2603.38c.

Average profit 2491.13 credits/su. Duration 18su. Opportunity comes for Sinonatrix.

2.2 Sinonatrix

Autopilot, hyperdrive and 4t fuel, leaves 24t free cargo.

Activities with Sinonatrix.

  1. 4t Major to minor precious metals for 1197.85c. My cash is 36756.31cred- its.

  2. Medicines major exports only 11t. It is reduced, as i can see at station.log that i am an old customer of that system. As precious metals major exported maximum arround 13t and i have 24t free cargo, i have to seek for a less expensive cpmmodity that Major exports maximum around 24t. Found a seemingly new system that Major exports medicine. Lets go there. 24t for 3822.00c.

  3. Once again I see it does not Major export medicines. I wonder why and if trading computer works as expected. Going to Major exported medicines with 24t for 743.04c. I found 23t of Major exported medicines. Seems perfect!

  4. 23t of Major exported medicines for 4363.56c. Good!

  5. 10t of Major exported precious metals for 3137.20c and 7t neutral to Major import computers for 1134.07c. (Observe that precious metals give less profit than medicines with Sinonatrix.)

  6. 22t of Major exported medicines for 4173.84c.

  7. 10t of Major exported precious metals for 3137.20c and 4t neutral to Major import computers for 448.04c.

  8. There were 27t but i have free only 24t for Major exported medicines for 4553.28c.

  9. 12t of Major exported precious metals for 3764.64c and 5t neutral to Major import computers for 810.05c.

  10. 23t of Major exported medicines for 4363.56c, plus +1t for 121.04c.

  11. 10t of Major exported precious metals for 3137.20c and 8t neutral to Major import computers for 1296.08c.

  12. There were 30t but i have free only 24t for Major exported medicines for 4553.28c.

  13. 11t of Major exported precious metals for 3450.92c and 6t neutral to Major import computers for 972.06c.

  14. 21t of Major exported medicines for 3984.12c, plus +3t for 363.09c.

  15. 9t of Major exported precious metals for 2823.49c and 14t neutral to Major import computers for 2268.14c.

  16. 22t of Major exported medicines for 4173.84c, plus +2t for 242.07c. 6 months have passed but i continue to get over 20t of medicines. It was not my specialization. A more expensive commodity should be. I looked thoroughly around me for Major exports for computers. I didn’t find neither minor export. Only neutral. In order to take advantage of my 24t free cargo I must find an export near that amount. I found minor export of robots. I will try my luck there in case i can earn more profit.

  17. 7t for 1297.66c. I found minor exports of only 5 robots. Eight years have passed since i was near Sol. Lets go back there and see what i will meet meanwhile.

  18. 5t robots minor to minor. Forgot to buy them, xer profit.

  19. 14t for 1327.48c.

  20. 24t for 2140.32c.

Average profit 3389.96[^1] credits/su. Duration 20su. Opportunity comes for Molamola. It is the second time i play my mod and seems that ships tent to appear near Sol. If one is away he may not meet some specific ship he wants.

([^1]: If we exclude last 4 trips, the average is 3939.60credits/su.)

2.2.1 Molamola

Autopilot, hyperdrive and 5t fuel, leaves 30t free cargo.

Activitieswith Molamola.

  1. 30t for 1601.40c.
  2. 15t neutral to minor computers for 2001.30c.
  3. 30t for 189.00c. Sol. Hello home.
  4. 4t for 684.48c.
  5. Major exports 29t medicines. This time they must be my specialization. 29t of Major exported medicines for 5196.22c. As exports are not found for computers, medicines can not be found at import modes.
  6. 11t Major to neutral of precious metals for 3294.02c and 8t neutral to Major computers for 1524.80c.
  7. Back with 27t Major to neutral medicines for 3699.51c.
  8. 7t Major to neutral of precious metals for 2096.22c and 3t neutral to Major computers for 571.80c. Found minor import for medicines. Going there.
  9. 29t Major to minor medicines for 5196.22c.
  10. 8t Major to neutral of precious metals for 1483.05c and 22t for 681.12c.
  11. 18t Major to minor medicines for 3225.24c and 12t for 1121.77c.
  12. 12t Major to neutral of precious metals for 2224.57c and 18t for 557.28c.
  13. 25t Major to minor medicines for 4479.50c and 5t for 467.40c.
  14. 11t Major to neutral of precious metals for 2039.18c and 19t for 588.24c.
  15. 15t Major to minor medicines for 2687.70c and 5t for 1028.29c. Seems 6 months have passed. Time to look for another major export of medicines.
  16. 7t neutral to Major of robots for 897.81c and 23t for 1457.28c.
  17. 19t Major to minor medicines for 3204.16c and 11t for 840.84c.
  18. 4t neutral to Major of robots for 513.03c and 28t for 1774.09c. Relatively small profit because i am old customer of previous system. Lets find another system that minor imports medicine.
  19. 24t Major to minor medicines for 3794.4c and 8t Major to major farm machinery for 1326.00c.
  20. Taxi for 4350c and 18t minor to Major computers for 2916.18c.
  21. 24t Major to minor medicines for 4806.24c and 8t for 866.64c.
  22. 24t Major to major farm machinery for 4080c.
  23. 27t Major to minor medicines for 5407.02c and 5t for 541.65c.
  24. 32t Major to major farm machinery for 5440c.

Average profit 3702.24[^2] credits/su. Duration 24su. Opportunity comes for Natrix.

([^2]: If we exclude first 4 trips, the average is 4218.87credits/su.)

2.2.2 Natrix

Autopilot, hyperdrive and 4t fuel, leaves 43t free cargo. I had trouble to take off. Natrix empty has 0.7g up thrust and i bought it on planet with 0.518g. Loaded up thrust was 0.5g and could not take off.

Activities with Natrix.

  1. 26t Major to minor medicines for 5206.76c and 17t for 1841.61c.
  2. 43t Major to major farm machinery for 7310.00c. I have 43t free cargo and i Major export get only 17t of medicines. 6 months have passed but 27t of medicines is not efficient trading. I must seek a less expensive commodity for Natrix specialization.
  3. 43t for 5468.31c.
  4. Found 57t Major to minor air processors. 43t Major to minor air proces- sors for 6573.84c.
  5. Found 50t Major to neutral liquor. 43t Major to neutral liquor for 4447.92c.
  6. Found 102 Major to minor air processors. Definitely they are not my specialization. 43t Major to minor air processors for 6573.84c.
  7. 40t Major to neutral liquor for 5516.79c and 3t for 293.76c.
  8. 12t Major to neutral precious metals for 2566.80c and 32t minor to Major farm machinery for 5032c.
  9. 31t Major to minor liquor for 4275.52c and 14t Major to minor meat for 1370.88c.
  10. 44t minor to Major farm machinery for 6919.00c.
  11. 37t Major to minor liquor for 5103.04c and 7t Major to minor meat for 685.44c.
  12. 45t minor to Major farm machinery for 7076.25c
  13. 39t Major to minor liquor for 5378.88c and 6t Major to minor meat for 587.52c.
  14. 45t minor to Major farm machinery for 7076.25c.
  15. 32t Major to minor liquor for 4413.44c and 13t Major to minor meat for 1272.96c.
  16. 45t minor to Major farm machinery for 7076.25c.

Average profit 6373.07 credits/su. Duration 16su. Opportunity comes for Skipjack.

2.2.3 Skipjack

Autopilot, hyperdrive and 21t fuel, leaves 121t free cargo.

Activities with Skipjack. I need 1 crew for this ship. I hired one at 3231/07/ for 137/week.

  1. 34t Major to minor liquor for 4689.28c and 11t Major to minor meat for 1077.12c.
  2. 95t minor to Major farm machinery for 14938.75c. I found Major to minor 118t of meat. It could be Skipjack’s specialization.
  3. 100t (lack of cash) Major to minor meat for 9792.00c.
  4. 98t minor to Major farm machinery for 15410.5c and 30t minor to Major fertilizers for 2016c. Too much free space should correct json

Re-calibrating the economy mod was done only by commodities.ods. As, with general restriction, there is different profit per each ship that can be esti- mated, the callibration was done such as each upgrade of ship to happen after about 20su. Dsminer wants about 40su. Free cargo was calculated better and amphiesma got into picture as prerequisite of lunarshuttle.

Skipjack was acquired by lua interpreter, as it was too trouble to start over again even from Mars.

3 Efficient trading has started and economy recalibrated.

3.1 Skipjack

Autopilot, hyperdrive and 16t fuel, leaves 68t[^3] free cargo.

([^3]: It says 79t as it calculates the whole capacity.)

Activities with Skipjack. I need 1 crew for this ship. I hired one at 3231/07/ for 137/week.

  1. 38t Major to minor liquor for 5240.96c and 30t+10t[^4] Major to minor meat for 3916.8c.

    ([^4]: I removed 10t fuel)

  2. 81t minor to Major farm machinery for 12737.25c.

  3. 56t Major to minor liquor for 7723.52c and 25t Major to minor meat for 2448.00c.

  4. 81t minor to Major farm machinery for 12737.25c.

  5. 74t NEWS for 44133.59c!

  6. 74t Major to minor meat for 10656.00c.

  7. 81t minor to Major farm machinery for 12737.25c.

  8. 41t Major to minor liquor for 5654.72c and 40t Major to minor meat for 3916.80c.

  9. 81t minor to Major farm machinery for 12737.25c.

  10. 46t Major to minor liquor for 6344.32c and 35t Major to minor meat for 3427.20c.

  11. 35t for NEWS for 81376.75c (You are kidding. Accept the money, thank you)[^5]

  12. 68t minor to Major farm machinery for 10404.00c.

Average profit 11068.13 credits/su. Duration 10su. Not counting the two NEWS event that offered the outrageous cash of 125510.34c. As average it was expected around 8779c but i found a station to trade 2 Major to minor commodities from it while the back and forth station was only 5 ly away and could reduce fuel and increase free cargo. Opportunity comes for Deneb.

([^5]: I do not accept. Removed 80000c from my cash. Fixed and calibrated once again economy. Minor exports reduce their stock on non new customers too. Fixed sold out and News event. Sold out randoms normally, and not lograndom, up to normal demand. Double price remains and means at least 4 times more than usual profit. In news, 10 times a price means at least 20 times normal profit and was huge. I altered to a max of 3*price that means 6 times more than usual profit. Deneb starts at calibrated economy.)

3.1.1 Deneb

Autopilot, hyperdrive and 16t fuel, leaves 95t[^6] free cargo. Cash 23179c.

([^6]: It says 124t as it calculates the whole capacity.)

Activities with Deneb. I need 1 crew for this ship.

  1. 30t (missing cash) Major to minor liquor for 4137.60c.
  2. 68t (missing cash) minor to Major farm machinery for 10693c.
  3. 49t (missing cash) Major to minor liquor for 6756.08c.
  4. 100t (missing cash) minor to Major farm machinery for 15725c.
  5. 77t Major to minor liquor for 10619.84c.
  6. 105t (missing cargo, need to find a more expensive commodity to trade) minor to Major farm machinery for 16511.25c.
  7. 82t (must find another Major liquor export. I may be old customer here. i am lucky i have meat Major export too) Major to minor liquor for 11309.44 and 13t Major to minor meat for 1272.96c. Found Major to minor medicines. Going there.
  8. 40t for 7928.80c and 21t for 5390.29c. Major export medicines is 72t. Bad luck of specialization or need a little less expensive commodity. Must check.
  9. 105t for 7586.25c. Found 86t Major export of medicine. I will stick to them.
  10. 86t Major to neutral medicines for 19035.23c.
  11. 95t for 7866.96c.
  12. 66t Major to minor medicines for 18086.64c.
  13. 76t air processors neutral to Major for 6777.68c.
  14. 95t for 4389c.
  15. 91t for 7687.68c.
  16. 35t for 10481.10c and 60t for 2541.00c.
  17. 64t Major to minor medicines (my specialization must be a less expensive commodity) for 12816.64c and 41t for 3272.60c.
  18. 95t for 9843.90c.
  19. 103t for 10506.00c.

4 Stoping reviewing

I just noticed that setting new prices at commodities in json files, need to start new game. So, i played deneb with old commodity prices, after last callibration, and i am not willing to continue with false prices of commodities or start new review with new game.

The game play is much more interesting, it is not flat around some station with precious metals and shows a variety in an unexpected large degree.

Last calibration did not used equilibrium equations at all, it was done only by the use of myeconomy sheet in commodities.ods file.

All that current trading system is needed, is an exponential in line 48 of SpaceStation.lua file. The existences of it guaranties the control of game design. The current master branch game is flat. Line 48 says profit(x)=constant. That function is not invertible and that fact flattens the game play. With exponential, profit(x) function is invertible and that makes each ship different, accordingly to how much cargo it can trade.

Copy the zip files, *, and, * and enjoy a more interesting trading system. I prefer that three. If you disagree with prerequisite feature, instead of last file, copy the that is in doc folder. In that case, on start is faster to collect cash toward dsminer with amphiesma but at some point one must acquire another ship.

4.1 Unfortunately

no one proved willing to be convinced that line 48 of SpaceStation.lua need an exponential. Either my English were bad, either i made some errors on my equations, either my article was too big. As a result no one figured out that none of the above faults of mine was crucial on disaproving the fact that line 48 needs exponential. I understand that missing a so simple fact for decades seem insulting. I am sure though that it is impossible to be neglected by people who understand fields, vectors, differential geometry and all that is needed for simulating a galaxy. The exponential of line 48 has to be rejected in past by developers, but i can not understand why. If, by the exponential, the trading system seems reasonably complete, it does not neglect the dream of developing an economy simulation model. The exponential does not alter or add any code. If we assume that current exponential equals to 1 then only prices are affected and ship cargos a little.

Programmers must trust mathematics and statistics. Else they end to try to make the player chase an 1% or 2% on his average profit and other similar stuff or goals, ignoring that it is impossible, since player needs 10000 similar trades to be aware of the fact of 1% improvement.

5 The fact is that, by my simple mod, I enjoy the game much more than i used to.

I enjoy both the trading development of my character (ship) and a beautiful sky background with constellations. My eye constantly shifts, back and forth, from planet to sky background constellations. To see constellation you need to alter 3 or 4 for values in Starfield.ini file. As with economy, developers were not interested on constallations either. In both cases my fixes are too simple for them. If you like constellations, download the, irrelevant with economy, and remember at options to reduce star density from 100, that is by default, to 18.
