Room Availability Detection and Reconnaissance.
A room availability display for BU Computing.
A simple web app which shows which rooms in Poole house aren't currently in use. Frontend created by drawing SVG's, backend created with Flask/SQLAlchemy.
A python script '' in the root of the repo is used to control the application. It can be used to start/stop the web server, create the database, populate data, etc.
To get started, start a terminal and 'cd' into the correct directory, then run:
python ./
The app may prompt to install dependencies, which can be done with the following command:
sudo app/deploy/
Executing will show a list of options. To start the web server type:
python ./ runserver
...and it will start on
The app should run on any machine with Python 2.7. The dependency install script (app/deploy/ should handle everything. Python 3 support is detailed in issue 1
Contributers are welcome. Feel free to make a pull request, although ensure any changes are sustainable for future use of the application without major user interaction.