kafka.common.InconsistentClusterIdException: The Cluster ID kg34qdAcRIWxF77tuPLZ_w doesn’t match stored clusterId Some(RiWfOLDaR2KmNYeern_1ow) in meta.properties
[2020-11-20 11:04:02,954] WARN [Controller id=38, targetBrokerId=38] Connection to node 38 (/xx,x,x,,x:9092) could not be established. Broker may not be a
vailable. (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
这个是 advertised.listeners 这个配置注释掉,就好了,不知道啥原因。。。 用 0.0, ip ,都不行
Producer clientId=producer-53] Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 6687 : {lmss-parsed=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE
查了半天。 这个和delete topic没反应是一样的:
- advertiseport 要和listen port一致,最开始搞的不一致,是错的
- host.name, advertised.host.name 要写成外网ip,一个都不能少, adevertised listeners 也必须写!!!!