Protocol description for the rtcstats-server websocket endpoint version 3.0.
The transport layer is provided by a websocket connection (secure or not depending on the config).
Websocket negotiation should provide a protocol version via the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol
header, containing the protocol version prefixed by the statistics format, as described bellow.
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: X.X_LEGACY
For google chrome legacy webrtc statisticsSec-WebSocket-Protocol: X.X_STANDARD
For standard compliant webrtc statisticsSec-WebSocket-Protocol: X.X_JVB
For statistics send by the jitsi video bridge
Where X.X should be the protocol format to be used.
E.g. if a client wants to send legacy statistics using the 3.0 protocol, the following header would be send when negotiating the websocket: Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: 3.0_LEGACY
The protocol version is provided so we can have backwards compatibility between future iterations that might brake the initial API.
Default request message format, JSON:
statsSessionId: String, // mandatory
data: Object/String, // optional depending on request
type: String // mandatory
can have different meanings depending on the message type as described in a subsequent section.statsSessionId
associates a request with a statistics dump, the value is a client side generated uuid v4. This allows for sending stats associated with different entities on the same websocket.type
determines the request type being sent.
Contains data that will allow clients to correlate generated statistic dumps with participants/conferences, plus any usefull metadata. The entirety of data
will be added to the dump file, also some fields will be pushed to dyanamodb, if configured.
In this case data will have the following format:
type: "identity",
statsSessionId: String,
data: {
applicationName: String, // mandatoy
confName: String, // mandatory
displayName: String, // optional
meetingUniqueId: String, // optional
... // additional metadata we want associated with a dump
The specified fields will be persisted to dynamodb under the following schema:
conferenceId: String, // associated with confName
conferenceUrl: String, // associated with confID
dumpId: String, // assciated with statsSessionId
baseDumpId: String, // associated with statsSessionId
userId: String, // associated with displayName
app: String, // associated with applicationName
sessionId: String, // associated with meetingUniqueId
startDate: Number, // date at which client connected to rtcstats-server
endDate: Number // date at which client closed the statistics dump.
Sample request:
type: "identity",
statsSessionId: "3bc291e8-852e-46da-bf9d-403e98c6bf3c",
data: {
confName: "RandomConferenceNameIsRandom",
confID: "",
displayName: "John Doe",
applicationName: "Jitsi Meet",
meetingUniqueId: "d823kas-32fvb-4551-ggq1-d3mc1k1cpmmc",
domain: ""
… // additional metadata we want associated with a dump
The data value of this request will be saved in the dump file as is, so in order to avoid deserializing large objects unecessarely it needs to be a string.
type: "stats-entry",
statsSessionId: String,
data: String
Most clients will want to send an object, so it first needs to be encoded into a string (i.e. using JSON.stringify()
) added to the request object and then send via the websocket which will require an additional string encode.
Sample request:
type: "stats-entry",
statsSessionId: "3bc291e8-852e-46da-bf9d-403e98c6bf3c",
data: "[\n\"getstats\", \n\"PC_0\", \n{\"8dc5feb0\":{ \n\"timestamp\": 1604057071438, \"bytesReceived\": 83363,\"bytesSent\": 9313547, \"lastPacketReceivedTimestamp\": 363635983420, \"lastPacketSentTimestamp\": 363635983428}}, \n1604057071458\n]\n"
Mark a specific statsSessionId
as done. This means that feature extraction will first run on it depending on the type. For the time being JVB dumps might not go through this step. The second step involves having the dump archived and uploaded to s3, push the features to amplitude and identity metadata to dynamo.
Sample request:
type: "close",
statsSessionId: "3bc291e8-852e-46da-bf9d-403e98c6bf3c",
A connection will expire after 60 seconds if no requests are sent. The same applies for statistic dumps associated with statsSessionId
, if no requests are sent for it, the server will trigger a close.
Sample request:
type: "keepalive",
statsSessionId: "3bc291e8-852e-46da-bf9d-403e98c6bf3c",