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Joseph Lizier edited this page Aug 23, 2020 · 42 revisions

List of publications including results which were produced using this toolkit

The publication introducing JIDT is:

J. T. Lizier, "JIDT: An information-theoretic toolkit for studying the dynamics of complex systems" Frontiers in Robotics and AI 1:11, 2014; doi:10.3389/frobt.2014.00011 (pre-print including supplementary info: arXiv:1408.3270)

Publications by other authors

Publications by other authors using JIDT to produce results include the following. These are manually compiled -- to see an automatically compiled list (which includes any paper citing, but not necessarily using JIDT) see this search on Google scholar.

Please let me know if you have published a paper using JIDT so I can add it here!

JIDT packaged inside other software:

  • IDTxl by Wollstadt, Lizier, Vicente, Finn, Martinez Zarzeula, Lindner, Martinez Mediano, Novelli, Wibral -- a comprehensive toolkit for efficient inference of networks from multivariate time series data using information theory.
  • HCTSA (Highly Comparative Time-Series Analysis) by Ben Fulcher
  • NAIL (Network Analysis and Inference Library) by Daniel G. Hurley, Joseph Cursons, Yi Kan Wang, David M. Budden, Cristin G. Print, and Edmund J. Crampin
  • FaultMap by Simon Streicher

JIDT used as a teaching tool in University courses:

Publications by contributors to JIDT:

Publications from the JIDT contributors using results produced by JIDT include (this is far from a complete list!):

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