Deployed at (AWS)
- Run
$ vagrant up
- Navigate to project dir ~/coinbay-web-app/
- In the root/client dir, run
$ yarn install
- Do the same in root/server dir, run
$ yarn install
- Back in root dir, run the initial data script
$ ./
- And now we can launch the app using
$ yarn dev
- Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000/ to view the CoinBay app
- You can register a new account or use a default user as listed below:
- *Username: user1 (Password: user1)
- *Username: user2 (Password: user2)
- *These accounts will have some postings assigned to their account so that you can immediately view and use functionality within the profile dashboard
Follow the steps listed below for setting up and testing the transaction (escrow) process
- Reactive search results/suggestions for top 100 relevant postings
- Can search by “user” or “title” depending on dropdown selection (bottom-right of search)
- Filter by date (ascending/descending)
- Filter by price (high/low)
- Filter by title (A-Z/ Z-A)
- Fully responsive layout with ability to expand/collapse drawer for smaller screen sizes
- Grid, Detailed-List, and List views
- Integration with the API allows users to pin a location on a map during posting creation
- Known issue: The Google Map API for React component currently does not properly save the user’s location after posting is saved
- Future work: include a search bar
- Allow users to upload an image file for their posting; imgur handles the upload, hosting, and URL creation which is later referenced in the posting details
- Full suite of functionality pertaining to postings in the marketplace (some features require you to be an owner of the posting)
- There is an image size constraint for non-animated images (i.e. JPG, PNG, etc) is 20MB, anything larger will not be permitted during posting creation
- Scrolling to bottom of the page triggers a fetch to load more posts
- Session handling fully implemented using JWT (Json Web Tokens)
- User sessions means improved security and usability
- Fully secured endpoints removes potential for unauthorized access
- Using Faker API to generate customizeable (fake) data for various components/fields (e.g. Title, User, Reviews, Description, Address, Phone Number, etc.)
- Populated through Sequelize seed files
- Default generation is 1000 users and 1000 posts, can be easily modified with a variable change (must remain 1:1 in the file)
- Buy Now button will not work without MetaMask Extension
- Integrated with MetaMask, which is a Chrome extension that allows users to interface with the Ethereum - Blockchain without hosting a full node.
- Wallet balance on top right fetched from Metamask
- Can be used as an escrow through Smart Contracts
- Connected to Ropsten Testnet, identical to Mainnet except with fake money
- Transactions are done through Smart Contracts
- When a user clicks “buy now” the item will be “unavailable”
- Can view the Ethereum transaction on Ropsten’s Etherscan
- All transaction scenarios accounted for:
- Both users accept transaction, Ether is sent from the contract to the seller
- Both users decline transaction, Ether is returned from the smart contract to the buyer
- One user declines, If there is conflict where one user accepts and one user declines the transaction, a third party or administrator will be referred to to resolve potential conflicts
- We keep a full history of all transactions performed on our web app Ethereum Wallet Balance in the NavBar is updated live when a user switches wallets or completes a transaction
##Transaction Workflow: