Releases: jmerle/competitive-companion
Releases · jmerle/competitive-companion
- Added support for Dimik OJ and TheJobOverflow (thanks @touhidurrr)
- Added support for AlgoZenith and Sort Me
- Fixed the parsing of TLX course problems and problems with time limits in milliseconds (thanks @ChrisG661)
- Fixed the parsing of Codeforces problems with time/memory limits in bold text (thanks @colazcy)
- Fixed the parsing of PTA problems
- Added support for MOI Arena
- Fixed the parsing of Eolymp problems and contests
- Improved the parsing of UVa Online Judge problems with trailing or inner spaces in sample cases
- Added support for OTOG and RoboContest (thanks @Anon-136 for the OTOG parser)
- Fixed the parsing of PTA problems with code blocks in the problem description
- Fixed the parsing of Baekjoon Online Judge problems with multiple time limits
- Fixed the parsing of CodeChef problems in active contests
- Added support for PAT problems in the NowCoder parser
- Added support for the mirror to the Virtual Judge parsers
- Added support for LSYOI and SDUT OnlineJudge (thanks @zymooll for the LSYOI parser)
- Fixed the parsing of Kattis problems
- Fixed the parsing of CodeChef problems
- Fixed the parsing of DMOJ contests
- Fixed the parsing of some interactive Kattis problems
- Fixed the parsing of superfluous newlines in UVa Online Judge sample cases
- Added support for HKOI Online Judge and ZUFEOJ (thanks @smarttommyau for the HKOI Online Judge parsers)
- Fixed the parsing of CodeChef problems
- Fixed the parsing of TLX problems