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Building ReSampler on Windows

using Visual Studio

  • Just open the project file (ReSampler.vcxproj) in Visual Studio
  • Choose the configuration you want (eg Release x64)
  • BUILD !!

using minGW-W64 (with raw compiler invocations) under Windows (to build 64-bit .exe):

  • use MinGW-W64 with Posix Threads and SEH (tip: install Git for Windows and use Git Bash!)
  • {...}\MinGW-W64\mingw64\bin must be added to Path
  • unlike *nix systems, there is no standard place to put libraries and include files
  • locations of include files can be specified by -Idir
  • locations of library files can be specified by -Ldir
  • if libraries are .lib (instead of .a), use -llib<name> instead of -l<name>
  • launch from git bash
  • depends on these 64-bit dlls: libfftw3-3.dll libgcc_s_seh-1.dll libsndfile-1.dll libstdc++-6.dll libwinpthread-1.dll - ensure that they are present in the same folder as the executable

note: the following examples assume the ReSampler executable is to be placed in the folder c:\bin:

standard 64-bit build:

 g++ -pthread -std=c++11 main.cpp ReSampler.cpp conversioninfo.cpp -Ilibsndfile/include -Ifftw64 -Lfftw64 -llibfftw3-3 -Llibsndfile/lib -llibsndfile-1 -O3 -o /c/bin/ReSampler.exe

AVX build:

g++ -pthread -std=c++11 main.cpp ReSampler.cpp conversioninfo.cpp -Ilibsndfile/include -Ifftw64 -Lfftw64 -llibfftw3-3 -Llibsndfile/lib -llibsndfile-1 -O3 -DUSE_AVX -mavx -o /c/bin/ReSampler.exe

AVX + FMA build (requires >= Intel Haswell or AMD PileDriver):

g++ -pthread -std=c++11 main.cpp ReSampler.cpp conversioninfo.cpp -Ilibsndfile/include -Ifftw64 -Lfftw64 -llibfftw3-3 -Llibsndfile/lib -llibsndfile-1 -O3 -DUSE_AVX -DUSE_FMA -mavx -mfma -o /c/bin/ReSampler.exe

Quad-Precision build (experimental) - GCC / minGW only:

 g++ -pthread -std=gnu++11 main.cpp ReSampler.cpp conversioninfo.cpp -Ilibsndfile/include -Ifftw64 -Lfftw64 -llibfftw3-3 -Llibsndfile/lib -llibsndfile-1 -lquadmath -O3 -DUSE_QUADMATH -o /c/bin/ReSampler-QuadMath.exe

note the use of -std=gnu++11 to enable the gcc-specific language extensions for quad precision - the 'Q' initializer suffix and __float128 type

Using CMake

for IDEs that support CMake, it is usually very easy to simply open the CMakeLists file and start building

building in Windows using QtCreator

even though this project doesn't use any Qt libraries, Qt Creator is nevertheless a good IDE for building this project

  • open a new project in Qt Creator by choosing File -> "Open File or Project ...", then select the CMakeLists.txt file as the project file
  • configure the kit of your choice (Note: as of Qt 5.12, 64-bit mingw is available for windows)
  • copy dll files (libsndfile etc) files into the build folder. (Build directory can be seen using QtCreator -> Projects -> Build -> Build Directory

building using CLion

open the CMakeLists.txt in the ReSampler directory as a Project

building using CMake from command line

generally, the process goes like this:

cd path-to-where-you-want-the-binary
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release path-to-ReSampler -G "MinGW Makefiles"

note: annoyingly, you can't run the cmake MinGW Makefiles generator in git-bash on Windows; run it in a command prompt instead


create a single-config minGW project

cmake <ReSampler Source Path> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "MinGW Makefiles"
cmake <ReSampler Source Path> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "MinGW Makefiles"
cmake <ReSampler Source Path> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=ReleaseAVX -G "MinGW Makefiles"

activate verbose output in make

cmake <ReSamplerPath> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON -G "MinGW Makefiles"

Using CMake to generate a multi-config Visual Studio Project

note: the cmake-generated Visual Studio project is similar to (but not the same as) the one in this Repo, which was created manually

cmake <ReSampler Source Path> -A x64

create a multi-config Visual Studio project using a specific generator

cmake <ReSampler Source Path> -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
# or
cmake <ReSampler Source Path> -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" -A x64

if you need more help with CMake (and believe me, it's perfectly normal if you do), I have collected some resources here

typical dll files required for binary (mingw64 version)

libquadmath-0.dll - only required for quadmath version