In God we trust, all other brings data. - William Deming
How to read a data set into R. The web-link to your .csv file goes inside quotations.
IBM = read.csv(" ")
For python you could just do
import pandas as pd
IBM = pd.read_csv(" ")
If you don't have a link to the data, and it is saved on your computer in .csv format here is a website that shows you how to access it in R. The same will go for python. However, use the function
I will analyze data from different data sets.
- This repo will show you how to plot, manipulate, and analyze data. And hopefully give you enough skills to go further.
This is a nice website for basic R commands for data analysis.
- Analyzing .csv files
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Text Analytics (Sentiment Analysis using Twitter)
- Hierarchical Clustering
- Random Forest
- CART models
- I recommend Andrew Ng's Machine learning course. You could also find an updated version on coursera.
- I recommend reading Introduction to Statisical learning with Applications in R.
- Really Awesome Book!
- To be implemented with number 2 for way way way more (beneficial) theory is Elements of Statistical Learning.
- Had to add this book on R. It is too good. Too good.