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Kubernetes Cheat Sheet


kubectl run -i -tty busybox --image=busybox -n namespace -- sh

kubectl run -i -tty alpine --image=alpine -n namespace -- sh

kubectl get pod -o=",INIT-CONTAINERS:.spec.initContainers[*].name,CONTAINERS:.spec.containers[*].name" -n namespace - Shows a list of pods in the namespace including the containers

kubectl cp alpine:message.avro ~/message.avro - copies a file from a pod to the local directory

kubectl get pods -n namespace | grep "flink" | xargs -I POD kubectl delete pod POD -n namespace - Deletes a range of pods depending on the name`


kubectl get deployments

kubectl scale deployment <deploymentname> --replicas=1


kubectl logs pod/foobar container-name -n namespace --follow - Show logs of foobar pod and container-name container

kubectl logs deployment/foobar -c app -n namespace --follow - Show logs of foobar deployment

kubectl get pods | grep "grafana" | xargs -I POD kubectl logs pod/POD -c grafana --follow - Shows the logs from a pod depending on the name for a specific container


kubectl exec --stdin --tty somepod -- /bin/bash - Gets a shell to a running container

kubectl get pods | grep "grafana" | xargs -I POD kubectl exec -it POD -c grafana -- bash - Execs the bash of a pod depending on the name for a specific container

Config Maps

kubectl describe configmap/configmapname -n namespace - Shows the config map configmapname

kubectl edit configmap/configmapname -n namespace - Edits the configmap

kubectl create configmap/configmapname -n namespace --from-file=ca-certirifcates.crt - Adds a certificate from a file

kubectl delete configmap/configmapname -n namespace - Deletes a secret


kubectl get secret/keystore -o jsonpath='{.data}' -n tsmb | jq '."keystore.p12"' | tr -d \" | base64 -decode > keystore.p12

kubectl create secret/somesecret -n namespace --from-literal="foo=bar" - Adds a secret from a literal

kubectl create -f secret.yaml - Adds a secret from a yaml file

kubectl delete secret/somesecret -n namespace - Deletes a secret


kubectl get nodes - Shows the nodes

Custom Resource Defintions

`kubectl apply -f' - Applies the custom resource definition at the given url

kubectl get crds - Gets the state of the crd requests

kubectl get api-resources - List the api resources managed by the cluster

Cluster Access

kubectl port-forward svc/alertmanager-operated 9093:9093 - Forwards the given service port to localhost 9093

Cert Manager

kubectl get issuer - Gets the issuer of the cert manager

kubectl get clusterissuer - Gets the cluster issuer of the cert manager

kubectl describe certificaterequest example-com-2745722290 - Returns more information about a specific certificate request

kubectl describe order example-com-2745722290-439160286 - Returns more information about a specific order

kubectl describe challenge example-com-2745722290-4391602865-0 - Returns more information about a specific challenge


kubectl config view - Shows kubectl config configuration

kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.users[].name}' - Shows user names in kubectl config configuration

kubectl config use-context my-cluster-name - Sets the current context to my-cluster-name

kubectl config unset current-context - Resets the current context


kustomize build . - Performs a kustomize build

kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f - - Performs a kustomize build and passes the result to kubectl apply