These instructions use Cordova to generate a default PhoneGap app and modify it to read NFC tags.
The Cordova Command Line Interface cordova-cli can be used to create, build and run multi-platform Cordova projects. Cordova CLI requires node.js, git and the SDK tools for your target platform (Android, BlackBerry10 or Windows Phone 8.)
$ npm install cordova -g
If you are still using PhoneGap 2.9 see the legacy Getting Started.
$ cd ~
$ cordova create foo Foo
$ cd foo
$ cordova platform add android
$ cordova plugin add
Edit index.js
and modify onDeviceReady with the following code
onDeviceReady: function() {
// Read NDEF formatted NFC Tags
nfc.addAesNdefListener (
function (nfcEvent) {
var tag = nfcEvent.tag,
ndefMessage = tag.ndefMessage;
// dump the raw json of the message
// note: real code will need to decode
// the payload from each record
// assuming the first record in the message has
// a payload that can be converted to a string.
function () { // success callback
alert("Waiting for NDEF tag");
function (error) { // error callback
alert("Error adding NDEF listener " + JSON.stringify(error));
Plug your phone into your computer.
Build and run the code
$ cd ~/foo
$ cordova run
Scan an NDEF tag with your phone. If you need to put data on a tag, try writing a plain text message to a tag with NXP Tag Writer.