Version 1.0, February 2013 (
Copyright 2012 - 2013 (C) Bryan Lunduke
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name of the license is changed.
The "Greater Lunduke License" is inspired, in part, by the wisdom of the Two Great Ones, Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan. Namely that we should all "be excellent to each other", that being "bogus" is "most non-triumphant" and that all dudes should "party on".
This license applies those concepts in such a way that it is applicable to all forms of content, including, but not limited to: software, books, music, movies and various works of art.
- Be Excellent To Each Other.
The consumer of this work is granted the right to utilize this work in conjunction with any mechanism that is capable of utilizing it, in the form supplied by the content creator, without limitation as to specific hardware or software.
The consumer of this work may make copies of this work (physical or otherwise) for backup purposes.
The consumer of this work may lend this work to another individual provided that the following two conditions are met: 1) the lender no longer utilizes or possesses the work and 2) the work is not presently lent to another individual.
The consumer of this work may sell this work to another individual provided that the following two conditions are met: 1) the seller no longer utilizes or possesses the work and 2) once the work is sold, the seller relinquishes all rights and copies of the work to the buyer.
- Don't Be Bogus.
The consumer of this work shall not redistribute modified, or unmodified, copies of this work without explicit written permission from the creator of this work. The only exceptions allowed to this rule are the provisions outlined in section 1 of this license
The consumer of this work shall not hold the creator of this work liable for anything the consumer does, or does not, do, or the results of utilizing this work.
- Party On, Dudes!
The creator of this work provides the work in a form that contains no mechanism to disable the utilization of the work after a specific date, period of time or number of uses.
If additional works, which are created and wholly owned by the work's creator, are required to utilize this work, those additional works must also be made available to the consumer so long as the following conditions are met: 1) doing so is possible and 2) doing so does not cause harm to the creator of the work.