install choco > run in elevated powershell
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
install prereqs > in same elevated powershell
choco install vagrant vim git virtualbox
NOTE *ENSURE VT is enabled in bios*
create folder for vagrant machines > in your user powershell
#folder where vm files will be stored/shared mkdir devops cd devops
create vagrant definition for vm > in your user powershell
notepad Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.box = "ubuntu/jammy64" config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host:80 end
This is extremely simplified for illustration purposes.
Run > in your user powershell
vagrant up
Note If you have ERROR starting vagrant, update to Vagrant to 2.3.6 or above or use the ERROR FIX of replacing the broken ruby file
with file_mutex.rb -
Ready for use
SSH to the vm > in your powershell
vagrant ssh
Run provisioning script > on the vm
#installs system updates and sets up swap needed for mysql sudo /vagrant/install/provision.sh
REBOOT > on the vm
sudo reboot
SSH back into to the vm > in your powershell
vagrant ssh
Run provisioning script, yes again > on the vm
#sets up apache and mysql (Note: ssl will be added below) sudo /vagrant/install/provision.sh
Install composer > on the vm
#puts in ~/bin/composer.phar sudo /vagrant/install//install-composer.sh
Install Symfony > on the vm
#create the apache webfolder and certs sudo /vagrant/install/create_ssssl.sh symfony.ubuntu.lan #install symfony demo /vagrant/install/install-symfony.sh
Install Drupal > on the vm
#create the apache webfolder and certs sudo /vagrant/install/create_ssssl.sh drupal.ubuntu.lan #install drupal /vagrant/install/install-drupal.sh
Log out of SSH > on the vm
Update local computer root certificates > in your powershell
local-certificates.ps1 add
- Ready for use > in your powershell
- start firefoox https://ubuntu.lan
- start chrome https://symfony.ubuntu.lan
- start explorer https://drupal.ubuntu.lan
- On the Ubuntu VM:
sudo /vagrant/install/create_ssssl.sh something.ubuntu.lan
- On the User local machine
local-certificates.ps1 add
to import ssl - Add content on the Ubuntu VM:
Note See the
script for more details