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Benchmark of Template Rendering

Run the benchmark (recycle):

Run the benchmark (keyed):

Run the benchmark (internal/data-driven):

There are 3 kinds of test scenarios:

1. recycle In this mode all existing nodes could be reused (recycling nodes). This mode has no restrictions.
2. keyed In this mode just existing nodes with the same key (ID) are allowed to be reused. Re-arrangement / reconcile is a rare implemented but also strong feature which is explicitly covered by the test "order".
3. data-driven This mode runs through the same internal pool of data (same references, no new data from external or by creation) and compares the performance gain of data-driven libraries. Especially the test "update" and "repaint" covers the strength of this mode. This mode has no restrictions.

Whether a library provides optimizations to one of these modes or not, it is fair to compare each of them in a different scenario.

When the option "keep best run" is enabled it will replace the better result with the old one (separately for each test). When disabled, it will summarize the results for each test.


Library KB RAM Create Replace Update Order Repaint Add Remove Toggle Clear Index Score
mikado 3 22 19301 8535 206747 51470 220010 35346 27945 31265 26378 996 54089
mikado-proxy 8.3 30 10288 5901 27129 18648 28194 14912 19278 16526 26216 537 12803
solid 0 339 737 665 7291 4029 13279 1391 7487 2470 15227 149 3587
inferno 8.4 311 754 724 5493 5266 6055 1323 7443 2302 15982 191 2647
mithril 9.6 263 637 612 4599 4267 4997 1120 6614 2004 12622 170 2256
redom 2.9 522 421 411 4146 3719 4215 761 5750 1380 11744 190 1954
domc 4.5 393 1078 1059 1082 1129 1101 1128 2049 1464 24931 211 1250
innerhtml 0 494 1029 999 993 876 885 935 1769 1186 27131 154 1107
surplus 15.8 626 975 857 849 854 846 878 1560 1187 23713 162 987
sinuous 7.5 650 842 809 812 824 820 813 1577 1096 18047 159 941
jquery 31.3 684 809 707 703 643 652 698 1129 860 5520 84 708
lit-html 17.3 1179 441 411 409 413 409 431 761 550 4964 79 487
ractive 68.2 4684 165 156 158 158 159 166 298 212 1944 36 202
knockout 24.8 2657 91 67 68 68 68 84 130 103 1162 45 161

Non-Keyed (Recycle)

Library KB RAM Create Replace Update Order Repaint Add Remove Toggle Clear Index Score
mikado 3 12 19344 8611 205552 52497 243874 34405 27858 31847 26483 995 18276
mikado-proxy 8.3 43 10041 5782 24215 18201 24873 14302 19126 16517 25778 494 5927
domc 4.5 119 1142 6524 51753 11723 94361 2395 22497 4617 25167 431 4510
lit-html 17.3 359 446 4505 28027 8252 44001 897 8317 1645 5021 197 2220
solid 0 267 741 2196 6302 3223 13560 1346 8397 2452 14964 162 1320
inferno 8.4 283 761 750 5469 5000 5988 1363 7366 2345 16151 185 1122
mithril 9.6 244 645 2134 4636 3126 5039 1179 7191 2011 12604 179 1034
redom 2.9 355 448 2416 4184 3397 4554 874 6620 1530 12348 214 1005
innerhtml 0 506 1059 1009 1018 890 883 901 1636 1186 27371 147 710
surplus 15.8 581 955 831 835 835 845 939 1540 1155 25324 162 671
ractive 68.2 1182 164 1514 5826 2619 8082 336 2970 616 1768 73 608
sinuous 7.5 641 838 802 803 817 810 814 1609 1075 16384 148 614
jquery 31.3 687 822 720 716 653 657 708 1136 872 5531 79 454
knockout 24.8 2576 91 67 69 68 69 85 130 103 1181 43 130

Data-Driven (Internal)

Library KB RAM Create Replace Update Order Repaint Add Remove Toggle Clear Index Score
mikado-proxy 8.3 18 7350 2600 18467 11819 5601305 10254 23402 14499 18986 551 109601
mikado 3 15 18980 8374 78140 49034 260674 33723 27425 30768 25797 911 17362
sinuous 7.5 830 372 377 36533 38554 327320 757 13058 1529 12815 289 8431
domc 4.5 120 1045 4841 40118 8670 75694 2050 14914 3703 22609 373 4248
surplus 15.8 203 995 836 -failed- 22881 -failed- 1902 13561 3480 20871 311 2063
inferno 8.4 285 779 751 5303 4982 5901 1396 6100 2363 14419 184 1200
redom 2.9 1126 439 2425 4139 3386 4666 840 6389 1482 12790 214 1170
mithril 9.6 283 637 623 4517 4056 4858 1113 6664 1964 12248 168 1046
innerHTML 0 505 1049 999 1003 871 874 875 1675 1167 20810 131 794
jquery 31.3 548 798 692 690 642 646 677 1112 856 5553 84 530
lit-html 17.3 1117 439 406 409 408 415 439 800 554 5027 79 378
knockout 24.8 1815 89 64 -failed- 116 -failed- 129 320 191 1056 57 196
ractive 68.2 4758 148 145 145 138 139 150 243 187 1434 33 146

Test goal

This stress test focuses a real life use case, where new data is coming from a source to be rendered through a template (e.g. from a server or by creation during runtime). The different to other benchmark implementations is, that the given task is not known before the data was available.

This test measures the raw rendering performance. If you look for a benchmark which covers more aspects goto here:

Angular and React?

There are some reasons why you did not find Angular or React on this list. Both aren't a library nor a framework, they are full integrated ecosystems which is quite unfair to compare. Also they runs completely async. If there was a way to force running them in sync I'm pretty sure, they would fill the bottom lines of this benchmark test.

Local Installation

Go to the folder bench/ and install dependencies:

npm install

Start local webserver:

npm run server

Go to the URL which displays in the console, e.g. http://localhost. The tests will start automatically. Results may differ through various browsers and OS.


The score is calculated in relation to the median value of each test. That will keeping the benchmark factor between each library effectively but also vary relationally when new libraries were added.

Score = Sumtest(lib_ops / median_ops) / test_count * 1000

The file size and memory gets less relevance by applying the square root of these values.


The score index is a very stable representation where each score points to a specific place in a ranking table. The maximum possible score and also the best place is 1000, that requires a library to be best in each category (regardless of how much better the factor is, that's the difference to the score value).

Index = Sumtest(lib_ops / max_ops) / test_count * 1000

The file size and memory gets less relevance by applying the square root of these values.


Test Description
KB The size of the library. This value has less relevance to the score calculation (uses square root).
RAM The amount of memory which was allocated through the whole test (memory per cycle). This value also has less relevance to the score calculation (uses square root).
Create The creation of 100 elements from blank.
Replace The replacement of 100 new elements over 100 existing elements.
Update Update content fields (order of items stay unchanged).
Arrange Test re-arrangement, all contents stay unchanged. Toggles between:
1. swap second and fore-last item
2. re-arrange (4 shifted groups)
3. shuffle (on every 5th loop)
Repaint Render same items in the same order.
Remove The remove of 50 items from a list of 100.
Append Append 50 new items to a list of 50 existing.
Toggle Toggles between "Remove" and "Append" (test for optimizations like: pagination, content folding, list resizing).
Clear Remove all items from a list of 100 existing.

How this benchmark work

Basically each framework provide one public method, which handles and render the incoming data, e.g.:

suite["domc"] = function(items){
    scope.items = items;


suite["sinuous"] = function(items){

The data is unknown, the library does not know if data was added, removed, updated or stay unchanged before it gets the data. That's the main different to other benchmark implementations, where a programmer can iteratively solve a problem to a known task.

Regardless the function is doing, every test has to run through the same logic.

Random item factory

The items were created by a random factory. The items comes from a pre-filled pool (5 slots a 100 items), so that keyed libraries get a chance to match same IDs.

Also the items has some fields, which aren't included by the template. That is also important, because in this situation is the most common. Most other benchmarks just provide data which is consumed by the template.

Mimic data from a server or created during runtime

The items will be cloned before every test to mimic a fresh fetch from the server or the creation of new items during runtime. The "data-driven" mode disables cloning and perform changes over and over through the same data.

Dedicated sandbox

Each test suite runs in its own dedicated sandbox through an iframe. This is reducing noise from externals to a minimum.

Hidden render target

You may see benchmarks which draws the rendering visible to the users screen. It depends on what is the desired part to benchmark. This benchmark will just cover the raw time of applied re-calculations (creation/updating/removing of elements), the time the browser takes to make them visible is:

  1. no part of this test
  2. not relevant, because this time is almost not influenced by the library
  3. introduce unnecessary distortion to the test

About requirements for tested libraries

  1. Each library should provide at least its own features to change DOM. A test implementation should not force to implement something like node.nodeValue = "..." or node.className = "..." by hand. The goal is to benchmark library performance and not the performance made by an implementation of a developer. That is probably the biggest different to other benchmark tests.

  2. Also asynchronous/scheduled rendering is not allowed.

  3. The keyed test requires a largely non-reusing paradigm. When a new item comes from the outside, the library does not reusing nodes (on different keys/IDs).

About the test environment

This test also covers runtime optimizations of each library which is very important to produce meaningful results.

About median values

Using the median value is very common to normalize the spread in results in a statistically manner. But using the median as benchmark samples, especially when code runs through a VM, the risk is high that the median value is getting back a false result. One thing that is often overseen is the run of the garbage collector, which has a significantly cost and runs randomly. A benchmark which is based on median results will effectively cut out the garbage collector and may produce wrong results. A benchmark based on a best run will absolutely cut off the garbage collector.

This test implementation just using a median to map the results into a normalized scoring index. The results are based on the full computation time including the full run of the garbage collector. That also comes closest to a real environment.

About benchmark precision

It is not possible to provide absolute stable browser measuring. There are so many factors which has an impact of benchmarking that it makes no sense in trying to make "synthetic" fixes on things they cannot been fixed. Also every synthetic change may lead into wrong results and false interpreting. For my personal view the best benchmark just uses the browser without any cosmetics. That comes closest to the environment of an user who is using an application.