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Spring Cloud Data Flow Chart

Spring Cloud Data Flow is a toolkit for building data integration and real-time data processing pipelines.

Pipelines consist of Spring Boot apps, built using the Spring Cloud Stream or Spring Cloud Task microservice frameworks. This makes Spring Cloud Data Flow suitable for a range of data processing use cases, from import/export to event streaming and predictive analytics.

Chart Details

This chart will provision a fully functional and fully featured Spring Cloud Data Flow installation that can deploy and manage data processing pipelines in the cluster that it is deployed to.

MySQL is used as the data store for Spring Cloud Data Flow state and either RabbitMQ or Kafka is used as the messaging layer for streaming apps to communicate with one another.

For more information on Spring Cloud Data Flow and its capabilities, see it's documentation.


Assumes that serviceAccount credentials are available so the deployed Data Flow server can access the API server (Works on GKE and Minikube by default). See Configure Service Accounts for Pods

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm install --name my-release stable/spring-cloud-data-flow

If you are using a cluster that does not have a load balancer (like Minikube) then you can install using a NodePort:

$ helm install --name my-release --set server.service.type=NodePort stable/spring-cloud-data-flow

RabbitMQ is the default messaging layer, Kafka can be enabled instead by using the following set flags to the helm command, for example:

--set kafka.enabled=true,rabbitmq.enabled=false

Only one messaging layer can be used at a given time. If RabbitMQ and Kafka are enabled, both charts will be installed with RabbitMQ being used in the deployment.

Note that this chart pulls in many different Docker images so can take a while to fully install.


The following tables list the configurable parameters and their default values.

RBAC Configuration

Parameter Description Default
rbac.create Create RBAC configurations true

ServiceAccount Configuration

Parameter Description Default
serviceAccount.create Create ServiceAccount true ServiceAccount name (generated if not specified)

Data Flow Server Configuration

Parameter Description Default
server.version The version/tag of the Data Flow server 2.0.1.RELEASE
server.imagePullPolicy The imagePullPolicy of the Data Flow server IfNotPresent
server.service.type The service type for the Data Flow server LoadBalancer
server.platformName The name of the configured platform account default
server.service.externalPort The external port for the Data Flow server 80

Skipper Server Configuration

Parameter Description Default
skipper.version The version/tag of the Skipper server 2.0.0.RELEASE
skipper.imagePullPolicy The imagePullPolicy of the Skipper server IfNotPresent
skipper.platformName The name of the configured platform account default
skipper.service.type The service type for the Skipper server ClusterIP

Spring Cloud Deployer for Kubernetes Configuration

Parameter Description Default
deployer.resourceLimits.cpu Deployer resource limit for cpu 500m
deployer.resourceLimits.memory Deployer resource limit for memory 1024Mi
deployer.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Deployer readiness probe initial delay 120
deployer.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Deployer liveness probe initial delay 90

RabbitMQ Configuration

Parameter Description Default
rabbitmq.enabled Enable RabbitMQ as the middleware to use true
rabbitmq.rabbitmqUsername RabbitMQ user name user

Kafka Configuration

Parameter Description Default
kafka.enabled Enable RabbitMQ as the middleware to use false
kafka.replicas The number of Kafka replicas to use 1
kafka.configurationOverrides Kafka deployment configuration overrides replication.factor=1, metrics.enabled=false
kafka.zookeeper.replicaCount The number of ZooKeeper replicates to use 1

MySQL Configuration

Parameter Description Default
mysql.mysqlDatabase MySQL database name dataflow