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A ZPure[W, S1, S2, R, E, A] is a description of a computation that requires an environment R and an initial state S1 and either fails with an error of type E or succeeds with an updated state of type S2 and a value of type A, in either case also producing a log of type W.

Conceptually, we can think of ZPure as just a function, though ZPure is not actually implemented this way for reasons of efficiency and stack safety.

import zio.Chunk

case class ZPure[+W, -S1, +S2, -R, +E, +A](run: (R, S1) => (Chunk[W], Either[E, (S2, A)]))

The ZPure data type models four "capabilities" that a computation can have in addition to just producing a value of type A:

  • Errors - A ZPure computation can fail with an error of type E similar to an Either.
  • Context - A ZPure computation can require some environment of type R similar to a Reader data type.
  • State - A ZPure computation can update a state S1 to a new state S2 similar to a State data type.
  • Logging - A ZPure computation can maintain a log of type W similar to a Writer data type.

Previously, each of these capabilities required a separate data type, such as Either for modeling errors.

This was fine when we just needed one of these capabilities but it broke down when we wanted to describe computations that used more than one capability. How were we supposed to describe, for example, a computation that updated state and could also fail?

The answer was to use other data types called monad transformers which "stacked" these capabilities on top of existing data types. So to get state and errors we would stack an EitherT monad transformer on top of a StateT monad transformer.

This approach has a number of problems.

First, it has terrible performance. Each of these monad transformers is its own data type so evaluating a single step in a monad transformer stack requires digging into multiple layers of data structures just to access a single value, doing something with it, and then rebuilding all the layers of that nested data structure all over again.

Second, monad transformers have very poor ergonomics. They are generally invariant so they have bad type inference and working with these nested structures creates many opportunities for errors, such as constructing the "stack" in the wrong order, that reduce developer productivity and make it harder to onboard new developers.

Third, monad transformer stacks are actually not powerful enough to model what they are trying to describe. Each part of the "stack" only knows about itself and not the other parts of the stack so it is impossible to implement operators that require multiple capabilities.

ZPure addresses this problem by including all of these capabilities in one data type using the same technique of "effect rotation" pioneered in ZIO. This results in dramatically higher performance, improved ergonomics, and a much more powerful API.

Basic Operations

The ZPure data type exposes a very similar API to the ZIO data type, excluding operators that deal directly with IO or concurrency. So if you know how to use ZIO you should be very comfortable working with ZPure as well.

Just like ZIO, ZPure is a description of a computation so the computation will not actually be executed until we run it.

If we are not embedding side effecting code in ZPure this laziness will not be observable in the result of a ZPure computation but it can be important to keep in mind for performance. For example, if we are doing some expensive but not side effecting computation in the context of ZPure and using the result multiple times we want to only run the ZPure computation once instead of multiple times.

The operators that execute a ZPure computation are all variants of run to emphasize that when we call them we are actually running the computation described by the ZPure value.

Also like ZIO, ZPure is stack safe, so we can write recursive programs in terms of ZPure without worrying about stack overflow errors.

The main difference between ZIO and ZPure is that we do not want to embed arbitrary side effecting code in ZPure. ZPure supports a specific set of capabilities but if we have arbitrary effects we are better off using ZIO, which has the power to manage these effects and also more clearly signals our intent.

We can create a computation that succeeds with an existing value using the succeed operator.

import zio.prelude.fx.ZPure

val one: ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, Nothing, Int] =

Note that the log type W here is nothing, indicating that we are not logging anything right now. The S1and S2 types are Unit because we are not using State in this computation.

The environment type is Any, indicating that this computation does not require any environment to be run. And the error type is Nothing because this computation cannot fail.

If we find ourselves using the same type parameters over and over it can be helpful to define a type alias to avoid repeating ourselves. There are also several useful type aliases for ZPure defined directly in ZIO Prelude.

type State[S, +A] = zio.prelude.fx.ZPure[Nothing, S, S, Any, Nothing, A]
type Reader[-R, +A] = zio.prelude.fx.ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, R, Nothing, A]
type Writer[+W, +A] = zio.prelude.fx.ZPure[W, Unit, Unit, Any, Nothing, A]

The State type alias specializes the environment type to Any and the error and log types to Nothing and just has a single state type 'A'. It is analogous to a function S => (S, A).

The Reader type alias has an environment type but specializes the log and error types to Nothing and the state types to Unit. It is analogous to a function R => A.

The Writer type alias has a log type but specializes the environment type to Any, the error type to Nothing, and the state types to Unit. It is analogous to a function () => (W, A).

There are also versions of each of these type aliases that support failure, EState, EReader, and EWriter. Using these type aliases can simplify your type signatures and lead to better type inference in some cases. So if you are really only working with one or two of the capabilities of ZPure it is definitely worth using these type aliases.

However, for now we will continue to use the full ZPure type signature.

We can transform the successful value of a computation using the map operator.

val two: ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, Nothing, Int] = + 1)

We can combine the values of two computations with the zipWith operator.

val three: ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, Nothing, Int] =
  one.zipWith(two)(_ + _)

We can also chain computations using the flatMap operator and Scala's for comprehension syntax.

val six: ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, Nothing, Int] =
  for {
    x <- one
    y <- two
    z <- three
  } yield x + y + z

The easiest way to run a computation is to use the run method. It requires us to have already provided any required environment and initial state and handled our errors and just produces the final value.

val value: Int =

Working With Errors

Since ZIO also has an error type the operators for working with errors are quite similar to the ones on ZIO.

We can create a computation that fails with an error using the fail operator.

val fail: ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, String, Nothing] ="fail")

Notice how now the error type is String, indicating that this computation can fail with a String error. In this case the success type is Nothing since we actually know that this computation can never succeed.

If we are working with code that can throw exceptions we can use the attempt operator of ZPure to safely import that code into our computation, catching any non-fatal exceptions and translating them into failure values.

def parseIntThrowable(s: String): ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, Throwable, Int] =

We can use the mapError operator to transform the error type of a computation, for example to map it to a common error type we are using in other parts of our computation.

def parseInt(s: String): ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, String, Int] =

We can recover from errors by using the catchAll operator, which allows us to recover from the failure using a new computation.

def parseIntOrDefault(s: String): ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, Nothing, Int] =
  parseInt(s).catchAll(_ => ZPure.succeed(0))

Now the error type is Nothing, indicating that we have handled all our errors.

There are many other error handling operators defined on ZPure. The catchSome operator allows us to only recover from certain errors.

The fold and foldM operators allow us to handle both the failure and success cases at the same time. And the orElse operator allows us to specify a fallback computation that will be run if the original computation fails.

One other concept from ZIO that carries over to ZPure is the ability to accumulate multiple errors.

Normally when we use operators like zip or flatMap if an error occurs we will not go on to evaluate further parts of the computation until we get to an error handler that can potentially recover from it. This is typically what we want because if we have already failed there is no point in doing more work.

However, ZPure also allows us to accumulate errors when we use the zipWithPar operator . This operator does not do actual parallelism, but is "parallel" in the sense that it will run both computations even if the first one fails and return any failures that occurred.

You can use this to obtain behavior similar to the Validation data type in ZIO Prelude. All of the errors will be captured in a Cause data structure similar to the one from ZIO.

For example, we could model validating some data using ZPure like this.

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

def validateName(name: String): ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, String, String] =
  if (name.isEmpty)"name was empty")
  else ZPure.succeed(name)

def validateAge(age: Int): ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, String, Int] =
  if (age < 0)"Age $age was less than zero")
  else ZPure.succeed(age)

def validatePerson(name: String, age: Int): ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, String, Person] =

To expose the full cause of failure we can use the sandbox operator.

import zio.prelude.fx.Cause

def validatePersonCause(name: String, age: Int): ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, Cause[String], Person] =
  validatePerson(name, age).sandbox

We can now see all the failures that occurred and handle them using our normal error handling operators. If we want to submerge the full cause again and just see the error type we can undo this with the unsandbox operator.

Once again, a variety of other operators for dealing with the full cause of failure are available on ZPure analogous to the ones on ZIO but we will not cover them all here. With sandbox and unsandbox you should be able to handle any problems involving working with the full cause of failure and you can always look up more specialized operators later.

Of course, if all we want to do is validate data the Validation type is more specialized than this and is what we should use. But it is very nice to be able to accumulate errors when you need to when we are already working in the context of a ZPure computation.

Working With Context

The environment type R is also analogous to the environment type of ZIO.

The main difference is that we tend to use ZPure to describe a particular computation in our application rather than as the basis for our entire application architecture. As a result, services tend to be less commonly used in the environment and often the environment just consists of some data.

We also do not use layers to construct the environment. Layers are inherently effectual and we do not want to perform arbitrary effects as part of a ZPure computation.

As an example of how we might use the environment type in a ZPure computation, we can imagine that our computation describes some logic for working with customer accounts. To perform its logic our computation needs access to various values such as the interest rate to use.

case class AccountEnvironment(interestRate: Double)

We can work with the environment using the same operators we use for ZIO, with the caveat described above that we use the more generic environment operators instead of the ones specialized for the module pattern.

We access a service in the environment using the service operator, so if we wanted to access the AccountEnvironment service we could do it like this:

val accountEnvironment: ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, AccountEnvironment, Nothing, AccountEnvironment] =

This computation does not use logging or state and cannot fail, but it now depends on an AccountEnvironment and just returns the AccountEnvironment. Since this computation now succeeds with an AccountEnvironment we can use all of our normal operators for transforming success values like map and flatMap to work with it.

If we just want to do one thing with the environment like get the interest rate we can do this slightly more concisely with the serviceWith operator.

val interestRate: ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, AccountEnvironment, Nothing, Double] =

There is also a serviceWithPure variant for when we want to perform another computation based on the value from the environment.

def computeSimpleInterest(balance: Double, days: Int, interestRate: Double): ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, Nothing, Double] =
  ZPure.succeed(balance * days / 365 * interestRate)

def accruedInterest(balance: Double, days: Int): ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, AccountEnvironment, Nothing, Double] =
  ZPure.serviceWithPure(r => computeSimpleInterest(balance, days, r.interestRate))

To run a computation we need to provide it with its required environment, which we can do with the provide operator.

import zio.ZEnvironment

val interestComputation: ZPure[Nothing, Unit, Unit, Any, Nothing, Double] =
  accruedInterest(100000, 30).provideEnvironment(ZEnvironment(AccountEnvironment(0.05)))

Once we have provided our application with our required environment we are ready ro run it.

val interestDue: Double =

Working With State

The state type described by S1 and S2 is the first capability provided by ZPure that is not directly analogous to ZIO.

In ZIO we manage state using the Ref and FiberRef data types so we do not need these additional type parameters. In contrast, in ZPure we want to avoid arbitrary side effects so we instead model state as a function that takes the old state and returns the new state using the S1 and S2 type parameters.

In practice in most cases S1 and S2 will be the same and we will be describing a computation that takes some state and just returns an updated value of the same state type. However, in some cases it can be useful to model the initial and updated state separately, for example to describe a transition from a Closed to Open state in a type safe way.

To motivate our example here let's define an AccountState type.

case class AccountState(balance: Int, open: Boolean)

We will also define a domain specific error type which we will use.

sealed trait AccountError

case object InsufficientFunds extends AccountError

The most basic operators for working with state are get and set. The get operator retrieves the initial state and the set operator sets the updated state to the specified value.

Let's use these operators to describe a computation that withdraws funds from the account.

def withdraw(amount: Int): ZPure[Nothing, AccountState, AccountState, Any, AccountError, Unit] =
  for {
    state <- ZPure.get[AccountState]
    _     <- if (amount > state.balance)
             else ZPure.set(AccountState(state.balance - amount,
  } yield ()

This example combines a couple of the features we have talked about so far.

First, we are using a for comprehension to chain together multiple computations

Second, we are using both the error type and the state type here. If the customer has insufficient funds we fail immediately, otherwise we update the state.

One important thing to note here is that since ZPure computations are never concurrent we don't need to worry about conflicting modifications to the state.

For example, in the context of ZIO code analogous to the above would not be safe because the get and set would not be performed atomically so we would need to do the entire transaction in a single modify operation, returning a value indicating whether there were sufficient funds. In ZPure we don't have to do any of that so our code can be simpler.

There are also update and modify operators on ZPure. So for example we could factor out the logic of updating the account balance in the withdraw method like this:

def decrementBalance(amount: Int): ZPure[Nothing, AccountState, AccountState, Any, Nothing, Unit] =
  ZPure.update(state => AccountState(state.balance - amount,

If we are working with state then to actually run our computation we need to provide it with an initial state. The easiest way to do this is with the provideState operator, analogous to how we provide the environment.

val withdrawalComputation: ZPure[Nothing, Any, AccountState, Any, AccountError, Unit] =
  withdraw(10).provideState(AccountState(100, true))

We will use the runEither operator, which is a variant of run that allows the computation to fail and just converts the failure to the left side of an Either. The run and runEither operators just return the final value, so let's use the get operator to get the final state before we run our computation since we only care about the final state.

val updatedAccountState: Either[AccountError, AccountState] =
  (withdrawalComputation *> ZPure.get).runEither

Working With Logging

The final capability provided by ZPure is logging.

We can add to the log with the log operator on the ZPure companion object.

def withdrawLog(amount: Int): ZPure[String, AccountState, AccountState, Any, AccountError, Unit] =
  ZPure.log("Attempting to withdraw") *> withdraw(amount) <* ZPure.log(s"Withdrew $amount")

We can also use the log operator on the ZPure trait to log something immediately after a computation has successfully completed.

def withdrawLog(amount: Int): ZPure[String, AccountState, AccountState, Any, AccountError, Unit] =
  withdraw(amount).log(s"Withdrew $amount")

The log is maintained until our computation is done.

This time we will use the runAll operator to run our computation. runAll is the most general way of running a ZPure computation and returns the log as well as either the failure or the success.

import zio.Chunk

val withdrawalComputationLog: ZPure[String, AccountState, AccountState, Any, AccountError, Unit] =

val log: Chunk[String] =
  withdrawalComputationLog.runAll(AccountState(100, true))._1