The WG1 charter says "Self consistency is an important objective, which may require adding new features." Scheme has three sequence types: lists, strings, and vectors, but the support for them is not consistent. Lists have the most support, strings and vectors have much less, and inconsistently so. I propose providing the following procedures, some of which are R5RS, some R6RS, some in various SRFIs, and some new:
|Type of procedure|Lists|Strings|Vectors|
|Basic constructor|make-list
(SRFI 1)|make-string
|Variadic constructor|list
|Copy constructor|list-copy
(SRFI 1)|string-copy
(SRFI 43)|
|Mutating copier|list-copy!
(SRFI 1)|string-copy!
(SRFI 13)|vector-copy!
(SRFI 43)|
|Basic predicate|list?
|Sequence length|length
|Element access|list-ref
|Element mutator|list-set!
|Map function|map
(SRFI 13 extended)|vector-map
|Map side effects|for-each
(SRFI 43)|
|Convert to list|---|string->list
|Convert to string|list->string
|Convert to vector|list->vector
In summary: 45 procedures, 27 in R5RS, 2 in R6RS, 2 in SRFI 1, 2 in SRFI 43, 1 in SRFI-13 but extended to take multiple strings, 4 novel but obvious.
I further propose that the "map function" and "map side effects" groups should be specified to implicitly truncate all sequence arguments to the length of the shortest sequence.