The detect-secrets
tool is an open source project that uses heuristics and rules to scan for a wide range of secrets. We can extend the tool with custom rules and heuristics via a simple Python plugin API.
Unlike other credential scanning tools, detect-secrets
does not attempt to check a project's entire git history when invoked, but instead scans the project's current state. This means that the tool runs quickly which makes it ideal for use in continuous integration pipelines.
employs the concept of a "baseline file", i.e. a list of known secrets already present in the repository, and we can configure it to ignore any of these pre-existing secrets when running. This makes it easy to gradually introduce the tool into a pre-existing project.
The baseline file also provides a simple and convenient way of handling false positives. We can white-list the false positive in the baseline file to ignore it on future invocations of the tool.
# install system dependencies: diff, jq, python3
apt-get install -y diffutils jq python3 python3-pip
# install the detect-secrets tool
python3 -m pip install detect-secrets
# run the tool to establish a list of known secrets
# review this file thoroughly and check it into the repository
detect-secrets scan > .secrets.baseline
# backup the list of known secrets
cp .secrets.baseline
# find all the secrets in the repository
detect-secrets scan --update $(find . -type f ! -name '.secrets.*' ! -path '*/.git*')
# if there is any difference between the known and newly detected secrets, break the build
list_secrets() { jq -r '.results | keys[] as $key | "\($key),\(.[$key] | .[] | .hashed_secret)"' "$1" | sort; }
if ! diff <(list_secrets .secrets.baseline) <(list_secrets >&2; then
echo "Detected new secrets in the repo" >&2
exit 1