This is a project template for the Middleman Static Site Generator with Tailwind CSS and gulp. It is based on the Default Middleman Project Template.
- Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework
- gulp - A JavaScript toolkit
- PostCSS - A tool for automating CSS operations
- PostCSS-import - A PostCSS plugin to inline @import rules content
- Autoprefixer - A PostCSS plugin to add vendor prefixes to CSS rules
Start a new Middleman project using this template:
$ middleman init mysite -T jonaskay/middleman-tailwindcss
Change into the project root:
$ cd mysite
Add the project to version control (recommended, not required):
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
Run the development server:
bundle exec middleman server
Build your site:
bundle exec middleman build
This project template uses code from the following libraries:
The following repositories have been helpful in setting up this project: