- Convert WordPress posts/custom post types to Markdown format
- Only convert the post content (no metadata)
- Generate a zip file containing the Markdown files
- Store zip files in WordPress uploads directory, organized by date
- Maintain archive of previously generated zip files (no limit)
- Generate a log file in the zip listing successful and failed conversions
- Add a new menu item in WordPress admin panel
- Main screen should show:
- Post type selection dropdown (exports all posts of selected type)
- Option to add date prefix (YYYY-MM-DD)
- Export button
- List of previously generated zip files with download links
- Cleanup button to remove all previous zip files (no confirmation needed)
- Show progress as number of posts processed
- Convert HTML content to Markdown
- Ignore embedded content (iframes, etc)
- Ignore HTML comments
- Convert blocks to equivalent markdown or plain text
- Optional date prefix format: YYYY-MM-DD-{filename}
- If multiple exports on same day, newer export overwrites previous
- Base filename from post slug (using WordPress default sanitization)
- Store zip files in organized folder structure by date
- Display creation date of zip files
- Show file size
- Provide direct download links
- Restrict access to WordPress administrators only
- Handle large numbers of posts efficiently
- Implement timeout prevention for large exports
- Compatible with WordPress 5.0+
- Follow WordPress coding standards
- Use WordPress file system APIs
├── admin/
│ ├── class-admin-page.php
│ └── views/
├── includes/
│ ├── class-converter.php
│ ├── class-file-handler.php
│ └── class-exporter.php
└── wordpress-to-markdown-exporter.php