Example of gRPC with Go
specifies out directory for generation all entities "messages of.proto
specifies out directory for generation all gRPC code "services of.proto
latest param
specifies directory for get.proto
protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. proto/course_category.proto
The client used for tests is named evans
# MacOS installation using brew
brew tap ktr0731/evans
brew install evans
# For connect on database
sqlite3 db.sqlite
-- For create table categories
create table categories(
id string primary key,
name string,
description string
-- For create table courses
create table courses(
id string primary key,
name string,
description string,
category_id string,
foreign key (category_id) references categories(id)
go run cmd/grpcServer/main.go
By default the evans client listens on TCP port 50051, you don't need to specify if you are using this port
evans -r repl
Needs to start client before selecting gRPC service
first param
is the gRPC service name
# If your function uses stream mode, for stop this use 'Ctrl + D'
service CategoryService
Needs to start client before selecting gRPC service
first param
is the function name
call CreateCategory