RecipeCatalog.BlazorApp is a Blazor web app for viewing and managing recipes. Technologies used:
Configuration can be provided in appsettings.json, user secrets, environment variables, or command line arguments. For more information, see: Configuration Providers in .NET.
The following configuration options are available:
- GeneratorId - ID number for running instance (each concurrently running instance should have a unique value)
- OpenAI - (Required for AI Search)
- TextEmbedding
- Model - (Required) Text embedding model (e.g. text-embedding-ada-002, text-embedding-3-small); use deployment name for Azure OpenAI Service
- Key - (Required) API key for OpenAI or Azure OpenAI Service
- Endpoint - Azure OpenAI Service endpoint; only used when using Azure OpenAI Service
- TextEmbedding