diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/af-ZA.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/af-ZA.override.ini index 0d39f581..e4061678 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/af-ZA.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/af-ZA.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Duisend Vrywilligers
Wêreldwyd" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Met Joomla kan jy baie soorte webwerwe bou. Gemeenskapsgebaseerde webwerwe, e-handel of e-leerwebwerwe, Joomla kan aanpas by die struktuur of doel van die webwerf wat jy in gedagte het. Joomla het 'n uitgebreide reeks kenmerke om jou te help om wonderlike resultate te behaal:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Sleutelbordkortpaaie is daar om die lewe makliker te maak. Eenvoudige sleutelbordtoetsaanslagen wat jou produktiwiteit verhoog. Nou kan jy vasgestelde kortpaaie gebruik en jou eie sleutelbordkortpaaie definieer en jou redigeringsvaardighede na 'n nuwe vlak neem.


Lees dokumentasie


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Kind-sjablone laat jou toe om verskillende voorkoms vir jou werf te skep sonder om jou sjabloon te wysig. Die skeiding maak die opdatering van die sjabloon soveel makliker. Met kind-sjablone is al die bates in die media-lêergids. Alles word vanaf een XML-lêer beheer.


Lees dokumentasie


Het jy take wat jy keer op keer doen?
Of take vir die toekoms wat jy nie moet vergeet om te doen nie? Nou kan jy dit met gemak outomatiseer deur die nuwe taakskeduleerder te gebruik wat in Joomla 4.1 verskeep is.


Lees dokumentasie


Kom vinnig bo-aan enige soekenjin met Joomla 4. Dit sorg vir SEO sodat jy kan fokus dat jou wonderlike inhoud raak gesien word. SEO wat in die bladsy ingebou is, beteken dat jy die korrekte bladsystruktuur kry sonder enige bykomende uitbreidings.


Lees dokumentasie

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/ar-AA.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/ar-AA.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/ar-AA.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/ar-AA.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/be-BY.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/be-BY.override.ini new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89bcbca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/be-BY.override.ini @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +J4LANDING_LANGUAGE="English" ; Enter your language in your local language way (Not the English version) +J4LANDING_PAGETITLE="Joomla! 4 is out! Lightning fast! Top for SEO! Most secure!" +J4LANDING_METADESC="Joomla! version 4 is out! Top for speedy sites & handcrafted SEO! Built for security and accessibility! ► Go explore all new features now & find out more!" +; Menu +J4LANDING_MENU_JOOMLA_4="Joomla! 4" +J4LANDING_MENU_BENEFITS="Benefits" +J4LANDING_MENU_FEATURES="Features" +J4LANDING_MENU_TRANSLATIONS="Translations" +J4LANDING_MENU_THANK_YOU="Thank you" +J4LANDING_MENU_DOWNLOAD="Download" +; Joomla4Intro Section +J4LANDING_TITLE="Build a beautiful, scalable website that will grow with your business." +J4LANDING_H1="Joomla! 4.0" +J4LANDING_H2="A New World of Possibilities" +J4LANDING_DOWNLOADBUTTON="Download JOOMLA! 4" +; Joomla4Benefits Section +J4LANDING_J4ALL_H2="Joomla4All" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. +J4LANDING_J4ALL_DESC="

Joomla is an award-winning Open Source CMS built and maintained by a strong community of volunteers who strive to produce robust, secure, easy to use software.
It is free to download and use, and its functionalities meet cutting edge web technology.

Joomla enables website creators to create powerful websites, where maintaining its content is easy and seamless.




You want a flexible system that is easy to customise


Open Source


You want an open source system, open to scrutiny


SEO optimised


Boost your chance of winning top place


Security first


You want a secure system that is robust


Multilingual content


You want a system that is easily grow with your business


Growing system


You want a system that can grow as you do

\n" +; Joomla in Numbers +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_H2="Joomla in Numbers" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DESC="This section shows the achievements of Joomla!
in the last years. Real numbers and relevant subjects." +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DOWNLOADS="Million Downloads
Worldwide" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_EXTENSIONS="Thousand Extensions
Worldwide" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_WEBSITES="Million Websites
Worldwide" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" +; Joomla4Features Section +J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. +J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation


A redesigned administration area speeds content creation. Improved media manager and editor updates give you the power to design and build amazing websites. Article templates help you and your colleagues keep to the page design.


Read documentation


Let your users find your content fast and efficiently. Joomla 4 search is advanced and configurable. With an active indexer, once indexed it adds content as it's created so you need do no more than concentrate on creating more stunning content.


Read documentation


Customisable email templates speed up the process of site deployment and personalisation. Change the site emails to fit your brand. Use the distinctive style of your site to communicate with your users when sending site emails.


Read documentation


With workflows, you can create any number of processes to take your content creation from idea to polished publication in a defined and controlled way. Workflow plugins create a powerful new ecosphere speeding up content creation.


Read documentation


With Joomla 4 you benefit from increased performance. Speed is one of the top factors in converting clicks to views. Whether your site is e-commerce or you need to grow your subscriptions. Joomla 4 makes it go like a rocket.


Read documentation


Joomla 4 delivers best in class accessibility. All visitors to your website will benefit. Layout, contrast and infrastructure all have accessibility built-in. Joomla 4 aims for W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 (with AA compliance)


Read documentation


Running a website with well written, state-of-the-art code helps you stay safe. Joomla 4 contains many changes designed to maximize security and keep hackers out. Moving to Joomla 4 is the wise choice.


Read documentation

" +; Joomla4Translations Section +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_H3="Translations" +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_BUTTON="Help us translate Joomla 4!" +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_SPONSOR="Powered by Crowdin Enterprise" +; Thank you part +J4LANDING_THANKYOU_H3="Thank you!" +J4LANDING_THANKYOU_DESC="

The Joomla! Project would like to thank all the many hundreds of hard working, enthusiastic and committed people who have made Joomla 4 possible.
Some known, some anonymous, not all sadly still with us.
You are all part of this great achievement and only with the help and kindness of so many contributing for free,
can such a community based, open-source project come to life and produce Joomla 4.

" +J4LANDING_THANKYOU_BUTTON="Joomla 4 contributors." + diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/bg-BG.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/bg-BG.override.ini index 09450bc3..1edbf054 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/bg-BG.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/bg-BG.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Хиляди разработчици
П J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla за теб" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

С Joomla можете да създавате различни видове уебсайтове. Базирани на общността уебсайтове, уебсайтове за електронна търговия или електронно обучение. Joomla може да се адаптира към структурата или целта на уебсайта, който имате предвид. Joomla има богат набор от функции, които да ви помогнат да постигнете невероятни резултати:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Бързо стигнете до първите места във всяка търсачка с Joomla 4. Тя се грижи за SEO и да можете да се съсредоточите върху забелязването на страхотното ви съдържание. SEO, вградено в страницата, означава, че получавате правилната структура на страницата без допълнителни разширения.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4 Дизайн" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/bn-BD.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/bn-BD.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/bn-BD.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/bn-BD.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/ca-ES.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/ca-ES.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/ca-ES.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/ca-ES.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/cs-CZ.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/cs-CZ.override.ini index 06eec38a..1e333dea 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/cs-CZ.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/cs-CZ.override.ini @@ -41,6 +41,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Tisíce dobrovolníků
po celém světě" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

S Joomlou můžete vytvářet mnoho typů webových stránek. Komunitní weby, e-shopy nebo e-learningové weby - Joomla se dokáže přizpůsobit struktuře nebo účelu webu, který máte na mysli. Joomla má rozsáhlou řadu funkcí, které vám pomohou dosáhnout úžasných výsledků:

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_20_TITLE="Prohlídky s průvodcem v systému Joomla4" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_20_CONTENT="

Prohlídky s průvodcem jsou skvělým způsobem, jak se naučit používat sekci správce webu. Průvodci jsou předinstalováni pro nejběžnější úlohy a mohou být rozšířeni a vytvořeni od začátku, aby provedli návštěvníky jakoukoli komponentou nebo konfigurací.


Přečtěte si článek v časopise

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_19_TITLE="Klávesové zkratky Joomla 4" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_19_CONTENT="

Klávesové zkratky vám usnadní život. Jednoduché stisknutí kláves na klávesnici, které zvýší vaši produktivitu. Nyní můžete používat nastavené a definovat své vlastní klávesové zkratky, které posouvají vaše editační dovednosti na novou úroveň..


Přečtěte si dokumentaci

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_18_TITLE="Vícefázové ověřování Joomla 4" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_18_CONTENT="

Joomla již léta nabízí dvoufaktorové ověřování, jehož jádrem je bezpečnost. Nyní Joomla přidává vícefaktorové ověřování, které vám umožňuje zvolit si další ověření, čímž vám dává větší kontrolu nad zabezpečením vašich stránek a zajišťuje ověřování do budoucna.


Pročtěte si dokumentaci


Podšablony vám umožňují vytvářet různé vzhledy pro vaše stránky bez úpravy vaší šablony. Oddělením se aktualizace šablony stává mnohem jednodušší. U podšablon jsou všechny položky ve složce médií. Všechny jsou ovládány z jednoho XML souboru.


Přečtěte si dokumentaci

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_TITLE="Naplánované úkoly Joomla 4" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_CONTENT="

Máte úkoly, které opakujete znovu a znovu?
Nebo úkoly do budoucna, které nesmíte zapomenout splnit? Nyní je můžete snadno automatizovat pomocí nového Plánovače úloh, který je součástí Joomla 4.1.


Přečtěte si dokumentaci


S Joomlou 4 se rychle dostanete na přední místa ve vyhledávačích. Postará se o SEO, takže se můžete soustředit na zviditelnění svého skvělého obsahu. SEO zabudované do stránky znamená, že získáte správnou strukturu stránky bez dalších rozšíření.


Přečtěte si dokumentaci

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/cy-GB.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/cy-GB.override.ini index 798c9580..151208c2 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/cy-GB.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/cy-GB.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Mil Gwirfoddolwr
ar draws y byd" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla 4 i Chi" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Gyda Joomla gallwch adeiladu sawl math o wefan. Gwefannau Cymunedol, e-fasnach neu e-ddysgu, gall Joomla addasu i strwythur neu bwrpas y wefan sydd gennych mewn golwg. Mae gan Joomla ystod eang o nodweddion i'ch helpu i gael canlyniadau gwych:

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_20_TITLE="Joomla 4 ar gyfer Teithiau Tywys" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_20_CONTENT="

Mae teithiau tywys yn ffordd wych o ddysgu sut i ddefnyddio adran weinyddol eich gwefan. Mae teithiau tywys ar gyfer tasgau cyffredin wedi eu gosod yn barod a gellir eu hestyn neu greu rhai o'r newydd i arwain ymwelwyr drwy ffurfweddiad unrhyw gydran.


Darllenwch yr erthygl yn y cylchgrawn

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_19_TITLE="Joomla 4 ar gyfer Llwybrau Byr" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_19_CONTENT="

Mae Llwybrau Byr Bysellfwrdd yna i wneud bywyd yn haws. Trawiadau Bysell syml i gynyddu eich cynhyrchiant. Nawr gallwch ddefnyddio llwybrau byr sydd wedi eu gosod a diffinio eich llwybrau byr eich hun gan godi eich sgiliau golygu i lefel newydd.


Darllenwch y dogfennaeth

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_18_TITLE="Joomla 4 ar gyfer Aml-Ffactor" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_18_CONTENT="

Gyda diogelwch yn greiddiol i Joomla mae wedi cynnig awthentigeiddio dau ffactor ers blynyddoedd. Nawr mae Joomla wedi ychwanegu aml-ffactor sy'n eich galluogi i ddewis awthentigeiddio arall, yn rhoi mwy o reolaeth i chi o ddiogelwch eich gwefan ac yn sicrhau fod awthentigeiddio yn ddiogel at y dyfodol.


Darllenwch y dogfennaeth

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_17_TITLE="Joomla 4 ar gyfer is-dempledi" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_17_CONTENT="

Mae Is-dempledi yn eich galluogi i greu sawl golwg gwahanol i'ch gwefan heb olygu eich templed. Mae'r gwahanu yn gwneud diweddaru eich templed yn llawer haws. Gyda is-dempledi mae pob ased yn y ffolder cyfryngau. Rheolir y cwbl o un ffeil XML.


Darllenwch y dogfennaeth

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_TITLE="Joomla 4 ar gyfer Amserlennu Tasgau" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_CONTENT="

Oes gennych chi dasgau i'w gwneud dro ar ôl tro?
Neu dasgau at y dyfodol nad ydych am eu anghofio? Nawr gallwch eu awtomeiddio'n hawdd gyda'r amserlennydd Tasgau ddaeth gyda Joomla 4.1.


Darllenwch y dogfennaeth


Cyrhaeddwch frig unrhyw beiriant chwilio'n gyflym gyda Joomla 4. Mae'n gofalu am SEO fel y gallwch chi ganolbwyntio ar dynnu sylw at eich cynnwys gwych. Mae'r ffaith fod SEO wedi ei ymgorffori ymhob tudalen yn golygu eich bod yn cael y strwythur tudalen cywir heb estyniadau pellach.


Darllenwch y dogfennaeth

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla 4 ar gyfer Dyluniad" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/da-DK.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/da-DK.override.ini index e9281eee..9239c925 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/da-DK.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/da-DK.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Tusinder af frivillige
På verdensplan" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4Dig" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Med Joomla kan du bygge mange typer af websteder. Fællesskabs-baserede websteder, e-handels eller e-læringswebsteder, uanset, så kan Joomla tilpasses til strukturen eller formålet for webstedet som du har i tankerne. Joomla har et massivt arsenal af funktioner som kan hjælpe dig med at opnå fantastiske resultater:


Guidede ture er en fantastisk måde at lære at bruge administratorsektionen på dit websted. Guidede ture kommer forudinstalleret til de mest almindelige opgaver og kan udvides og bygges fra bunden til at guide besøgende gennem enhver komponent eller konfiguration.


Læs magasinartiklen


Tastaturgenveje er til for at gøre livet lettere. Simple tastaturtryk som øger din profuktivitet. Nu kan du anvende definerede genveje, samt definere dine egne tastaturgenveje, og derved tage dine redigeringsevner til et nyt niveau.


Læs dokumentationen


Med sikkerheden på hjertet, så har Joomla tilbudt to-faktor godkendelse i mange år. Nu tilføjer Joomla multi-faktor, hvilket giver dig mulighed for at vælge den anden godkendelse, hvilket giver dig mere kontrol over dit websteds sikkerhed og fremtidssikring.


Læs dokumentationen


Underskabeloner givber dig mulighed for at oprette forskellige udseender til dit websted uden at du skal redigere din skabelon. Opdelingen gør opdateringen af skabelonen meget lettere. Med underskabeloner, bliver alle assets lagret i mappen media. Alt bliver styret fra en XML file.


Læs dokumentationen


Har du opgaver som du gentager igen og igen?
Eller opgaver ude i fremtiden, som du ikke må glemme at lave? Nu kan duy automatisere dem med lethed ved anvendelse af den ny Opgave planlægger som kom med Joomla 4.1.


Læs dokumentationen


Kom hurtigt til tops i enhver søgemaskine med Joomla 4. Det tager sig af SEO så du kan fokusere på at få dit gode indhold gjort bemærket. SEO indbygget i siderne betyder, at du får den korrekte sidestruktur uden at skulle anvende yderligere udvidelser.


Læs dokumentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/de-AT.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/de-AT.override.ini index ce58f832..a675eb61 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/de-AT.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/de-AT.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Tausende Freiwillige
weltweit" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Mit Joomla kannst Du die verschiedensten Arten von Webseiten erstellen. Community-basierte Websites, E-Commerce- oder E-Learning-Websites – alles ist möglich. Joomla kann sich an die Struktur oder den Zweck der Website, die du im Sinn hast, anpassen. Joomla bietet zahlreiche tolle Funktionen, mit denen du erstaunliche Ergebnisse erreichen wirst:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Joomla 4 bringt deine Website schnell an die Spitze des Suchmaschinen-Rankings. Joomla 4 kümmert sich um SEO, damit du dich auf aussagekräftige Inhalte konzentrieren kannst. SEO ist von Joomla in die Seite eingebaut. Das bedeutet, dass deine Website die richtige Seitenstruktur erhält - und dies ohne zusätzliche Erweiterungen.


Dokumentation lesen

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/de-CH.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/de-CH.override.ini index ce58f832..a675eb61 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/de-CH.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/de-CH.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Tausende Freiwillige
weltweit" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Mit Joomla kannst Du die verschiedensten Arten von Webseiten erstellen. Community-basierte Websites, E-Commerce- oder E-Learning-Websites – alles ist möglich. Joomla kann sich an die Struktur oder den Zweck der Website, die du im Sinn hast, anpassen. Joomla bietet zahlreiche tolle Funktionen, mit denen du erstaunliche Ergebnisse erreichen wirst:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Joomla 4 bringt deine Website schnell an die Spitze des Suchmaschinen-Rankings. Joomla 4 kümmert sich um SEO, damit du dich auf aussagekräftige Inhalte konzentrieren kannst. SEO ist von Joomla in die Seite eingebaut. Das bedeutet, dass deine Website die richtige Seitenstruktur erhält - und dies ohne zusätzliche Erweiterungen.


Dokumentation lesen

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/de-DE.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/de-DE.override.ini index ce58f832..a675eb61 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/de-DE.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/de-DE.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Tausende Freiwillige
weltweit" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Mit Joomla kannst Du die verschiedensten Arten von Webseiten erstellen. Community-basierte Websites, E-Commerce- oder E-Learning-Websites – alles ist möglich. Joomla kann sich an die Struktur oder den Zweck der Website, die du im Sinn hast, anpassen. Joomla bietet zahlreiche tolle Funktionen, mit denen du erstaunliche Ergebnisse erreichen wirst:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Joomla 4 bringt deine Website schnell an die Spitze des Suchmaschinen-Rankings. Joomla 4 kümmert sich um SEO, damit du dich auf aussagekräftige Inhalte konzentrieren kannst. SEO ist von Joomla in die Seite eingebaut. Das bedeutet, dass deine Website die richtige Seitenstruktur erhält - und dies ohne zusätzliche Erweiterungen.


Dokumentation lesen

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/de-LI.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/de-LI.override.ini index ce58f832..a675eb61 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/de-LI.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/de-LI.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Tausende Freiwillige
weltweit" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Mit Joomla kannst Du die verschiedensten Arten von Webseiten erstellen. Community-basierte Websites, E-Commerce- oder E-Learning-Websites – alles ist möglich. Joomla kann sich an die Struktur oder den Zweck der Website, die du im Sinn hast, anpassen. Joomla bietet zahlreiche tolle Funktionen, mit denen du erstaunliche Ergebnisse erreichen wirst:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Joomla 4 bringt deine Website schnell an die Spitze des Suchmaschinen-Rankings. Joomla 4 kümmert sich um SEO, damit du dich auf aussagekräftige Inhalte konzentrieren kannst. SEO ist von Joomla in die Seite eingebaut. Das bedeutet, dass deine Website die richtige Seitenstruktur erhält - und dies ohne zusätzliche Erweiterungen.


Dokumentation lesen

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/de-LU.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/de-LU.override.ini index ce58f832..a675eb61 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/de-LU.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/de-LU.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Tausende Freiwillige
weltweit" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Mit Joomla kannst Du die verschiedensten Arten von Webseiten erstellen. Community-basierte Websites, E-Commerce- oder E-Learning-Websites – alles ist möglich. Joomla kann sich an die Struktur oder den Zweck der Website, die du im Sinn hast, anpassen. Joomla bietet zahlreiche tolle Funktionen, mit denen du erstaunliche Ergebnisse erreichen wirst:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Joomla 4 bringt deine Website schnell an die Spitze des Suchmaschinen-Rankings. Joomla 4 kümmert sich um SEO, damit du dich auf aussagekräftige Inhalte konzentrieren kannst. SEO ist von Joomla in die Seite eingebaut. Das bedeutet, dass deine Website die richtige Seitenstruktur erhält - und dies ohne zusätzliche Erweiterungen.


Dokumentation lesen

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/el-GR.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/el-GR.override.ini index 8e39c5c0..0f637627 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/el-GR.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/el-GR.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Χιλιάδες Εθελοντές
Πα J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Με το Joomla μπορείτε να κατασκευάσετε κάθε τύπου ιστοσελίδες. Από μικρές ιστοσελίδες, ιστοσελίδες κοινοτήτων, μέχρι ιστοσελίδες δημοσίων και κυβερνητικών οργανισμών. Από ηλεκτρονικά καταστήματα έως μεγάλα brand sites. Το Joomla διαθέτει όλα τα απαραίτητα χαρακτηριστικά για ένα εξαιρετικό αποτέλεσμα:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Οι συντομεύσεις πληκτρολογίου υπάρχουν για να κάνουν τη ζωή ευκολότερη. Απλές πληκτρολογήσεις που αυξάνουν την παραγωγικότητά σας. Τώρα μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τις προκαθορισμένες συντομεύσεις αλλά και να ορίσετε τις δικές σας, ανεβάζοντας τις δεξιότητές σας στην επεξεργασία σε ένα νέο επίπεδο..


Διαβάστε τις οδηγίες


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Ανεβείτε γρήγορα στην κορυφή των αποτελεσμάτων στις μηχανές αναζήτησης. Το Joomla 4, φροντίζει για το τεχνικό SEO του site σας και έτσι έχετε περισσότερο χρόνο για να δημιουργήσετε περιεχόμενο. Με την νέα έκδοση δεν απαιτείται προσθήκη τρίτων επεκτάσεων για την βελτίωση του SEO καθώς η δομή των σελίδων είναι πλέον βελτιωμένη.


Διαβάστε περισσότερα

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/en-AU.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/en-AU.override.ini index 3429efc6..836021bd 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/en-AU.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/en-AU.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/en-CA.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/en-CA.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/en-CA.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/en-CA.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/en-US.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/en-US.override.ini index 55dcb3fe..08620a69 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/en-US.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/en-US.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/eo-XX.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/eo-XX.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/eo-XX.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/eo-XX.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/es-CO.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/es-CO.override.ini index cf807794..168c3b80 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/es-CO.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/es-CO.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Miles de Voluntarios
en Todo el mundo" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Con Joomla puedes crear muchos tipos de sitios web. Sitios web basados en una comunidad, sitios web de comercio electrónico o aprendizaje, Joomla puede adaptarse a la estructura o el propósito del sitio web que tengas en mente. Joomla tiene una amplia gama de funciones para ayudarte a lograr resultados sorprendentes:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Los atajos de teclado están ahí para hacerte la vida más fácil. Sencilla pulsaciones de teclado que aumentan tu productividad. Ahora puedes usar atajos establecidos y definir tus propios atajos de teclado, llevando tus habilidades de edición a un nivel superior.


Leer documentación


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Las plantillas hijas te permiten crear diferentes apariencias para tu sitio sin editar tu plantilla. La separación facilita mucho la actualización de la plantilla. Con las plantillas hijas, todos los activos están en la carpeta de medios. Todo controlado desde un único archivo XML.


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¿Tienes tareas que haces una y otra vez?
O tareas para el futuro que no debes olvidar? Ahora puedes automatizarlos con facilidad usando el nuevo Planificador de Tareas que se incluye en Joomla 4.1.


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Llega a la cima de cualquier motor de búsqueda rápidamente con Joomla 4. Se encarga del SEO para que puedas concentrarte en conseguir destacar tu excelente contenido. El SEO integrado en la página permite obtener la estructura de página correcta sin extensiones adicionales.


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" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/es-ES.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/es-ES.override.ini index cf807794..168c3b80 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/es-ES.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/es-ES.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Miles de Voluntarios
en Todo el mundo" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Con Joomla puedes crear muchos tipos de sitios web. Sitios web basados en una comunidad, sitios web de comercio electrónico o aprendizaje, Joomla puede adaptarse a la estructura o el propósito del sitio web que tengas en mente. Joomla tiene una amplia gama de funciones para ayudarte a lograr resultados sorprendentes:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Los atajos de teclado están ahí para hacerte la vida más fácil. Sencilla pulsaciones de teclado que aumentan tu productividad. Ahora puedes usar atajos establecidos y definir tus propios atajos de teclado, llevando tus habilidades de edición a un nivel superior.


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With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


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Las plantillas hijas te permiten crear diferentes apariencias para tu sitio sin editar tu plantilla. La separación facilita mucho la actualización de la plantilla. Con las plantillas hijas, todos los activos están en la carpeta de medios. Todo controlado desde un único archivo XML.


Leer documentación


¿Tienes tareas que haces una y otra vez?
O tareas para el futuro que no debes olvidar? Ahora puedes automatizarlos con facilidad usando el nuevo Planificador de Tareas que se incluye en Joomla 4.1.


Leer documentación


Llega a la cima de cualquier motor de búsqueda rápidamente con Joomla 4. Se encarga del SEO para que puedas concentrarte en conseguir destacar tu excelente contenido. El SEO integrado en la página permite obtener la estructura de página correcta sin extensiones adicionales.


Leer documentación

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/es-MX.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/es-MX.override.ini index cf807794..168c3b80 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/es-MX.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/es-MX.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Miles de Voluntarios
en Todo el mundo" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Con Joomla puedes crear muchos tipos de sitios web. Sitios web basados en una comunidad, sitios web de comercio electrónico o aprendizaje, Joomla puede adaptarse a la estructura o el propósito del sitio web que tengas en mente. Joomla tiene una amplia gama de funciones para ayudarte a lograr resultados sorprendentes:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Los atajos de teclado están ahí para hacerte la vida más fácil. Sencilla pulsaciones de teclado que aumentan tu productividad. Ahora puedes usar atajos establecidos y definir tus propios atajos de teclado, llevando tus habilidades de edición a un nivel superior.


Leer documentación


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Las plantillas hijas te permiten crear diferentes apariencias para tu sitio sin editar tu plantilla. La separación facilita mucho la actualización de la plantilla. Con las plantillas hijas, todos los activos están en la carpeta de medios. Todo controlado desde un único archivo XML.


Leer documentación


¿Tienes tareas que haces una y otra vez?
O tareas para el futuro que no debes olvidar? Ahora puedes automatizarlos con facilidad usando el nuevo Planificador de Tareas que se incluye en Joomla 4.1.


Leer documentación


Llega a la cima de cualquier motor de búsqueda rápidamente con Joomla 4. Se encarga del SEO para que puedas concentrarte en conseguir destacar tu excelente contenido. El SEO integrado en la página permite obtener la estructura de página correcta sin extensiones adicionales.


Leer documentación

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/et-EE.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/et-EE.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/et-EE.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/et-EE.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/eu-ES.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/eu-ES.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/eu-ES.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/eu-ES.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/fa-AF.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/fa-AF.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/fa-AF.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/fa-AF.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/fa-IR.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/fa-IR.override.ini index 43cdc86a..38182f0b 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/fa-IR.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/fa-IR.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="جوملا 4 برای شما" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/fr-CA.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/fr-CA.override.ini index dc65b3b8..c8a01863 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/fr-CA.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/fr-CA.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="milliers de volontaires
dans le monde" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Avec Joomla vous pouvez créer de nombreux types de site web. Qu'il s'agisse d'un site communautaire, de commerce électronique, ou d'apprentissage en ligne, Joomla peut s'adapter à la structure et à l'objectif du site que vous avez en tête. Joomla dispose d'un large éventail de fonctionnalités pour vous aider à obtenir des résultats incroyables :


Les visites guidées sont un excellent moyen d'apprendre à utiliser l'interface d'administration de votre site. Des visites guidées sont créées pour les tâches les plus courantes et peuvent être étendues, vous pouvez également en construire de nouvelles pour guider les visiteurs dans n'importe quel composant ou configuration.


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Les raccourcis clavier ont pour but de faciliter les tâches par l'utilisation de simples touches, augmentant ainsi la productivité. Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser ces raccourcis et définir les vôtres, élevant vos compétences de production à un nouveau niveau.


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La sécurité étant au cœur de ses préoccupations, Joomla propose depuis des années une authentification à deux facteurs. Aujourd'hui, Joomla ajoute l'authentification à plusieurs facteurs, vous permettant de choisir l'autre authentificateur, ce qui vous donne plus de contrôle sur la sécurité de votre site et une authentification à l'épreuve du temps.


Lire la documentation


Les templates enfants ont pour but de créer des déclinaisons de templates sans avoir à modifier les fichiers originaux. Cette séparation permet la mise à jour des templates sans risque d'écraser les modifications. Avec les templates enfants toutes les modifications sont stockées dans le dossier média, contrôlées par un fichier XML.


Lire la documentation


Avez-vous des tâches que vous faites encore et encore ?
Ou des tâches futures que vous ne devez pas oublier de faire ? Maintenant vous pouvez les automatiser facilement en utilisant le nouveau planificateur de tâches livré avec Joomla 4.1.


Lire la documentation


Accédez rapidement au meilleur résultat de n'importe quel moteur de recherche avec Joomla 4. Il prend en charge le référencement afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur le fait que votre contenu soit remarquable. Le référencement intégré dans la page signifie que vous obtenez la bonne structure de page sans aucune extension supplémentaire.


Lire la documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/fr-FR.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/fr-FR.override.ini index dc65b3b8..c8a01863 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/fr-FR.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/fr-FR.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="milliers de volontaires
dans le monde" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Avec Joomla vous pouvez créer de nombreux types de site web. Qu'il s'agisse d'un site communautaire, de commerce électronique, ou d'apprentissage en ligne, Joomla peut s'adapter à la structure et à l'objectif du site que vous avez en tête. Joomla dispose d'un large éventail de fonctionnalités pour vous aider à obtenir des résultats incroyables :


Les visites guidées sont un excellent moyen d'apprendre à utiliser l'interface d'administration de votre site. Des visites guidées sont créées pour les tâches les plus courantes et peuvent être étendues, vous pouvez également en construire de nouvelles pour guider les visiteurs dans n'importe quel composant ou configuration.


Lire l'article


Les raccourcis clavier ont pour but de faciliter les tâches par l'utilisation de simples touches, augmentant ainsi la productivité. Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser ces raccourcis et définir les vôtres, élevant vos compétences de production à un nouveau niveau.


Lire la documentation


La sécurité étant au cœur de ses préoccupations, Joomla propose depuis des années une authentification à deux facteurs. Aujourd'hui, Joomla ajoute l'authentification à plusieurs facteurs, vous permettant de choisir l'autre authentificateur, ce qui vous donne plus de contrôle sur la sécurité de votre site et une authentification à l'épreuve du temps.


Lire la documentation


Les templates enfants ont pour but de créer des déclinaisons de templates sans avoir à modifier les fichiers originaux. Cette séparation permet la mise à jour des templates sans risque d'écraser les modifications. Avec les templates enfants toutes les modifications sont stockées dans le dossier média, contrôlées par un fichier XML.


Lire la documentation


Avez-vous des tâches que vous faites encore et encore ?
Ou des tâches futures que vous ne devez pas oublier de faire ? Maintenant vous pouvez les automatiser facilement en utilisant le nouveau planificateur de tâches livré avec Joomla 4.1.


Lire la documentation


Accédez rapidement au meilleur résultat de n'importe quel moteur de recherche avec Joomla 4. Il prend en charge le référencement afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur le fait que votre contenu soit remarquable. Le référencement intégré dans la page signifie que vous obtenez la bonne structure de page sans aucune extension supplémentaire.


Lire la documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/ga-IE.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/ga-IE.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/ga-IE.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/ga-IE.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/hi-IN.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/hi-IN.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/hi-IN.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/hi-IN.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/hr-HR.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/hr-HR.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/hr-HR.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/hr-HR.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/hu-HU.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/hu-HU.override.ini index cd0f20c8..bd5a7cb0 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/hu-HU.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/hu-HU.override.ini @@ -1,67 +1,77 @@ -J4LANDING_LANGUAGE="English" ; Enter your language in your local language way (Not the English version) -J4LANDING_PAGETITLE="Joomla! 4 is out! Lightning fast! Top for SEO! Most secure!" -J4LANDING_METADESC="Joomla! version 4 is out! Top for speedy sites & handcrafted SEO! Built for security and accessibility! ► Go explore all new features now & find out more!" +J4LANDING_LANGUAGE="Magyar" ; Enter your language in your local language way (Not the English version) +J4LANDING_PAGETITLE="A Joomla 4 elérhető! Villámgyors! Keresőbarát! Biztonságos!" +J4LANDING_METADESC="A Joomla! 4 elérhető! Ideális a gyors oldalakhoz és az igazán kézben tartott SEO-hoz! Biztonságra és elérhetőségre épült! ► Fedezze fel az összes új funkciót most és tudjon meg többet!" ; Menu J4LANDING_MENU_JOOMLA_4="Joomla! 4" -J4LANDING_MENU_BENEFITS="Benefits" -J4LANDING_MENU_FEATURES="Features" -J4LANDING_MENU_TRANSLATIONS="Translations" -J4LANDING_MENU_THANK_YOU="Thank you" -J4LANDING_MENU_DOWNLOAD="Download" +J4LANDING_MENU_BENEFITS="Előnyök" +J4LANDING_MENU_FEATURES="Funkciók" +J4LANDING_MENU_TRANSLATIONS="Fordítások" +J4LANDING_MENU_THANK_YOU="Köszönjük" +J4LANDING_MENU_DOWNLOAD="Letöltés" ; Joomla4Intro Section -J4LANDING_TITLE="Build a beautiful, scalable website that will grow with your business." +J4LANDING_TITLE="Építsen egy gyönyörű, skálázható weboldalt, amely együtt növekszik vállalkozásával." J4LANDING_H1="Joomla! 4.0" -J4LANDING_H2="A New World of Possibilities" -J4LANDING_DOWNLOADBUTTON="Download JOOMLA! 4" +J4LANDING_H2="A lehetőségek egy új világa" +J4LANDING_DOWNLOADBUTTON="Joomla! 4 letöltése" ; Joomla4Benefits Section J4LANDING_J4ALL_H2="Joomla4All" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. -J4LANDING_J4ALL_DESC="

Joomla is an award-winning Open Source CMS built and maintained by a strong community of volunteers who strive to produce robust, secure, easy to use software.
It is free to download and use, and its functionalities meet cutting edge web technology.

Joomla enables website creators to create powerful websites, where maintaining its content is easy and seamless.


A Joomla egy díjnyertes nyílt forráskódú CMS, amelyet egy erős önkéntes közösség épít és tart fenn, akik arra törekszenek, hogy robusztus, biztonságos és könnyen használható szoftvert hozzanak létre.
A Joomla ingyenesen letölthető és használható, funkcionalitásai pedig megfelelnek a legmodernebb webes technológiáknak.

A Joomla lehetővé teszi a webhelyek készítői számára, hogy nagy teljesítményű webhelyeket hozzanak létre, ahol a tartalom karbantartása egyszerű és zökkenőmentes.




You want a flexible system that is easy to customise


Open Source


You want an open source system, open to scrutiny


SEO optimised


Boost your chance of winning top place


Security first


You want a secure system that is robust


Multilingual content


You want a system that is easily grow with your business


Growing system


You want a system that can grow as you do




Egy rugalmas rendszert amit könnyű testre szabni


Nyílt forráskód


Nyílt forráskódú rendszert szeretne, amely nyitott az ellenőrzésre.


SEO optimizált


Növelje esélyét az első hely megszerzésére

\n" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_4_TITLE="Biztonság mindenek előtt" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_4_CONTENT="

Biztonság az első


Biztonságos rendszert szeretne, ami robusztus


Többnyelvű tartalom


Egy olyan rendszert akar, ami könnyedén együtt tud nőni a vállalkozásával


Növekvő rendszer


Egy olyan rendszert szeretne, ami eggyütt nő Önnel

\n" ; Joomla in Numbers -J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_H2="Joomla in Numbers" -J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DESC="This section shows the achievements of Joomla!
in the last years. Real numbers and relevant subjects." -J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DOWNLOADS="Million Downloads
Worldwide" -J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_EXTENSIONS="Thousand Extensions
Worldwide" -J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_WEBSITES="Million Websites
Worldwide" -J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_H2="A Joomla számokban" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DESC="Ez a rész a Joomla! az elmúlt években elért
eredményeit mutatja be. Valós számok és releváns témák." +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DOWNLOADS="Több millió letöltés
világszerte" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_EXTENSIONS="Több ezer kiterjesztés
világszerte" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_WEBSITES="Több millió weboldal
világszerte" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Több ezer önkéntes
világszerte" ; Joomla4Features Section J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. -J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


A Joomla segítségével számos típusú weboldalt készíthet. Közösségi alapú weboldalak, e-kereskedelmi vagy e-tanulási weboldalak, a Joomla képes alkalmazkodni az Ön által elképzelt weboldal szerkezetéhez vagy céljához. A Joomla funkciók széles skálájával rendelkezik, amelyek segítségével elképesztő eredményeket érhet el:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


A billentyűparancsok azért vannak, hogy megkönnyítsék az életet. Egyszerű billentyűparancsok, amelyek növelik a termelékenységet. Most már használhat beállított gyorsbillentyűket, és meghatározhatja saját billentyűparancsait, új szintre emelve szerkesztési készségeit.


Documentáció olvasása


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


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A Gyermeksablonok lehetővé teszi, hogy a sablon szerkesztése nélkül különböző megjelenéseket hozzon létre webhelyén. A szétválasztás sokkal könnyebbé teszi a sablon frissítését. A gyermeksablonok esetében az összes eszköz a média mappában található. Mindent egyetlen XML-fájlból vezérelhet.


Documentáció olvasása


Vannak olyan feladatok, amelyeket újra és újra elvégez?
Vagy a jövőre vonatkozó feladatok, amelyeket nem szabad elfelejtenie? Mostantól könnyedén automatizálhatja őket a Joomla 4.1-ben debütáló új Feladatütemező segítségével.


Dokumentáció olvasása


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


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A Joomla 4 segítségével gyorsan a keresőmotorok élére kerülhet. Gondoskodik a SEO-ról, így Ön arra összpontosíthat, hogy nagyszerű tartalmait észrevegyék. Az oldalba épített SEO azt jelenti, hogy minden további bővítmény nélkül megkapja a megfelelő oldalszerkezetet.


Documentáció olvasása


A redesigned administration area speeds content creation. Improved media manager and editor updates give you the power to design and build amazing websites. Article templates help you and your colleagues keep to the page design.


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Az újratervezett adminisztrációs terület felgyorsítja a tartalom létrehozását. A továbbfejlesztett médiakezelő és a szerkesztő frissítései lehetővé teszik, hogy csodálatos webhelyeket tervezzen és építsen. A cikksablonok segítenek neked és kollégáidnak betartani az oldaldesignt.


Documentáció olvasása


Let your users find your content fast and efficiently. Joomla 4 search is advanced and configurable. With an active indexer, once indexed it adds content as it's created so you need do no more than concentrate on creating more stunning content.


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Hagyja, hogy a felhasználók gyorsan és hatékonyan megtalálják a tartalmát. A Joomla 4 keresés fejlett és konfigurálható. Az aktív indexelővel, ha egyszer indexelve van, akkor a tartalom hozzáadódik, amint létrejön, így Önnek nem kell mást tennie, mint a lenyűgözőbb tartalom létrehozására koncentrálnia.


Documentáció olvasása


Customisable email templates speed up the process of site deployment and personalisation. Change the site emails to fit your brand. Use the distinctive style of your site to communicate with your users when sending site emails.


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A testreszabható e-mail sablonok felgyorsítják a webhely telepítésének és személyre szabásának folyamatát. Változtassa meg a webhely e-maileket a márkájához igazítva. Használja webhelye jellegzetes stílusát a felhasználókkal való kommunikációhoz a webhelyről küldött e-mailekben.


Documentáció olvasása


With workflows, you can create any number of processes to take your content creation from idea to polished publication in a defined and controlled way. Workflow plugins create a powerful new ecosphere speeding up content creation.


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A munkafolyamatok segítségével tetszőleges számú folyamatot hozhat létre, hogy a tartalomkészítést az ötlettől a letisztult publikálásig meghatározott és ellenőrzött módon vigye végig. A munkafolyamat-bővítmények egy erőteljes új ökoszférát hoznak létre, amely felgyorsítja a tartalomkészítést.


Documentáció olvasása


With Joomla 4 you benefit from increased performance. Speed is one of the top factors in converting clicks to views. Whether your site is e-commerce or you need to grow your subscriptions. Joomla 4 makes it go like a rocket.


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A Joomla 4 segítségével megnövekedett teljesítményt élvezhet. A sebesség az egyik legfontosabb tényező a kattintások megtekintéssé alakításában. Akár e-kereskedelmi webhelye van, akár előfizetéseit kell növelnie. A Joomla 4 segítségével ez úgy megy, mint a karikacsapás.


Documentáció olvasása


Joomla 4 delivers best in class accessibility. All visitors to your website will benefit. Layout, contrast and infrastructure all have accessibility built-in. Joomla 4 aims for W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 (with AA compliance)


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A Joomla 4 a legjobb elérhetőséget biztosítja. A webhelye minden látogatója élvezheti az előnyöket. Az elrendezés, a kontraszt és az infrastruktúra mindegyike beépített akadálymentesítéssel rendelkezik. A Joomla 4 célja a W3C akadálymentesítési irányelvek követése (WCAG) 2.1 (AA megfeleléssel).


Documentáció olvasása


Running a website with well written, state-of-the-art code helps you stay safe. Joomla 4 contains many changes designed to maximize security and keep hackers out. Moving to Joomla 4 is the wise choice.


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Egy jól megírt, korszerű kóddal rendelkező weboldal üzemeltetése segít a biztonság növelésében. A Joomla 4 számos olyan változtatást tartalmaz, amelyek célja a biztonság maximalizálása és a hackerek távoltartása. A Joomla 4-re való áttérés bölcs döntés.


Documentáció olvasása

" ; Joomla4Translations Section -J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_H3="Translations" -J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_BUTTON="Help us translate Joomla 4!" -J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_SPONSOR="Powered by Crowdin Enterprise" +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_H3="Fordítások" +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_BUTTON="Segíts lefordítani a Joomla 4-et!" +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_SPONSOR="Crowdin Enterprise támogatással" ; Thank you part -J4LANDING_THANKYOU_H3="Thank you!" -J4LANDING_THANKYOU_DESC="

The Joomla! Project would like to thank all the many hundreds of hard working, enthusiastic and committed people who have made Joomla 4 possible.
Some known, some anonymous, not all sadly still with us.
You are all part of this great achievement and only with the help and kindness of so many contributing for free,
can such a community based, open-source project come to life and produce Joomla 4.


A Joomla! projekt szeretne köszönetet mondani annak a sok száz keményen dolgozó, lelkes és elkötelezett embernek, akik a Joomla 4-et létrehozták.
Néhányan ismertek, néhányan névtelenek, és sajnos nem mindegyikük van már közöttünk.
Mindannyian részesei vagytok ennek a nagyszerű eredménynek, és csak a sokak által ingyenesen nyújtott segítségnek és önzetlenségnek köszönhetően
kelhet életre egy ilyen közösségi alapú, nyílt forráskódú projekt és kelhet életre a Joomla 4.

" +J4LANDING_THANKYOU_BUTTON="Joomla 4 hozzájárulók." diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/id-ID.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/id-ID.override.ini index a3d10716..0bf32f57 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/id-ID.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/id-ID.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Ribuan Sukarelawan
di Seluruh Dunia" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Dengan Joomla, Anda bisa membuat berbagai jenis situs. Seperti situs berbasis komunitas, situs e-commerce dan e-learning, Joomla dapat beradaptasi dengan struktur atau tujuan situs Anda. Joomla punya sederetan fitur untuk membantu Anda mencapai hasil yang mengagumkan:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Cepat naik ke peringkat teratas mesin penelusuran apa pun dengan Joomla 4. Fitur ini menangani SEO sehingga Anda bisa fokus membuat konten. SEO ditanam ke dalam halaman berarti Anda mendapat struktur halaman yang benar tanpa penambahan ekstensi apa pun.


Baca dokumentasi

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/it-IT.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/it-IT.override.ini index e906f8d1..661d90f0 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/it-IT.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/it-IT.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Migliaia di Volontari
nel mondo" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Con Joomla puoi costruire molti tipi di siti web. Siti basati sulla Community, e-commerce o siti di e-learning, Joomla può adattarsi alla struttura o allo scopo del sito che hai in mente. Joomla ha una vasta gamma di funzionalità che ti aiutano ad ottenere risultati incredibili:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Vai in cima a qualsiasi motore di ricerca veloce con Joomla 4. Si prende cura del SEO in modo che tu possa concentrarti su come far notare il tuo grande contenuto. SEO incorporato nella pagina significa che ottieni la corretta struttura della pagina senza estensioni aggiuntive.


Leggi documentazione

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/ja-JP.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/ja-JP.override.ini index 910a3b06..6adb2cfc 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/ja-JP.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/ja-JP.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="千のボランティア
世界中で" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="



















Joomla 4.1 に搭載された新しいタスクスケジューラを使用して簡単にそれらを自動化できるようになりました。




Joomla 4 ならどんな検索エンジンでも速く上位に表示させることができます。SEOはJoomlaに任せて、あなたは自身の素晴らしいコンテンツを注目させることに集中できます。ページに組み込まれているSEOは、追加のエクステンションなしで正しいページ構造を取得できることができます。



" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/ka-GE.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/ka-GE.override.ini index 3966b6c6..afe64757 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/ka-GE.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/ka-GE.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="ათასობით მოხალის J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Joomla საშუალებით შეგიძლიათ შექმნათ მრავალი სახის ვებსაიტი. ვებსაიტები საზოგადოების ბაზაზე, ელექტრონული კომერციის ან ელექტრონული სწავლების ვებსაიტები, Joomla-ს შეუძლია მოერგოს საიტის სტრუქტურას ან დანიშნულებას. Joomla აქვს ფუნქციების ფართო ნაკრები, რომელებიც დაგეხმარებათ საოცარი შედეგების მიღწევაში:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


კლავიშების კომბინაციები საშუალებას გვაძლევს გავიადვილოთ ცხოვრება. კლავიატურის კლავიშებიზე მარტივი დაჭერა, რომლებიც ზრდის თქვენს პროდუქტიულობას. ახლა თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გამოიყენოთ დაყენებული კლავიშების კომბინაციები და განსაზღვროთ თქვენი საკუთარი კლავიშების კომბინაციები, რითაც თქვენი რედაქტირების უნარებს ახალ დონეზე აიყვანთ.


წაიკითხეთ დოკუმენტაცია


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


შვილეული თარგები საშუალებას გაძლევთ შექმნათ თქვენი საიტის სხვადასხვა სახე თქვენი თარგის რედაქტირების გარეშე. განცალკევება ამარტივებს შაბლონის განახლებას. შვილეული თარგებით, ყველა რესურსი არის მედია საქაღალდეში. ყველაფერი იმართება ერთი XML ფაილიდან.


წაიკითხეთ დოკუმენტაცია


გაქვთ ამოცანები, რომლებსაც დროდადრო ასრულებთ?
ან ამოცანები მომავლისთვის, რომელთა შესრულებაც არ უნდა დაგავიწყდეთ? ახლა თქვენ შეგიძლიათ მარტივად მოახდინოთ მათი ავტომატიზაცია Joomla 4.1-ში ახალი ამოცანების დამგეგმავის გამოყენებით..


წაიკითხეთ დოკუმენტაცია


სწრაფად მიაღწიეთ ნებისმიერი საძიებო სისტემის სათავეს Joomla 4-ით. იგი იზრუნებს SEO-ზე, რათა თქვენ კონცენტრირდეთ იმაზე, რომ თქვენი შესანიშნავი კონტენტი იყოს შენიშნული. SEO, რომელიც ჩაშენებულია გვერდის არქიტექტურაში, ნიშნავს, რომ თქვენ მიიღებთ გვერდის სწორ სტრუქტურას დამატებითი გაფართოებების გარეშე.


წაიკითხეთ დოკუმენტაცია

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/kaa.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/kaa.override.ini new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89bcbca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/kaa.override.ini @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +J4LANDING_LANGUAGE="English" ; Enter your language in your local language way (Not the English version) +J4LANDING_PAGETITLE="Joomla! 4 is out! Lightning fast! Top for SEO! Most secure!" +J4LANDING_METADESC="Joomla! version 4 is out! Top for speedy sites & handcrafted SEO! Built for security and accessibility! ► Go explore all new features now & find out more!" +; Menu +J4LANDING_MENU_JOOMLA_4="Joomla! 4" +J4LANDING_MENU_BENEFITS="Benefits" +J4LANDING_MENU_FEATURES="Features" +J4LANDING_MENU_TRANSLATIONS="Translations" +J4LANDING_MENU_THANK_YOU="Thank you" +J4LANDING_MENU_DOWNLOAD="Download" +; Joomla4Intro Section +J4LANDING_TITLE="Build a beautiful, scalable website that will grow with your business." +J4LANDING_H1="Joomla! 4.0" +J4LANDING_H2="A New World of Possibilities" +J4LANDING_DOWNLOADBUTTON="Download JOOMLA! 4" +; Joomla4Benefits Section +J4LANDING_J4ALL_H2="Joomla4All" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. +J4LANDING_J4ALL_DESC="

Joomla is an award-winning Open Source CMS built and maintained by a strong community of volunteers who strive to produce robust, secure, easy to use software.
It is free to download and use, and its functionalities meet cutting edge web technology.

Joomla enables website creators to create powerful websites, where maintaining its content is easy and seamless.




You want a flexible system that is easy to customise


Open Source


You want an open source system, open to scrutiny


SEO optimised


Boost your chance of winning top place


Security first


You want a secure system that is robust


Multilingual content


You want a system that is easily grow with your business


Growing system


You want a system that can grow as you do

\n" +; Joomla in Numbers +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_H2="Joomla in Numbers" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DESC="This section shows the achievements of Joomla!
in the last years. Real numbers and relevant subjects." +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DOWNLOADS="Million Downloads
Worldwide" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_EXTENSIONS="Thousand Extensions
Worldwide" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_WEBSITES="Million Websites
Worldwide" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" +; Joomla4Features Section +J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. +J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation


A redesigned administration area speeds content creation. Improved media manager and editor updates give you the power to design and build amazing websites. Article templates help you and your colleagues keep to the page design.


Read documentation


Let your users find your content fast and efficiently. Joomla 4 search is advanced and configurable. With an active indexer, once indexed it adds content as it's created so you need do no more than concentrate on creating more stunning content.


Read documentation


Customisable email templates speed up the process of site deployment and personalisation. Change the site emails to fit your brand. Use the distinctive style of your site to communicate with your users when sending site emails.


Read documentation


With workflows, you can create any number of processes to take your content creation from idea to polished publication in a defined and controlled way. Workflow plugins create a powerful new ecosphere speeding up content creation.


Read documentation


With Joomla 4 you benefit from increased performance. Speed is one of the top factors in converting clicks to views. Whether your site is e-commerce or you need to grow your subscriptions. Joomla 4 makes it go like a rocket.


Read documentation


Joomla 4 delivers best in class accessibility. All visitors to your website will benefit. Layout, contrast and infrastructure all have accessibility built-in. Joomla 4 aims for W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 (with AA compliance)


Read documentation


Running a website with well written, state-of-the-art code helps you stay safe. Joomla 4 contains many changes designed to maximize security and keep hackers out. Moving to Joomla 4 is the wise choice.


Read documentation

" +; Joomla4Translations Section +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_H3="Translations" +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_BUTTON="Help us translate Joomla 4!" +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_SPONSOR="Powered by Crowdin Enterprise" +; Thank you part +J4LANDING_THANKYOU_H3="Thank you!" +J4LANDING_THANKYOU_DESC="

The Joomla! Project would like to thank all the many hundreds of hard working, enthusiastic and committed people who have made Joomla 4 possible.
Some known, some anonymous, not all sadly still with us.
You are all part of this great achievement and only with the help and kindness of so many contributing for free,
can such a community based, open-source project come to life and produce Joomla 4.

" +J4LANDING_THANKYOU_BUTTON="Joomla 4 contributors." + diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/kk-KZ.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/kk-KZ.override.ini index b1049c4d..14825ae8 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/kk-KZ.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/kk-KZ.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Мыңдаған еріктілер
Д J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla 4 Сіз" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Joomla көмегімен веб-сайттардың көптеген түрлерін жасауға болады. Қауымдастыққа негізделген веб-сайттар, электрондық коммерция немесе электрондық оқу веб-сайттары, Joomla сіз ойлаған веб-сайттың құрылымына немесе мақсатына бейімделе алады. Joomla таңғажайып нәтижелерге қол жеткізуге көмектесетін кең ауқымды мүмкіндіктерге ие:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Joomla 4 көмегімен кез келген іздеу жүйесінің жоғарғы жағына жылдам жетіңіз. Ол SEO-ге қамқорлық жасайды, осылайша сіз тамаша мазмұнды назарға алуға назар аудара аласыз. Бетке енгізілген SEO дұрыс бет құрылымын ешқандай қосымша кеңейтімдерсіз алуды білдіреді.


Құжаттаманы оқу

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla 4 дизайны" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/ky-KG.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/ky-KG.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/ky-KG.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/ky-KG.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/lt-LT.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/lt-LT.override.ini new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fe3ba50e --- /dev/null +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/lt-LT.override.ini @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +J4LANDING_LANGUAGE="Lietuvių" ; Enter your language in your local language way (Not the English version) +J4LANDING_PAGETITLE="Joomla! 4 išleista! Žaibiškai greita! Geriausias SEO! Saugiausia!" +J4LANDING_METADESC="Joomla! 4 versija išleista! Geriausias pasirinkimas greitoms svetainėms ir rankų darbo SEO! Sukurta siekiant užtikrinti saugumą ir prieinamumą! ► Išbandykite visas naujas funkcijas dabar ir sužinokite daugiau!" +; Menu +J4LANDING_MENU_JOOMLA_4="Joomla! 4" +J4LANDING_MENU_BENEFITS="Privalumai" +J4LANDING_MENU_FEATURES="Funkcijos" +J4LANDING_MENU_TRANSLATIONS="Vertimai" +J4LANDING_MENU_THANK_YOU="Ačiū" +J4LANDING_MENU_DOWNLOAD="Parsisiųsti" +; Joomla4Intro Section +J4LANDING_TITLE="Sukurkite gražią, keičiamo dydžio svetainę, kuri augs kartu su jūsų verslu." +J4LANDING_H1="Joomla! 4.0" +J4LANDING_H2="Naujas galimybių pasaulis" +J4LANDING_DOWNLOADBUTTON="Atsisiųskite JOOMLA! 4" +; Joomla4Benefits Section +J4LANDING_J4ALL_H2="Joomla Viskam" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. +J4LANDING_J4ALL_DESC="

Joomla yra apdovanojimus pelniusi atvirojo kodo TVS, kurią sukūrė ir prižiūri stipri savanorių bendruomenė, kuri stengiasi sukurti patikimą, saugią ir lengvai naudojamą programinę įrangą.
Ją galima nemokamai atsisiųsti ir naudoti, o jos funkcijos atitinka pažangiausias žiniatinklio technologijas.

Joomla leidžia svetainių kūrėjams kurti galingas svetaines, kuriose lengva sklandžiai tvarkyti turinį.




Norite lanksčios sistemos, kurią lengva pritaikyti


Atvirojo kodo


Norite atvirojo kodo sistemos, atviros tikrinimui


Optimizuotas SEO


Padidinkite savo šansus laimėti aukščiausią vietą


Pirmiausia sauga


Norite saugios sistemos, kuri būtų tvirta


Daugiakalbis turinys


Norite sistemos, kuri lengvai plečiasi kartu su jūsų verslu


Auganti sistema


Norite sistemos, kuri galėtų augti taip pat, kaip jūs.

\n" +; Joomla in Numbers +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_H2="Joomla Skaičiuose" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DESC="Šioje skiltyje rodomi Joomla!
paskutinių metų pasiekimai. Realūs skaičiai ir atitinkami elementai." +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DOWNLOADS="Milijonas atsisiuntimų
Visame pasaulyje" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_EXTENSIONS="Tūkstančiai plėtinių
Visame pasaulyje" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_WEBSITES="Milijonas atsisiuntimų
Visame pasaulyje" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Tūkstančiai savanorių
Visame pasaulyje" +; Joomla4Features Section +J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4Tau" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. +J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Su Joomla galite kurti įvairių tipų svetaines. Bendruomeninės svetainės, elektroninės prekybos ar el. mokymosi svetainės Joomla gali prisitaikyti prie jūsų turimos svetainės struktūros ar paskirties. Joomla turi daugybę funkcijų, padedančių pasiekti nuostabių rezultatų:

" + +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_20_TITLE="Joomla4 Apžvalga su Vedliu" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_20_CONTENT="

Ekskursijos su vedliu yra puikus būdas sužinoti, kaip naudotis svetainės administratoriaus skiltimi. Ekskursijos su vedliu yra iš anksto įdiegtos dažniausiai atliekamoms užduotims atlikti ir jas galima išplėsti ir kurti nuo nulio, kad lankytojai būtų nukreipti per bet kurį komponentą ar konfigūraciją.


Skaityti žurnalo straipsnį

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_19_TITLE="Joomla4 spartieji klavišai" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_19_CONTENT="

Spartieji klavišai yra skirti palengvinti gyvenimą. Paprasti klaviatūros klavišų paspaudimai, kurie padidina jūsų produktyvumą. Dabar galite naudoti nustatytus sparčiuosius klavišus ir nustatyti savo sparčiuosius klavišus, pakeldami redagavimo įgūdžius į naują lygį.


Skaitykite dokumentaciją

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_18_TITLE="Joomla4 daugiafaktorinis" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_18_CONTENT="

Joomla, atsižvelgdama į saugumą, daugelį metų siūlo dviejų veiksnių autentifikavimą. Dabar „Joomla“ prideda kelių faktorių, leidžiančių pasirinkti kitą autentifikavimą, suteikiant daugiau galimybių kontroliuoti savo svetainių saugumą ir būsimą autentifikavimo patikrinimą.


Skaityti dokumentaciją

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_17_TITLE="Joomla4 antriniai šablonai" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_17_CONTENT="

Naudodami antrinius šablonus galite sukurti skirtingą svetainės išvaizdą neredaguojant šablono. Atskyrimas labai palengvina šablono atnaujinimą. Naudojant antrinius šablonus, visi ištekliai yra medijos aplanke. Viskas valdoma iš vieno XML failo.


Skaitykite dokumentus

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_TITLE="Joomla 4 užduočių planuoklis" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_CONTENT="

Ar turite užduočių, kurias atliekate ne kartą?
Ar ateities užduotčių, kurių negalima pamiršti? Dabar galite lengvai jas automatizuoti naudodami naują užduočių planuoklį, kuris buvo pristatytas Joomla 4.1 versijoje.


Skaitykite dokumentus


Su Joomla 4 greitai pasiekite bet kurio paieškos variklio viršų. Ji rūpinasi SEO, kad galėtumėte sutelkti dėmesį į tai, kad jūsų puikus turinys būtų pastebėtas. Puslapyje integruotas SEO reiškia, kad gaunate tinkamą puslapio struktūrą be jokių papildomų plėtinių.


Skaityti dokumentaciją


Pertvarkyta administravimo sritis pagreitina turinio kūrimą. Patobulinti medijos tvarkyklės ir redaktoriaus naujiniai suteikia galimybę kurti ir kurti nuostabias svetaines. Straipsnių šablonai padeda jums ir jūsų kolegoms laikytis puslapio dizaino.


Skaitykite dokumentaciją


Leiskite naudotojams greitai ir efektyviai rasti jūsų turinį. Joomla 4 paieška yra išplėstinė ir konfigūruojama. Su aktyviu indeksavimo įtaisu, kai jis suindeksuotas, jis prideda turinį, kai jis sukuriamas, todėl jums reikia tik susikoncentruoti į nuostabesnio turinio kūrimą.


Skaityti dokumentaciją


Pritaikomi el. pašto šablonai pagreitina svetainės diegimo ir suasmeninimo procesą. Pakeiskite svetainės el. pašto adresus, kad jie atitiktų jūsų prekės ženklą. Naudokite išskirtinį svetainės stilių, kad bendrautumėte su vartotojais, kai siunčiate svetainės el. laiškus.


Skaitykite dokumentus


Naudodami darbo eigas galite sukurti bet kokį skaičių procesų, kad apibrėžtu ir kontroliuojamu būdu perkeltumėte turinį nuo idėjos iki patobulinto publikavimo. Darbo eigos papildiniai sukuria galingą naują ekosferą, pagreitinančią turinio kūrimą.


Skaitykite dokumentaciją


Naudodami „Joomla 4“ gausite didesnį našumą. Greitis yra vienas iš svarbiausių veiksnių, paverčiančių paspaudimus į peržiūras. Nesvarbu, ar jūsų svetainė yra elektroninė prekyba, ar jums reikia padidinti prenumeratų skaičių. „Joomla 4“ leidžia veikti kaip raketa.


Skaitykite dokumentus


Joomla 4 užtikrina geriausią savo klasėje prieinamumą. Visi jūsų svetainės lankytojai turės naudos. Išdėstymas, kontrastas ir infrastruktūra turi integruotą prieinamumą. „Joomla 4“ siekia W3C pritaikymo neįgaliesiems gairių (WCAG) 2.1 (su atitikimu AA)


Skaityti dokumentaciją


Svetainės su gerai parašytu naujausiu kodu valdymas padeda apsisaugoti. Joomla 4 yra daug pakeitimų, skirtų maksimaliai padidinti saugumą ir apsaugoti nuo įsilaužėlių. Perėjimas prie „Joomla 4“ yra protingas pasirinkimas.


Skaitykite dokumentus

" +; Joomla4Translations Section +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_H3="Vertimai" +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_BUTTON="Padėkite mums išversti Joomla 4!" +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_SPONSOR="Sukurta Crowdin Enterprise" +; Thank you part +J4LANDING_THANKYOU_H3="Ačiū!" +J4LANDING_THANKYOU_DESC="

Joomla! Projektas nori padėkoti visiems šimtams sunkiai dirbančių, entuziastingų ir atsidavusių žmonių, kurie leido sukurti Joomla 4.
Kai kurie žinomi, kai kurie anonimiški, deja, ne visi vis dar su mumis.
Jūs visi esate šio puikaus laimėjimo dalis ir tik su daugybe nemokamai prisidedančių žmonių pagalba ir gerumu
toks bendruomeninis atvirojo kodo projektas gali atgyti ir sukurti Joomla 4.

" +J4LANDING_THANKYOU_BUTTON="Joomla 4 Bendradarbiai." + diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/lv-LV.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/lv-LV.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/lv-LV.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/lv-LV.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/nb-NO.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/nb-NO.override.ini index cb32c27e..72c73819 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/nb-NO.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/nb-NO.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/nl-BE.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/nl-BE.override.ini index afb93058..b1375022 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/nl-BE.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/nl-BE.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Duizenden vrijwilligers
wereldwijd" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Met Joomla kan je vele soorten websites bouwen. Community-gebaseerde websites, e-commerce of e-learning websites, Joomla kan zich aanpassen aan de structuur of het doel van de website die je in gedachten hebt. Joomla heeft een uitgebreide reeks functies om te helpen fantastische resultaten te bereiken:


Rondleidingen zijn een geweldige manier om te leren hoe het beheergedeelte van de site gebruikt kan worden. Rondleidingen zijn vooraf geïnstalleerd voor de meest voorkomende taken en kunnen uitgebreid worden en vanaf het begin opgebouwd om bezoekers te begeleiden door een component of configuratie.


Lees het magazine artikel


Toetsenbord snelkoppelingen zijn er om het leven makkelijker te maken. Eenvoudige toetsenbord combinaties die de productiviteit verhogen. Nu kan men vooringestelde snelkoppelingen gebruiken en de eigen sneltoetsen definiëren die de bewerkingsvaardigheden naar een nieuw niveau tillen.


Lees de documentatie


Met veiligheid op het hart, biedt Joomla jarenlang twee factoren authenticatie aan. Nu voegt Joomla meervoudige authenticatie toe waardoor een andere authenticatie gekozen kan worden, waardoor meer controle verkregen wordt over de veiligheid van de sites en toekomstige authenticatie.


Lees de documentatie


Child (onderliggende) templates maken het mogelijk om andere weergaves van de website te krijgen zonder het template te bewerken. De scheiding maakt het bijwerken van het template eenvoudiger. Met onderliggende templates bevinden alle onderdelen zich in de mediamap. Alles beheerd vanuit één XML-bestand.


Lees de documentatie


Zijn er taken die keer op keer uitgevoerd moeten worden?
Of taken voor de toekomst die niet vergeten mogen worden? Nu kan dat makkelijk geautomatiseerd met behulp van de nieuwe Taakplanner die sinds Joomla 4.1 wordt meegeleverd.


Lees de documentatie


Kom snel bovenaan iedere zoekmachine met Joomla 4. Het zorgt voor SEO zodat je je erop kunt focussen dat je geweldige inhoud de aandacht krijgt. SEO gebouwd in de pagina betekent dat je de juiste paginastructuur krijgt zonder extra extensies.


Lees de documentatie

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/nl-NL.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/nl-NL.override.ini index afb93058..b1375022 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/nl-NL.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/nl-NL.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Duizenden vrijwilligers
wereldwijd" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Met Joomla kan je vele soorten websites bouwen. Community-gebaseerde websites, e-commerce of e-learning websites, Joomla kan zich aanpassen aan de structuur of het doel van de website die je in gedachten hebt. Joomla heeft een uitgebreide reeks functies om te helpen fantastische resultaten te bereiken:


Rondleidingen zijn een geweldige manier om te leren hoe het beheergedeelte van de site gebruikt kan worden. Rondleidingen zijn vooraf geïnstalleerd voor de meest voorkomende taken en kunnen uitgebreid worden en vanaf het begin opgebouwd om bezoekers te begeleiden door een component of configuratie.


Lees het magazine artikel


Toetsenbord snelkoppelingen zijn er om het leven makkelijker te maken. Eenvoudige toetsenbord combinaties die de productiviteit verhogen. Nu kan men vooringestelde snelkoppelingen gebruiken en de eigen sneltoetsen definiëren die de bewerkingsvaardigheden naar een nieuw niveau tillen.


Lees de documentatie


Met veiligheid op het hart, biedt Joomla jarenlang twee factoren authenticatie aan. Nu voegt Joomla meervoudige authenticatie toe waardoor een andere authenticatie gekozen kan worden, waardoor meer controle verkregen wordt over de veiligheid van de sites en toekomstige authenticatie.


Lees de documentatie


Child (onderliggende) templates maken het mogelijk om andere weergaves van de website te krijgen zonder het template te bewerken. De scheiding maakt het bijwerken van het template eenvoudiger. Met onderliggende templates bevinden alle onderdelen zich in de mediamap. Alles beheerd vanuit één XML-bestand.


Lees de documentatie


Zijn er taken die keer op keer uitgevoerd moeten worden?
Of taken voor de toekomst die niet vergeten mogen worden? Nu kan dat makkelijk geautomatiseerd met behulp van de nieuwe Taakplanner die sinds Joomla 4.1 wordt meegeleverd.


Lees de documentatie


Kom snel bovenaan iedere zoekmachine met Joomla 4. Het zorgt voor SEO zodat je je erop kunt focussen dat je geweldige inhoud de aandacht krijgt. SEO gebouwd in de pagina betekent dat je de juiste paginastructuur krijgt zonder extra extensies.


Lees de documentatie

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/pl-PL.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/pl-PL.override.ini index 8c6686a6..4eaeffd5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/pl-PL.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/pl-PL.override.ini @@ -42,6 +42,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="tysiąca wolontariuszy
na całym świecie J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Za pomocą Joomla możesz zbudować wiele rodzajów witryn. Strony społecznościowe, sklepy internetowe lub e-learning - Joomla potrafi dostosować się do struktury lub celu strony internetowej, którą planujesz. Joomla posiada szeroki wachlarz funkcji, które pomogą Ci osiągnąć niesamowite wyniki:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Wejdź szybko na szczyt każdej wyszukiwarki. Joomla 4 zadba o pozycjonowanie, więc możesz skupić się na tym, by Twoje treści zostały zauważone. SEO wbudowane w stronę oznacza, że uzyskasz prawidłową strukturę strony bez dodatkowych rozszerzeń.


Zobacz dokumentację

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Design Joomla 4" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/pt-BR.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/pt-BR.override.ini index 8c99ec95..f977daa4 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/pt-BR.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/pt-BR.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Milhares de Voluntários
Mundialmente" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Com o Joomla você pode construir diverso tipos de sites web. Sites baseados em Comunidade, sites de e-commerce ou e-learning, o Joomla pode se adaptar à estrutura e propósito do site web que você tem em mente. O Joomla tem uma vasto conjunto de recursos para ajudá-lo a alcançar resultados maravilhosos:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Chegue rápido ao topo de qualquer mecanismo de busca com o Joomla 4. Ele cuida do SEO para que você possa focar em que o seu ótimo conteúdo seja notado. O SEO integrado às páginas significa que você consegue a estrutura de página correta sem nenhuma extensão adicional.


Leia a documentação

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/pt-PT.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/pt-PT.override.ini index 769da2b4..93c40934 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/pt-PT.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/pt-PT.override.ini @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ J4LANDING_LANGUAGE="Português (Portugal)" ; Enter your language in your local language way (Not the English version) -J4LANDING_PAGETITLE="Joomla! 4 já disponível! Rápido como um raio! O melhor para SEO! O mais seguro!" -J4LANDING_METADESC="A versão 4 do Joomla! já está disponível! O melhor para sítios rápidos e SEO manual! Construído para segurança e acessibilidade! ► Explore todos os novos recursos e descubra mais!" +J4LANDING_PAGETITLE="Joomla! 4 já está disponível! Rápido como um relâmpago! O melhor para SEO! O mais seguro!" +J4LANDING_METADESC="A versão 4 do Joomla já está disponível! O melhor para sítios rápidos e SEO manual! Construído para segurança e acessibilidade! ► Explore todas as novas funcionalidade e descubra muito mais!" ; Menu J4LANDING_MENU_JOOMLA_4="Joomla! 4" -J4LANDING_MENU_BENEFITS="Benefícios" +J4LANDING_MENU_BENEFITS="Vantagens" J4LANDING_MENU_FEATURES="Funcionalidades" J4LANDING_MENU_TRANSLATIONS="Traduções" J4LANDING_MENU_THANK_YOU="Muito obrigado" @@ -14,21 +14,21 @@ J4LANDING_H1="Joomla! 4.0" J4LANDING_H2="Um novo mundo de possibilidades" J4LANDING_DOWNLOADBUTTON="Descarregar JOOMLA! 4" ; Joomla4Benefits Section -J4LANDING_J4ALL_H2="Joomla4 para todos" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. -J4LANDING_J4ALL_DESC="

O Joomla é um premiado CMS criado em código aberto, construído e mantido por uma forte comunidade de voluntários que se esforçam por produzir um software robusto, seguro e fácil de usar.
Pode ser descarregado e usado gratuitamente, e as suas funcionalidades cumprem os requisitos de tecnologia web de ponta.

O Joomla permite aos autores de sítios web criar sítios poderosos, onde manter o seu conteúdo é feito de forma fácil e natural.

" +J4LANDING_J4ALL_H2="Joomla para todos" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. +J4LANDING_J4ALL_DESC="

O Joomla é um premiado CMS de código aberto. É construído e mantido por uma sólida comunidade de voluntários que se empenham em produzir um programa robusto, seguro e fácil de usar.
Pode ser descarregado e usado gratuitamente e as suas funcionalidades cumprem os requisitos da tecnologia Web de ponta.

O Joomla permite aos autores de sítios Web criar sítios poderosos podendo manter os seus conteúdos de forma fácil e intuitiva.




Você pretende um sistema flexível que seja fácil de personalizar


Open Source


You want an open source system, open to scrutiny


Código Aberto


Você precisa de um sistema de código aberto e que esteja aberto ao escrutínio


Otimizado para SEO


Aumente suas hipóteses de alcançar a melhor posição

\n" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_4_TITLE="A segurança em primeiro lugar" -J4LANDING_ARTICLE_4_CONTENT="

Security first


You want a secure system that is robust


Multilingual content


You want a system that is easily grow with your business


Sefurança em primeiro


Você precisa de um sistema seguro que é robusto


Conteúdo multilíngue


Pretende ter um sistema que seja forte e cresça facilmente com o seu negócio


Growing system


You want a system that can grow as you do


Sistema evolutivo


Quer um sistema forte que possa crescer à medida das suas necessidades

\n" ; Joomla in Numbers J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_H2="Joomla em números" J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DESC="Esta seção mostra as conquistas do Joomla!
nos últimos anos. Números reais e assuntos relevantes." @@ -37,28 +37,38 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_EXTENSIONS="Milhares de extensões
em todo o mundo" J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_WEBSITES="Milhões de sítios Web
em todo o mundo" J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Milhares de voluntários
em todo o mundo" ; Joomla4Features Section -J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4 para si" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. -J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:

" +J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla para si" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. +J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Com Joomla pode criar muitos tipos de sítios Web. Sejam sítios orientados para a comunidade, o comércio eletrónico ou para aprendizagem, o Joomla pode adaptar-se à estrutura ou finalidades do sítio que tenha em mente. O Joomla tem uma extensa gama de funcionalidades para o ajudar a alcançar resultados espetaculares:


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation


A redesigned administration area speeds content creation. Improved media manager and editor updates give you the power to design and build amazing websites. Article templates help you and your colleagues keep to the page design.


Read documentation


Let your users find your content fast and efficiently. Joomla 4 search is advanced and configurable. With an active indexer, once indexed it adds content as it's created so you need do no more than concentrate on creating more stunning content.


Read documentation


Customisable email templates speed up the process of site deployment and personalisation. Change the site emails to fit your brand. Use the distinctive style of your site to communicate with your users when sending site emails.


Read documentation

" -J4LANDING_ARTICLE_10_TITLE="Joomla4 para fluxos de trabalho" -J4LANDING_ARTICLE_10_CONTENT="

With workflows, you can create any number of processes to take your content creation from idea to polished publication in a defined and controlled way. Workflow plugins create a powerful new ecosphere speeding up content creation.


Read documentation


With Joomla 4 you benefit from increased performance. Speed is one of the top factors in converting clicks to views. Whether your site is e-commerce or you need to grow your subscriptions. Joomla 4 makes it go like a rocket.


Read documentation

" -J4LANDING_ARTICLE_8_TITLE="Joomla4 para acessibilidade" -J4LANDING_ARTICLE_8_CONTENT="

Joomla 4 oferece o melhor em acessibilidade na categoria e todos os visitantes do seu sítio beneficiarão disso. Disposição visual, contraste e infraestrutura: possuem todos acessibilidade incorporada. O Joomla 4 visa corresponder às Diretrizes de acessibilidade do W3C (WCAG) 2.1 (com conformidade AA)


Ler documentação


Running a website with well written, state-of-the-art code helps you stay safe. Joomla 4 contains many changes designed to maximize security and keep hackers out. Moving to Joomla 4 is the wise choice.


Read documentation

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_20_TITLE="Joomla para visitas guiadas" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_20_CONTENT="

As visitas guiadas são um modo perfeito para aprender como utilizar a área de administração do seu sítio. As visitas guiadas vêm pré-instalados para as tarefas mais comuns e podem ser ampliados ou criados do zero para orientar os visitantes através de qualquer componente ou configuração.


Leia o artigo da Joomla! Community Magazine


Os atalhos de teclado existem para facilitar a vida. Toques simples no teclado que aumentam a sua produtividade. Agora pode usar atalhos predefinidos ou criar os seus próprios atalhos de teclado, levando as suas capacidades de edição a um novo nível.


Leia a documentação

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_18_TITLE="Joomla para autenticação multifator" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_18_CONTENT="

Centrado na segurança, o Joomla já oferecia autenticação a dois fatores há alguns anos. Agora o Joomla adiciona a autenticação multifator, permitindo-lhe escolher outra autenticação, dando-lhe mais controlo na segurança dos seus sítios e uma autenticação à prova de futuro.


Leia a documentação

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_17_TITLE="Joomla para temas dependentes" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_17_CONTENT="

Modelos dependentes permitem-lhe criar diferentes visuais para o seu sítio sem editar o seu modelo. A separação torna a atualização do modelo muito mais fácil. Com modelos secundários, todos os ficheiros ficam na pasta de multimédia. Tudo controlado a partir de um ficheiro XML.


Leia a documentação

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_TITLE="Joomla para agendador de tarefas" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_CONTENT="

Tem tarefas que realiza repetidamente?
Ou tarefas futuras das quais não se deve esquecer? Agora pode automatizá-las facilmente utilizando o novo Agendador de tarefas integrado no Joomla 4.1.


Leia a documentação


Chegue rapidamente ao topo de qualquer motor pesquisa com o Joomla 4. Este cuida do SEO para que possa concentrar-se em fazer com que o seu conteúdo fantástico seja notado. SEO integrado na página significa que você obterá uma estrutura de página correta sem usar extensões adicionais.


Leia a documentação


Uma área de administração redesenhada acelera a criação de conteúdos. As melhorias no gestor de multimédia e no editor dão-lhe o poder de projetar e criar sítios Web incríveis. Os modelos de artigo ajudam-no a si e aos seus colegas a manter o desenho da página.


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Permita aos seus utilizadores encontrar o seu conteúdo com rapidez e eficiência. A pesquisa do Joomla 4 é avançada e configurável. Com um indexador ativo, que uma vez indexado adiciona conteúdo à medida que for criado, apenas terá de se concentrar na criação de conteúdos impressionantes.


Leia a documentação


Modelos personalizáveis de correio eletrónico ​​aceleram o processo de implementação e personalização do sítio. Altere os emails do sítio para se adequarem à sua marca. Utilize o estilo distinto do seu sítio para comunicar com os seus utilizadores ao enviar mensagens eletrónicas do sítio.


Leia a documentação

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_10_TITLE="Joomla para fluxos de trabalho" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_10_CONTENT="

Com fluxos de trabalho pode criar qualquer número de processos para levar, de maneira definida e controlada, a sua criação de conteúdo desde a ideia até à publicação refinada. Os plugins' de fluxo de trabalho criam uma nova e poderosa ecosfera, acelerando a criação de conteúdo.


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Com o Joomla 4 beneficia de um melhor desempenho. A velocidade é um dos principais fatores na conversão de cliques em visualizações, seja um sítio de comércio eletrónico ou um que precise de aumentar as suas subscrições. Joomla 4 faz com que ele seja rápido como um foguete.


Leia a documentação

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_8_TITLE="Joomla para acessibilidade" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_8_CONTENT="

Joomla 4 oferece o melhor em acessibilidade na sua categoria e todos os visitantes do seu sítio beneficiarão com isso. Disposição visual, contraste e infraestrutura: todos possuem acessibilidade incorporada. O Joomla 4 visa corresponder às Diretrizes de acessibilidade 2.1 do W3C (WCAG) com conformidade AA)


Ler documentação


A execução de um sítio Web com código de última geração e bem escrito ajuda-o a manter-se seguro. O Joomla 4 contém muitas alterações projetadas para maximizar a segurança e manter os atacantes afastados. Mudar para o Joomla 4 é a escolha inteligente.


Leia a documentação

" ; Joomla4Translations Section J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_H3="Traduções" -J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_BUTTON="Ajude-nos a traduzir o Joomla 4!" +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_BUTTON="Ajude-nos a traduzir o Joomla!" J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_SPONSOR="Fornecido por Crowdin Enterprise" ; Thank you part J4LANDING_THANKYOU_H3="Muito obrigado!" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/ro-RO.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/ro-RO.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/ro-RO.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/ro-RO.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/ru-RU.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/ru-RU.override.ini index ab620bbb..a9cff164 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/ru-RU.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/ru-RU.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Тысячи волонтеров
по в J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Joomla может быть использована для создания многих типов сайтов. Сайты на базе сообщества, сайты электронной коммерции или электронного обучения, Joomla может адаптироваться к структуре или предназначению сайта, который вы задумали. Joomla обладает обширным набором функций, которые помогут вам добиться потрясающих результатов:


Обучающие туры - это отличный способ научиться пользоваться разделом администратора вашего сайта. Обучающие туры предустановлены для самых распространенных задач и могут быть расширены и созданы с нуля для сопровождения посетителей по любому компоненту или конфигурации.


Прочитайте статью журнала


Клавиатурные сочетания сделают жизнь проще. Простые клавиатурные нажатия клавиш, которые повышают вашу производительность. Теперь вы можете установить сочетания клавиш и установить собственные клавиши быстрого доступа, чтобы изменить свои навыки редактирования на новый уровень.


Прочитайте документацию


С безопасностью в сердце, Joomla предлагает два фактора аутентификации на протяжении многих лет. Теперь Joomla добавляет многофакторную аутентификацию, позволяющую вам лучше контролировать безопасность ваших сайтов и будущую проверку подлинности.


Прочитайте документацию


Дочерние шаблоны позволяют вам создавать разные образы вашего сайта без редактирования шаблона. Разделение делает обновление шаблона намного проще. С дочерними шаблонами все ресурсы находятся в папке media. Всё управляется из одного XML-файла.


Прочитайте документацию


Есть ли у вас задачи, которые вы делаете снова и снова?
Или задачи на будущее, которые вы не должны забыть сделать? Теперь вы можете легко автоматизировать их с помощью нового планировщика задач, который поставляется в Joomla 4.1.


Прочитайте документацию


Быстро доберитесь до вершины любой поисковой системы с Joomla 4. Она позаботится о SEO, чтобы вы могли сосредоточиться на том, чтобы ваш отличный контент был замечен. SEO, встроенное в архитектуру страницы, означает, что вы получите правильную структуру страницы без каких-либо дополнительных расширений.


Прочитать документацию

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/si-LK.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/si-LK.override.ini index bd784338..8cb5e5de 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/si-LK.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/si-LK.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/sk-SK.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/sk-SK.override.ini index 5ebd3f87..b090896a 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/sk-SK.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/sk-SK.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Tisíce dobrovoľníkov
Celosvetovo" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla pre vás" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

S Joomla môžete vytvoriť množstvo rôznych webov. Komunitné stránky, e-commerce stránky alebo e-learningové stránky, Joomla sa dokáže prispôsobiť štruktúre alebo určeniu stránok podľa vašich predstáv. Joomla má rozsiahlu škálu funkcií, ktoré vám pomôžu dosiahnuť úžasné výsledky:

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_20_TITLE="Sprievodcovia systémom Joomla 4" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_20_CONTENT="

Prehliadky so sprievodcom sú skvelým spôsobom, ako sa naučiť používať sekciu správcu vášho webu. Sprievodcovia sú predinštalovaní pre najbežnejšie úlohy a možno ich rozšíriť a vytvoriť od začiatku, aby návštevníkov previedli akýmkoľvek komponentom alebo konfiguráciou.


Prečítajte si dokumentáciu

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_19_TITLE="Klávesové skratky Joomla 4" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_19_CONTENT="

Klávesové skratky slúžia na uľahčenie života. Jednoduché klávesové skratky, ktoré zvyšujú vašu produktivitu. Teraz môžete používať nastavené klávesové skratky a definovať si vlastné klávesové skratky, ktoré posunú vaše editačné zručnosti na novú úroveň.


Prečítajte si dokumentáciu

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_18_TITLE="Viacfaktorové overenie Joomla 4" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_18_CONTENT="

Systém Joomla už roky ponúka dvojfaktorové overovanie, ktorého základom je bezpečnosť. Teraz Joomla pridáva viacfaktorové overovanie, ktoré vám umožňuje vybrať si ďalšie overovanie, čím vám dáva väčšiu kontrolu nad bezpečnosťou vašich stránok a zabezpečuje overovanie v budúcnosti.


Prečítajte si dokumentáciu


Podšablóny vám umožňujú vytvárať rôzne vzhľady vašich stránok bez toho, aby ste museli upravovať šablónu. Vďaka oddeleniu je aktualizácia šablóny oveľa jednoduchšia. Pri detských šablónach sú všetky prostriedky v priečinku médií. Všetko sa ovláda z jedného súboru XML.


Prečítajte si dokumentáciu


Máte úlohy, ktoré vykonávate opakovane?
Alebo úlohy do budúcnosti, na ktoré nesmiete zabudnúť? Teraz ich môžete ľahko automatizovať pomocou nového plánovača úloh, ktorý bol dodaný v systéme Joomla 4.1.


Prečítajte si dokumentáciu


Dostaňte sa rýchlo na vrchol každého vyhľadávača s Joomlou 4. Postará sa o SEO, takže sa môžete sústrediť na to, aby ste si všimli skvelý obsah stránok. SEO integrované do stránky znamená, že získate správnu štruktúru stránky bez ďalších rozšírení.


Prečítajte si dokumentáciu

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla a dizajn" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/sl-SI.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/sl-SI.override.ini index 0fa1ca65..e19c2a89 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/sl-SI.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/sl-SI.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Tisoč prostovoljcev
Po vsem svetu" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Z Joomla lahko ustvarite številne vrste spletnih strani. Spletne strani v skupnosti, e-trgovine ali spletne strani za e-učenje se lahko Joomla prilagodi strukturi ali namenu spletne strani, ki jo imate v mislih. Joomla ima široko paleto funkcij, ki vam pomagajo doseči neverjetne rezultate:


Vodeni ogledi so odličen način, da se naučite uporabljati skrbniški del vaše spletne strani. Vodeni ogledi so vnaprej nameščeni za najpogostejša opravila in jih je mogoče razširiti in zgraditi od začetka, da obiskovalce vodijo skozi katero koli komponento ali konfiguracijo.


Preberite prispevek


Bližnjice na tipkovnici vam olajšajo življenje. Preprosti pritiski tipk na tipkovnici, ki povečajo vašo produktivnost. Zdaj lahko uporabljate nastavljene bližnjice in določite lastne bližnjice na tipkovnici, s čimer boste svoje spretnosti urejanja dvignili na novo raven.


Preberite dokumentacijo


Z varnostjo v središču Joomla že leta ponuja dvofaktorsko avtentikacijo. Zdaj Joomla dodaja večfaktorje, ki vam omogočajo, da izberete drugo avtentikacijo, kar vam daje več nadzora nad varnostjo vaših spletnih mest in preverjanjem pristnosti v prihodnosti..


Preberite dokumentacijo

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_17_TITLE="Joomla4Podrejene predloge" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_17_CONTENT="

Podrejene predloge vam omogočajo ustvarjanje različnih videzov za vašo spletno stran brez urejanja predloge. Zaradi ločevanja je posodabljanje predloge veliko lažje. Pri podrejenih predlogah so vsa sredstva v mapi predstavnosti. Vse je nadzorovano iz ene datoteke XML.


Preberite dokumentacijo

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_TITLE="Joomla4Načrtovalnik opravil" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_CONTENT="

Imate naloge, ki jih vedno znova opravljate??
Ali naloge za prihodnost, ki jih ne smete pozabiti narediti? Zdaj jih lahko z lahkoto avtomatizirate z novim načrtovalnikom opravil, ki je bil priložen v Joomli 4.1.


Preberite dokumentacijo


Z Joomlo 4. hitro pridite na vrh katerega koli iskalnika. Skrbi za SEO, tako da se lahko osredotočite na opazovanje odličnih vsebin. SEO, vgrajen v stran, pomeni, da dobite pravilno strukturo strani brez dodatnih razširitev.


Preberite dokumentacijo

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Oblika" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/sr-RS.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/sr-RS.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/sr-RS.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/sr-RS.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/sr-YU.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/sr-YU.override.ini index cd0f20c8..32ea32b2 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/sr-YU.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/sr-YU.override.ini @@ -1,67 +1,77 @@ -J4LANDING_LANGUAGE="English" ; Enter your language in your local language way (Not the English version) -J4LANDING_PAGETITLE="Joomla! 4 is out! Lightning fast! Top for SEO! Most secure!" -J4LANDING_METADESC="Joomla! version 4 is out! Top for speedy sites & handcrafted SEO! Built for security and accessibility! ► Go explore all new features now & find out more!" +J4LANDING_LANGUAGE="Engleski" ; Enter your language in your local language way (Not the English version) +J4LANDING_PAGETITLE="Joomla! 4 je dostupna! Munjevito brz CMS sistem! Vrhunski cms za SEO optimizaciju! Ozbiljno siguran!" +J4LANDING_METADESC="Joomla! verzija 4 je izašla! Odlična za izradu brzih veb sajtova i SEO optimizaciju po vašem ukusu! Napravljena za sigurnost i pristupačnost! ► Istražite sve nove funkcije i saznajte više!" ; Menu J4LANDING_MENU_JOOMLA_4="Joomla! 4" -J4LANDING_MENU_BENEFITS="Benefits" -J4LANDING_MENU_FEATURES="Features" -J4LANDING_MENU_TRANSLATIONS="Translations" -J4LANDING_MENU_THANK_YOU="Thank you" -J4LANDING_MENU_DOWNLOAD="Download" +J4LANDING_MENU_BENEFITS="Prednosti" +J4LANDING_MENU_FEATURES="Karakteristike" +J4LANDING_MENU_TRANSLATIONS="Prevodi" +J4LANDING_MENU_THANK_YOU="Hvala Vam" +J4LANDING_MENU_DOWNLOAD="Preuzmi" ; Joomla4Intro Section -J4LANDING_TITLE="Build a beautiful, scalable website that will grow with your business." +J4LANDING_TITLE="Pravite prelepe sajtove, koji se mogu proširivati i rasti zajedno sa vašim poslom." J4LANDING_H1="Joomla! 4.0" -J4LANDING_H2="A New World of Possibilities" -J4LANDING_DOWNLOADBUTTON="Download JOOMLA! 4" +J4LANDING_H2="Svet novih mogućnosti" +J4LANDING_DOWNLOADBUTTON="Preuzmi JOOMLA! 4" ; Joomla4Benefits Section J4LANDING_J4ALL_H2="Joomla4All" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. -J4LANDING_J4ALL_DESC="

Joomla is an award-winning Open Source CMS built and maintained by a strong community of volunteers who strive to produce robust, secure, easy to use software.
It is free to download and use, and its functionalities meet cutting edge web technology.

Joomla enables website creators to create powerful websites, where maintaining its content is easy and seamless.


Joomla je nagrađivani CMS otvorenog koda koji je izgradila i održava jaka zajednica volontera koji nastoje da proizvedu robustan, siguran i jednostavan za korišćenje cms softver.
Besplatna je za preuzimanje i korišćenje, a njene karakteristike zadovoljavaju najnovije veb tehnologije.

Joomla omogućava kreatorima sajtova da kreiraju moćne sajtove gde je održavanje sadržaja lako i besprekorno.




You want a flexible system that is easy to customise


Open Source


You want an open source system, open to scrutiny


SEO optimised


Boost your chance of winning top place


Security first


You want a secure system that is robust


Multilingual content


You want a system that is easily grow with your business


Growing system


You want a system that can grow as you do




Želite fleksibilan sistem koji se lako prilagođava

\n" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_2_TITLE="Open Source (Otvoreni kod)" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_2_CONTENT="

Open source - Otvoreni kod


Želite sistem otvorenog koda, otvoren za praćenje


Optimizovano za SEO


Povećajte svoje šanse da osvojite prvo mesto na pretraživačima

\n" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_4_TITLE="Sigurnost na prvom mestu" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_4_CONTENT="

Sigurnost na prvom mestu


Želite siguran sistem koji je robustan


Višejezični sadržaj


Želite sistem koji lako napreduje s vašim poslovanjem


Rastući sistem


Želite sistem koji može rasti kao i vi

\n" ; Joomla in Numbers -J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_H2="Joomla in Numbers" -J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DESC="This section shows the achievements of Joomla!
in the last years. Real numbers and relevant subjects." -J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DOWNLOADS="Million Downloads
Worldwide" -J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_EXTENSIONS="Thousand Extensions
Worldwide" -J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_WEBSITES="Million Websites
Worldwide" -J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_H2="Joomla u brojevima" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DESC="Ovaj odjeljak prikazuje dostignuća Joomle!
u posljednjim godinama. Pravi brojevi i relevantni predmeti." +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_DOWNLOADS="Milion preuzimanja
Širom sveta" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_EXTENSIONS="Hiljade proširenja
Širom sveta" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_WEBSITES="Milion stranica
Širom sveta" +J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Hiljade volontera
Širom sveta" ; Joomla4Features Section J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. -J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Sa Joomlom možete izgraditi mnoge vrste web stranica. Web stranice temeljene na zajednici, e-trgovina ili web stranice za e-učenje, Joomla se može prilagoditi strukturi ili nameni web stranice koja vam je potrebna. Joomla ima opsežan niz karakteristika koje će vam pomoći postići neverovatne rezultate:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Prečice na tastaturi su ono što čini život lakšim. Sada možete definisati svoje i povećati svoju produktivnost.


Pročitaj dokumentaciju


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates vam omogućavaju da uređujete stil vašeg sajta bez uređivanja samog originalnog šablona. Ovo vam takođe omoguđava da lakšte ažurirate vaš sajt. Sa dečjim šablonima sva podešavanja su kontrolisana iz 1 XML datoteke.


Pročitaj dokumentaciju


Da li imate zadatke koje radite iznova i iznova?
Ili zadatke za budućnost koje ne smete da zaboravite? Sada možete automatizovati ove procese sa novom Joomla 4.1.


Pročitaj dokumentaciju


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation


Brzo dođite do vrha bilo kojeg pretraživača s Joomlom 4. Brinemo se o SEO-u tako da se možete fokusirati na posmatranje Vašeg sadržaja. SEO ugrađen u stranicu znači da ćete dobiti ispravnu strukturu stranice bez ikakvih dodatnih proširenja.


Pročitaj dokumentaciju


A redesigned administration area speeds content creation. Improved media manager and editor updates give you the power to design and build amazing websites. Article templates help you and your colleagues keep to the page design.


Read documentation


Redizajnirano administrativno područje ubrzava kreiranje sadržaja. Poboljšano ažuriranje medija menadžera i uređivača daje vam moć dizajniranja i izgradnje neverovatnih web stranica. Predlošci članaka pomažu vama i vašim kolegama da zadržite dizajn stranice.


Pročitajte dokumentaciju


Let your users find your content fast and efficiently. Joomla 4 search is advanced and configurable. With an active indexer, once indexed it adds content as it's created so you need do no more than concentrate on creating more stunning content.


Read documentation


Omogućite svojim korisnicima da brzo i efikasno pronađu Vaš sadržaj. Joomla 4 pretraživanje napredno je i podesivo. S aktivnim indeksiranjem, nakon što se indeksira, dodaje sadržaj čim je kreiran, pa sve šo trebate da uradite je koncetrisati se na kreiranju što više zapanjujućeg sadržaja.


Pročitajte dokumentaciju


Customisable email templates speed up the process of site deployment and personalisation. Change the site emails to fit your brand. Use the distinctive style of your site to communicate with your users when sending site emails.


Read documentation


Prilagodljivi predlošci e-pošte ubrzavaju proces postavljanja i prilagođavanja web stranice. Promenite e-poštu web lokacije kako bi odgovarala vašem brendu. Koristite jedinstven stil svoje web stranice za komunikaciju sa svojim korisnicima prilikom slanja e-pošte s web lokacije.


Pročitajte dokumentaciju


With workflows, you can create any number of processes to take your content creation from idea to polished publication in a defined and controlled way. Workflow plugins create a powerful new ecosphere speeding up content creation.


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Pomoću workflows-a (radni tok) možete stvoriti neograničen broj procesa za kreiranje vašeg sadržaja od ideje do uglađenog izdanja na definisan i kontrolisan način. Dodaci za radni tok stvaraju moćnu novu ekosferu koja ubrzava stvaranje sadržaja.


Pročitaj dokumentaciju


With Joomla 4 you benefit from increased performance. Speed is one of the top factors in converting clicks to views. Whether your site is e-commerce or you need to grow your subscriptions. Joomla 4 makes it go like a rocket.


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S Joomlom 4 imate velikih koristi od poboljšanih performansi. Brzina je jedan od glavnih činioca u pretvaranju klikova u prikaze. Bilo da je vaša web stranica e-trgovina ili trebate povećati svoje pretplate. Joomla 4 ide poput rakete.


Pročitaj dokumentaciju


Joomla 4 delivers best in class accessibility. All visitors to your website will benefit. Layout, contrast and infrastructure all have accessibility built-in. Joomla 4 aims for W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 (with AA compliance)


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Joomla 4 pruža najbolju pristupačnost u klasi. Svi posetioci vaše web stranice će imati koristi. Raspored, kontrasti i infrastruktura imaju ugrađenu pristupačnost. Joomla 4 ima za cilj W3C Smernice o pristupačnosti (WCAG) 2.1 (sa usklađenošću sa AA)


Pročitaj dokumentaciju


Running a website with well written, state-of-the-art code helps you stay safe. Joomla 4 contains many changes designed to maximize security and keep hackers out. Moving to Joomla 4 is the wise choice.


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Pokretanje web stranice s dobro napisanim, savremenim kodom pomaže vam da ostanete sigurni. Joomla 4 sadrži mnoge promene osmišljene kako bi povećale sigurnost i sprečile hakere. Prelazak na Joomla 4 mudar je izbor.


Pročitaj dokumentaciju

" ; Joomla4Translations Section -J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_H3="Translations" -J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_BUTTON="Help us translate Joomla 4!" +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_H3="Prevodi" +J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_BUTTON="Pomozi nam prevesti Joomla 4!" J4LANDING_TRANSLATIONS_SPONSOR="Powered by Crowdin Enterprise" ; Thank you part -J4LANDING_THANKYOU_H3="Thank you!" -J4LANDING_THANKYOU_DESC="

The Joomla! Project would like to thank all the many hundreds of hard working, enthusiastic and committed people who have made Joomla 4 possible.
Some known, some anonymous, not all sadly still with us.
You are all part of this great achievement and only with the help and kindness of so many contributing for free,
can such a community based, open-source project come to life and produce Joomla 4.


Joomla! projekt želi zahvaliti stotinama vrednih, entuzijastičnih i predanih ljudi koji su omogućili Joomlu 4.
Neki poznati, neki anonimni, nisu svi nažalost još uvek s nama.
Svi ste deo ovog velikog dostignuća i samo uz pomoć i ljubaznost toliko besplatnih saradnika,
takav projekt otvorenog koda zasnovan na zajednici, može zaživeti i proizvesti Joomlu 4.

" +J4LANDING_THANKYOU_BUTTON="Saradnici Joomle 4." diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/sv-SE.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/sv-SE.override.ini index d225c51b..8db4e46b 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/sv-SE.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/sv-SE.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Tusentals volontärer
Över hela världen J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4Dig" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Med Joomla kan du bygga många typer av webbplatser. Gemenskapsbaserade webbplatser, e-handel eller e-lärande webbplatser, Joomla kan anpassa sig till strukturen eller syftet med den webbplats du har i åtanke. Joomla har ett omfattande utbud av funktioner som hjälper dig att uppnå fantastiska resultat:


Guidade turer är ett bra sätt att lära sig använda administratörssektionen på din webbplats. Guidade turer kommer förinstallerade för de vanligaste uppgifterna och kan utökas och byggas från början för att guida besökare genom valfri komponent eller konfiguration.


Läs tidningsartikel


Tangentbordsgenvägar finns för att göra livet enklare. Enkla tangenttryckningar som ökar din produktivitet. Nu kan du använda ställa in genvägar och definiera dina egna kortkommandon som tar din redigering färdigheter till en ny nivå.


Läsa dokumentation


Med säkerhet i hjärtat har Joomla erbjudit tvåfaktorsautentisering i åratal. Joomla lägger nu till flera faktorer så att du kan välja den andra autentiseringen, vilket ger dig mer kontroll på dina webbplatser säkerhet och framtida verifiering av verifiering.


Läsa dokumentation


Med undermallar kan du skapa olika utseenden för din webbplats utan att redigera din mall. Separationen gör det mycket enklare att uppdatera mallen. Med underordnade mallar finns alla resurser i mediemappen. Alla kontrolleras från en XML-fil.


Läsa dokumentation


Har du uppgifter som du gör gång på gång?
Eller uppgifter för framtiden som du inte får glömma? Nu kan du automatisera dem med lätthet med hjälp av den nya Schemaläggaren som levererades i Joomla 4.1.


Läsa dokumentation


Kom högst upp på alla sökmotorer snabbt med Joomla 4. Det tar hand om SEO så att du kan fokusera på att få ditt fantastiska innehåll märkt. SEO inbyggd i sidan innebär att du får rätt sidstruktur utan ytterligare tillägg.


Läs dokumentationen

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/ta-IN.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/ta-IN.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/ta-IN.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/ta-IN.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/th-TH.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/th-TH.override.ini index 8aa57237..ceadb80f 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/th-TH.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/th-TH.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="อาสาสมัครนับพัน J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

ด้วย Joomla คุณสามารถสร้างเว็บไซต์ได้หลายประเภท เว็บไซต์ชุมชนออนไลน์ อีคอมเมิร์ซ หรือเว็บไซต์อีเลิร์นนิง Joomla สามารถปรับให้เข้ากับโครงสร้างหรือวัตถุประสงค์ของเว็บไซต์ที่คุณคำนึงถึง Joomla มีคุณสมบัติมากมายที่จะช่วยให้คุณบรรลุผลลัพธ์ที่น่าทึ่ง:


ไกด์ทัวร์เป็นวิธีที่ดีในการเรียนรู้วิธีใช้ส่วนผู้ดูแลระบบของเว็บไซต์ของคุณ ไกด์ทัวร์ได้ติดตั้งมาล่วงหน้าสำหรับงานทั่วไป และสามารถขยาย และสร้างใหม่ตั้งแต่ต้นเพื่อแนะนำผู้เยี่ยมชมผ่านส่วนเสริม หรือการตั้งค่าใด ๆ




แป้นพิมพ์ลัดมีไว้เพื่อทำให้ชีวิตง่ายขึ้น การกดแป้นพิมพ์แบบง่ายๆ ที่ช่วยเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการทำงานของคุณ ตอนนี้คุณสามารถใช้ชุดทางลัด และกำหนดแป้นพิมพ์ลัดของคุณเองเพื่อยกระดับทักษะการแก้ไขของคุณไปอีกระดับ




ด้วยความปลอดภัยที่เป็นหัวใจสำคัญ Joomla ได้ใช้การรับรองความถูกต้องแบบสองปัจจัยเป็นเวลาหลายปี ตอนนี้ Joomla ได้เพิ่มแบบหลายปัจจัยให้คุณเลือกการรับรองความถูกต้องอื่น ๆ ทำให้คุณสามารถควบคุมความปลอดภัยของเว็บไซต์ และการพิสูจน์ตัวตนในอนาคตได้ดีมากขึ้น




เทมเพลตลูกช่วยให้คุณสร้างรูปลักษณ์ที่แตกต่างกันสำหรับไซต์ของคุณโดยไม่ต้องแก้ไขเทมเพลตของคุณ การแยกส่วนทำให้การอัปเดตเทมเพลตง่ายขึ้นมาก ด้วยเทมเพลตลูก เนื้อหาทั้งหมดจะอยู่ในโฟลเดอร์สื่อ ทั้งหมดควบคุมจากไฟล์ XML ไฟล์เดียว



" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_TITLE="Joomla4ตัวกำหนดเวลางาน" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_CONTENT="

หรืองานสำหรับอนาคตที่คุณต้องไม่ลืมที่จะทำ? ตอนนี้คุณสามารถทำให้มันเป็นอัตโนมัติได้อย่างง่ายดาย โดยใช้ตัวกำหนดเวลางานใหม่ที่มีมาใน Joomla 4.1




ก้าวขึ้นเป็นอันดับต้นๆ ของเครื่องมือค้นหาอย่างรวดเร็วด้วย Joomla 4 ซึ่งดูแล SEO คุณจึงสามารถมุ่งเน้นที่การทำให้เนื้อหาที่ยอดเยี่ยมของคุณเป็นที่สังเกตได้ SEO ที่สร้างขึ้นในหน้าหมายความว่าคุณได้รับโครงสร้างหน้าที่ถูกต้องโดยไม่ต้องมีส่วนขยายเพิ่มเติม



" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/tr-TR.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/tr-TR.override.ini index 83807a3d..47e95526 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/tr-TR.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/tr-TR.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Dünya Çapında
Binlerce Gönüllü" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4Siz" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

Joomla ile birçok türde web sitesi oluşturabilirsiniz. Topluluk tabanlı web siteleri, e-ticaret veya e-öğrenme web siteleri, Joomla aklınızdaki web sitesinin yapısına veya amacına uyum sağlayabilir. Joomla, harika sonuçlar elde etmenize yardımcı olacak çok çeşitli özelliklere sahiptir:


Rehberli turlar, sitenizin yönetici bölümünü nasıl kullanacağınızı öğrenmenin harika bir yoludur. Kılavuzlu turlar, en yaygın görevler için önceden yüklenmiş olarak gelir ve ziyaretçilere herhangi bir bileşen veya yapılandırma boyunca rehberlik etmek için genişletilebilir ve sıfırdan oluşturulabilir.


Dergi makalesini okuyun


Hayatı kolaylaştırmak için klavye kısayolları var. Verimliliğinizi artıran basit klavye tuş vuruşları. Artık, ayarlı kısayolları kullanabilir ve düzenleme becerilerinizi yeni bir düzeye taşıyan kendi klavye kısayollarınızı tanımlayabilirsiniz.


Belgeleri okuyun


Temelinde güvenlik olan Joomla, yıllardır iki faktörlü kimlik doğrulaması sunuyor. Şimdi Joomla, diğer kimlik doğrulamalarıı seçmenize olanak tanıyan çoklu faktör ekleyerek sitenizin güvenliğinde ve geleceğe dönük kimlik doğrulamasında size daha fazla kontrol sağlar.


Belgeleri okuyun


Alt şablonlar, şablonunuzu düzenlemeden siteniz için farklı görünümler oluşturmanıza olanak tanır. Ayırma, şablonu güncellemeyi çok daha kolay hale getirir. Alt şablonlarda tüm varlıklar medya klasöründedir. Hepsi tek bir XML dosyasından kontrol edilir.


Belgeleri okuyun

" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_TITLE="Joomla 4 Görev Zamanlayıcı" +J4LANDING_ARTICLE_16_CONTENT="

Tekrar tekrar yaptığınız görevler var mı?
Ya da geleceğe yönelik yapmayı unutmamanız gereken görevler? Artık Joomla 4.1 ile gelen yeni Görev Zamanlayıcı'yı kullanarak bunları kolaylıkla otomatikleştirebilirsiniz.


Belgeleri okuyun


Joomla 4 ile herhangi bir arama motorunun zirvesine hızla çıkın. Harika içeriğinizin fark edilmesini sağlamaya odaklanabilmeniz için SEO ile ilgilenir. Sayfanın içine yerleştirilmiş SEO, herhangi bir ek uzantı olmadan doğru sayfa yapısını elde ettiğiniz anlamına gelir.


Belgeleri okuyun

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Tasarım" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/uk-UA.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/uk-UA.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/uk-UA.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/uk-UA.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/ur-IN.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/ur-IN.override.ini index cd0f20c8..89bcbca5 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/ur-IN.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/ur-IN.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/zh-CN.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/zh-CN.override.ini index 1c7debff..9b71bf12 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/zh-CN.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/zh-CN.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="Thousand Volunteers
Worldwide" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

With Joomla you can build many types of websites. Community-based websites, e-commerce or e-learning websites, Joomla can adapt to the structure or purpose of the website you have in mind. Joomla has an extensive array of features to help you achieve amazing results:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


Get to the top of any search engine fast with Joomla 4. It takes care of SEO so you can focus on getting your great content noticed. SEO built into the page means you get the correct page structure without any additional extensions.


Read documentation

" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design" diff --git a/www/4/language/overrides/zh-TW.override.ini b/www/4/language/overrides/zh-TW.override.ini index 3d8ceb39..561dafe0 100644 --- a/www/4/language/overrides/zh-TW.override.ini +++ b/www/4/language/overrides/zh-TW.override.ini @@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ J4LANDING_J4INNUMBERS_VOLUNTEERS="數以千計志工
全球規模" J4LANDING_J4YOU_H2="Joomla4You" ; Translation not needed, it's in the video and used as slogan. J4LANDING_J4YOU_DESC="

透過 Joomla! 你可建立眾多類型的網站:社群基礎的網站、電子商務或線上學習網站等,Joomla! 能適應你心中網站的架構或目的。Joomla! 擁有廣大的功能協助你達成驚人的效果:


Guided tours are a great way to learn how to use the administrator section of your site. Guided tours come preinstalled for the most common tasks and can be extended and built from scratch to guide visitors through any component or configuration.


Read magazine article


Keyboard shortcuts are there to make life easier. Simple keyboard keystrokes that increase your productivity. Now you can use set shortcuts and define your own keyboard shortcuts taking your editing skills to a new level.


Read documentation


With security at its heart, Joomla has offered two factor authentication for years. Now Joomla adds multi-factor allowing you to chose the other authentication, giving you more control in your sites security and future proofing authentication.


Read documentation


Childtemplates allow you to create different looks for your site without editing your template. The seperation makes updating the template so much easier. With child templates, all the assets are in the media folder. All controlled from one XML file.


Read documentation


Do you have tasks you do time and time again?
Or tasks for the future which you must not forget to do? Now you can automate them with ease using the new Task Scheduler that shipped in Joomla 4.1.


Read documentation


透過 Joomla! 4 快速取得任意搜尋引擎首位。它負責 SEO 所以你可以專注在受關注的精彩內容。SEO 建置於頁面當中意味著你不需額外套件就獲得正確的頁面架構。



" J4LANDING_ARTICLE_13_TITLE="Joomla4Design"